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Anyone Watching A Good Tv Show?


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I started watching BSG about six months ago but only watched the first miniseries. I'll have to revisit it due to all this praise.


I agree about that female pilot. She plays by her own rules but she's the best pilot we've got dammit!


Also, the bloke (possibly colonel) who drinks on the job looks like Iain Duncan Smith.

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BSG was a great show, but doesn't even get in my top 5

Ridiculous to call it the best of all time IMO

Not even a contest. It's different league entirely to all other shows I watched. The Guardian one year on from calling the Wire the best show ever backtracked and placed that on BSG.

I don't know if it'll have the same resonance now though given its about Bush Era America and the fear of terrorism from within.

To this day nothing gets close to the New Caprica parts as that was during the dirty parts of Iraq war where the US were taking high casualties during the occupation.

Makes the laughable issues dealt with in West Wing looking a child's story and kids gloves.

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Good because my mate started at series one episode one and was confused. I told him it starts with a mini series. Haha, the idiot

Yeah, what an idiot. Starting at series 1 episode 1. What was he thinking?!



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I watched it last year. It's garbage, very very out of date irrelevant garbage. Nothing even bordering on edgy in the show. Pathetic given the post 9/11 issues it could have tackled. Pathetic cowardice. Such a complete waste of a an excellent premise.

Mind numbingly boring at times and Sorkins nauseating America sentiment bullshit which he ramped up to the max in Newsroom.

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I saw the first series of BSG and a couple of episodes of Season 2.


Didn't think much of it. But might revisit it given the hype.


Watchable but can't say it blew me away. Was probably 6 or 7 years ago though.

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Took till the latter half of season 2 to get me going and then it became brilliant. Similar to Breaking Bad, thought it was alright until end of season 2 and Season 3 and 4 were epic.

It's why I can't judge a tv show until I watch most of it. It's bad and good as sometimes you watch a show others say is great season after season hoping it'll become good and it doesn't. But then you get shows that get better and better and peak at the time you want them to. Then end.

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I'm at the start of Season 2 and it is warming up nicely.

Although I kind of hope some supersmart aliens turn up and wipe everyone out because I can't stand all the religious mumbo jumbo.

Have faith.

The ground work put in by the first season and second season really pays off. A show where the writers had a plan for the whole show from the beginning was such a stark contrast to the other show running at the same time. Lost.

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After some post removal.

A little more thought in some posts and a little less aggression in others thanks. Aaaaand continue ...

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I'd have said the same a few months back. I'm not that fussed about it anymore.

It'll be sad because I feel like I've been watching that show forever.


But I think it peaked a long time ago.

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NB: I've never watched an episode and am not particularly interested. I don't really have an interest in "Middle America"...

It's pretty well-liked by US critics: The AV Club's list of the best TV shows of the '00s

1. The Wire

2. The Sopranos

3. Arrested Development

4. Freaks and Geeks

5. Mad Men

6. Breaking Bad

7. The Office (UK)

8. Lost

9. Deadwood

10. The Shield

11. The Office (US)

12. Battlestar Galactica

13. 30 Rock

14. Futurama

15. Veronica Mars

16. Friday Night Lights

17. Firefly

18. How I Met Your Mother

19. Big Love

20. Tim and Eric Awesome Show, Great Job!

21. Curb Your Enthusiasm

22. Six Feet Under

23. Undeclared

24. Dexter

25. Buffy the Vampire Slayer

26. The Venture Bros.

27. Flight of the Conchords

28. Eastbound & Down

29. Wonder Showzen

30. The West Wing

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