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In his post match comments following the Ospreay v Naito G1 semi final yesterday, Will revealed that he has renounced the US title won from Kenny, and has re-christened it the UK title. 

It was always going to be the case that the build for his match at All In couldn't start until after thr G1 was done, but I just wonder where this is going. 

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On 08/08/2023 at 20:33, Zatman said:

Have to say dont get the AEW hype. Its just mainly spot merchants. The odd match is fine but not every match

In AEW finishers mean nothing at all

Yeah I don’t want to sound all Jim Cornette, but I do agree. 

From what I’ve seen the story telling isn’t there during matches. It’s all incredibly impressive but it all looks so choreographed. It shouldn’t look like the opponents are actively helping you do the moves. 

Also what’s with half the wrestlers these days using kicks or knees or punches as finishers. They all look shit

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5 hours ago, Stevo985 said:

Yeah I don’t want to sound all Jim Cornette, but I do agree. 

From what I’ve seen the story telling isn’t there during matches. It’s all incredibly impressive but it all looks so choreographed. It shouldn’t look like the opponents are actively helping you do the moves. 

Also what’s with half the wrestlers these days using kicks or knees or punches as finishers. They all look shit

I think the biggest problem with aew is there is far too much content and very little story telling. You have rampage collison rampage dark. Thats alot then you have poor  builds

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5 hours ago, Demitri_C said:

I think the biggest problem with aew is there is far too much content and very little story telling. You have rampage collison rampage dark. Thats alot then you have poor  builds

The biggest problem is that it's a high spot botch fest ran by "executives" who know nothing about wrestling or how to put a match together, and are only in it for themselves.

The audience have figured on to this, and the US viewing figures alone for AEW are 10% of WWE, at a time when wrestling fans are crying out for a decent alternative promotion.

Cody leaving tells everyone as much, he's been around wrestling all his life and jumped back to WWE at the first opportunity.

Follow aew botches on twitter, it's very funny.

As Corny says, it's the dribbling shi...

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The current card as we head into All In. I'm going to spoiler it as some of the matches were added last night, so for the sake of those wanting to find out the current card via watching Dynamite, I won't ruin it for them;


All In: Zero Hour

  • Aussie Open (c) vs. MJF & Adam Cole in a Tag Team match for the ROH World Tag Team Championship.

All In

  • FTR (c) vs. The Young Bucks III in a Tag Team match for the AEW World Tag Team Championship.
  • Hikaru Shida (c) vs. Toni Storm vs. Saraya vs. Dr. Britt Baker, D.M.D. in a Four-way match for the AEW Women's World Championship.
  • Darby Allin & Sting vs. Mogul Embassy in a Tag Team Coffin match.
  • The Golden Elite vs. Bullet Club Gold & Konosuke Takeshita in a Six-man Tag Team match.
  • Eddie Kingston, Orange Cassidy, Best Friends, & Lucha Brothers vs. Blackpool Combat Club & 3 mystery partners in a Stadium Stampede match.
  • Will Ospreay vs. Chris Jericho in a Singles match.
  • MJF (c) vs. Adam Cole in a Singles match for the AEW World Championship.

Yet to be confirmed, but likely to also be on the card is CM Punk vs Samoa Joe for the "Real" Worlds Championship, but CM Punk has yet to agree to the match publicly on Collision, so we're just waiting on that storyline to advance at this point. 


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59 minutes ago, Daweii said:

The current card as we head into All In. I'm going to spoiler it as some of the matches were added last night, so for the sake of those wanting to find out the current card via watching Dynamite, I won't ruin it for them;

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All In: Zero Hour

  • Aussie Open (c) vs. MJF & Adam Cole in a Tag Team match for the ROH World Tag Team Championship.

All In

  • FTR (c) vs. The Young Bucks III in a Tag Team match for the AEW World Tag Team Championship.
  • Hikaru Shida (c) vs. Toni Storm vs. Saraya vs. Dr. Britt Baker, D.M.D. in a Four-way match for the AEW Women's World Championship.
  • Darby Allin & Sting vs. Mogul Embassy in a Tag Team Coffin match.
  • The Golden Elite vs. Bullet Club Gold & Konosuke Takeshita in a Six-man Tag Team match.
  • Eddie Kingston, Orange Cassidy, Best Friends, & Lucha Brothers vs. Blackpool Combat Club & 3 mystery partners in a Stadium Stampede match.
  • Will Ospreay vs. Chris Jericho in a Singles match.
  • MJF (c) vs. Adam Cole in a Singles match for the AEW World Championship.

Yet to be confirmed, but likely to also be on the card is CM Punk vs Samoa Joe for the "Real" Worlds Championship, but CM Punk has yet to agree to the match publicly on Collision, so we're just waiting on that storyline to advance at this point. 


A couple dud matches tbh.

Like the sting match, four way women and best friends

Card was looking strong and its got weaker as each weeks gone on.

No keith lee, hardys, acclaimed, HOB, hobbs, starks, sammy, kris statlander jungle boy, hook, christian

Unless they planning some kind of BR

What you think of card @Daweii ?

Edited by Demitri_C
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Just now, Demitri_C said:

A couple dud matches tbh.

Like the sting match, four way women and best friends

Card was looking strong and its got weaker as each weeks gone on.

No keith lee, hardys, acclaimed, HOB, hobbs, starks, sammy, kris statlander jungle boy, hook, christian

Unless they planning some kind of BR

Some of the talent is being left off All In because of All Out happening a week later.

For instance, Luchasaurus (c) w/ Christian vs. Darby Allin in a Singles match for the AEW TNT Championship is happening at All Out, so Christian will potentially be saved for All Out. 

Powerhouse Hobbs vs. Miro in a Singles match is also likely happening at All Out.

That said and I will spoiler this because it happened last night;


The House of Black attacked The Acclaimed last night on Dynamite and stole Daddy Ass' boots.

I think we'll get The House of Black vs. The Acclaimed & Daddy Ass for the AEW Trios Championship at All In so Daddy Ass can either officially retire in front of 80k+ fans, or so that Daddy Ass can win one last title in front of 80k+ fans. 

 Outside of that though, I think some wrestlers will just miss out and I'm not sure AEW has any plans to do a battle royale just to get the rest of the roster onto the card. 

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1 hour ago, Daweii said:

Some of the talent is being left off All In because of All Out happening a week later.

For instance, Luchasaurus (c) w/ Christian vs. Darby Allin in a Singles match for the AEW TNT Championship is happening at All Out, so Christian will potentially be saved for All Out. 

Powerhouse Hobbs vs. Miro in a Singles match is also likely happening at All Out.

That said and I will spoiler this because it happened last night;

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The House of Black attacked The Acclaimed last night on Dynamite and stole Daddy Ass' boots.

I think we'll get The House of Black vs. The Acclaimed & Daddy Ass for the AEW Trios Championship at All In so Daddy Ass can either officially retire in front of 80k+ fans, or so that Daddy Ass can win one last title in front of 80k+ fans. 

 Outside of that though, I think some wrestlers will just miss out and I'm not sure AEW has any plans to do a battle royale just to get the rest of the roster onto the card. 

Doesnt it seem odd that thwy doing two ppvs so close together? I mean is MJF going to have another title defence at all all out? Also why ahve two similar ppv names so close to each other? It seems rather poor and confusing. They should havw had all out as a fall out ppv 4 week after all in.

Seems abit strange how they doing it. I think all in will do better than all out based on the building up

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1 minute ago, Demitri_C said:

Doesnt it seem odd that thwy doing two ppvs so close together? I mean is MJF going to have another title defence at all all out? Also why ahve two similar ppv names so close to each other? It seems rather poor and confusing. They should havw had all out as a fall out ppv 4 week after all in.

Seems abit strange how they doing it. I think all in will do better than all out based on the building up

I think this is the problem with AEW in microcosm, isn’t it? The lack of forethought, long-term storytelling or patience takes them into cul de sacs. 

When they do hit something out of the park, they lose steam for various reasons.  I loved the MJF/Punk storyline; and even the build up of Wardlow. But then the air came out of both of them. 

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10 minutes ago, Demitri_C said:

Doesnt it seem odd that thwy doing two ppvs so close together? I mean is MJF going to have another title defence at all all out? Also why ahve two similar ppv names so close to each other? It seems rather poor and confusing. They should havw had all out as a fall out ppv 4 week after all in.

Seems abit strange how they doing it. I think all in will do better than all out based on the building up

It is odd that they're doing All In and All Out so close together, and I'm very curious to see how it works out for them.

As for All Out itself? I think it'll depend on what matches people prefer.

I think Adam Cole turns on MJF, wins the title and they have a rematch with a stipulation at All Out. I think a lot of the multi-man matches at All In will lead to singles matches at All Out. I can see Moxley vs OC for the International Championship at All Out for instance. 

I think the biggest issue AEW have with All In and All Out being so close together is the cost of it all. In the UK it's fine as All In is £13 on Fite and All Out is £16 on Fite, but in the US? All In is $50 and All Out is also $50. I know AEW has some very dedicated fans, but $100 in a week levels of dedicated? I wish Tony Khan the best of luck as the buy rate for All Out might be terrible even if the card winds up being great. 

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2 hours ago, Demitri_C said:

Doesnt it seem odd that thwy doing two ppvs so close together? 

My take on it is that there is a gap in the Wembley scheduling, there was availability of workers and crew, and the Visa's weren't an issue...and ultimately Tony Khan wanted it to happen asap to get one over WWE which will more than likely break the All In attendance with a London Wrestlemania. 

Whether you think that was worth it for a booking head ache...eh. For me, probably not. 

As for the All In card, I'm not bowled over, but it's fine. I seen a fair few complaints about the 6 man featuring Kenny, but that's actually my most hyped match as I'm a more regular viewer of NJPW than AEW, and there is a loooot of Bullet Club history in that match. 

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Oh, and looking like I'll be getting the coach down as well as back after all. NX want to charge the same price for the single journey back from Wembley, as they do for the return journey! So I won't get to Wembley until 4pm, and I guess doors will already be open by then.

Just hope I have time to get a Blcksmth United Empire shirt :( assuming they have a stall somewhere


Edited by hogso
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2 hours ago, Daweii said:

It is odd that they're doing All In and All Out so close together, and I'm very curious to see how it works out for them.

As for All Out itself? I think it'll depend on what matches people prefer.

I think Adam Cole turns on MJF, wins the title and they have a rematch with a stipulation at All Out. I think a lot of the multi-man matches at All In will lead to singles matches at All Out. I can see Moxley vs OC for the International Championship at All Out for instance. 

I think the biggest issue AEW have with All In and All Out being so close together is the cost of it all. In the UK it's fine as All In is £13 on Fite and All Out is £16 on Fite, but in the US? All In is $50 and All Out is also $50. I know AEW has some very dedicated fans, but $100 in a week levels of dedicated? I wish Tony Khan the best of luck as the buy rate for All Out might be terrible even if the card winds up being great. 

I just dont get why he didnt push all out weeks after. You have made a lot of good points and i agree with all of them. Thankfully i think all in will be the better of the two ppvs.

I think all out will bomb bad but all in will do very well.

I agree with your main event i think it will be cole who turns on MJF. If they really want to hype this up big time they should have cole turn on MJF during zero hour with having MJF "injured" for main event so if he loses he doesnt look weak.

But i think the most likely scenerio will be MJF wins (they womt have him dropping title yet as he is so over) then cole turns on him setting the rematch for all out when they can have a blow off and move them onto other feuds.

Personally i think a cole vs jay white feud after this would be epic


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6 minutes ago, Demitri_C said:

Also that texas chainsaw massacre part on Dynamite this week was like watching wcw in 1990s.

What a terrible segment

I think the only saving grace of that match is the whole segment was bought by the publisher of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre game and the deal was worth over $100,000. So, because all the money from last nights Dynamite was going to the Maui Food Bank, it wound up being a good thing even though the match was downright terrible. 

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3 hours ago, Demitri_C said:

Also that texas chainsaw massacre part on Dynamite this week was like watching wcw in 1990s.

What a terrible segment

I messaged my mate saying the same thing. It was like WCW at its worse. 


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It's looking like FTR vs The Young Bucks might not be happening at All In. 

Cash Wheeler was arrested this morning for aggravated assault with a firearm. So, unless the charges are dropped he likely won't be allowed to leave the US as he'll be on felony pre-trial ahead of an actual court date. 

Very curious to see what happens next. 


The warrant for his arrest was placed on the 28th July and Cash Wheeler plead not-guilty to the charge on the 3rd August. So, whatever incident lead to the arrest this morning was for a crime that was potentially committed over 3 weeks ago. 

Update 2:

Cash Wheeler at his bail hearing earlier today was not asked to surrender his passport and currently there are no restrictions on him travelling Internationally. Seems like the match might be going ahead after all? 

Edited by Daweii
New info came to light.
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3 hours ago, Daweii said:

It's looking like FTR vs The Young Bucks might not be happening at All In. 

Cash Wheeler was arrested this morning for aggravated assault with a firearm. So, unless the charges are dropped he likely won't be allowed to leave the US as he'll be on felony pre-trial ahead of an actual court date. 

Very curious to see what happens next. 


The warrant for his arrest was placed on the 28th July and Cash Wheeler plead not-guilty to the charge on the 3rd August. So, whatever incident lead to the arrest this morning was for a crime that was potentially committed over 3 weeks ago. 

Update 2:

Cash Wheeler at his bail hearing earlier today was not asked to surrender his passport and currently there are no restrictions on him travelling Internationally. Seems like the match might be going ahead after all? 

Hmm strange.

They should have done a FTR bucks vs hardys ladder match in my opinion

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12 minutes ago, Demitri_C said:

Hmm strange.

They should have done a FTR bucks vs hardys ladder match in my opinion

I think it would have been great to see The Hardy Boys on the All In card, but I think Jeff Hardy's criminal record is standing in the way of that.

Jeff seemingly gets arrested once a year for driving under the influence and his last arrest/conviction was 6-months ago. He was sentenced to 38-days in prison, 2-years probation, and his licence was revoked for 10-years. He avoided doing that prison time because they credited the time waiting to be sentenced as his prison time, but he might struggle to get into the UK given we're very strict about letting people with criminal records into the country. This is an issue WWE and Impact Wrestling also had to deal with, and it's a shame because Matt and Jeff aren't going to get many more chances in their careers to walk out in front of 80k+ fans in a stadium. 

FTR vs The Young Bucks vs The Hardy Boys in a ladder match for the AEW Tag Team Championships would have been great, I'd have loved that, but Jeff Hardy is a recovering addict that doesn't make the best decisions at times and it now affects things International travel.

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