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There are always people who hate for the sake of hating the popular item. If it was that cack would it really have sold so many units, give or take marketing.

If patience is not an issue... walk down the road to the payphone ;)

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If it was that cack would it really have sold so many units, give or take marketing.

Five and a half trillion cigarettes are smoked every year. Robbie Williams has sold more than 55 million albums. Newcastle have a home gate of 50k.

Just because a lot of people buy it doesnt mean its good. ;)

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I have no reason to not like it. In fact i do like it, it looks good. But i'm saying the price charged does not add up to the quality of the phone. Seems you can get pretty much the same elsewhere alot cheaper.

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If it was that cack would it really have sold so many units, give or take marketing.

Five and a half trillion cigarettes are smoked every year. Robbie Williams has sold more than 55 million albums. Newcastle have a home gate of 50k.

Just because a lot of people buy it doesnt mean its good. ;)

But it has value to them ;)

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I have no reason to not like it. In fact i do like it, it looks good. But i'm saying the price charged does not add up to the quality of the phone. Seems you can get pretty much the same elsewhere alot cheaper.

Thats true of pretty much all Apple products to be fair. They do charge a premium for their things. To steal a catchphrase from a certain brand of lager, Apple products are reassuringly expensive.

For what its worth, I love my iPod touch. Its easily the best .mp3 player/multimedia device I have ever used. Its essentially a significantly thinner iPhone without the phone, bluetooth or camera. (I understand that the 2nd gen iPod touch has a higher resolution screen and a faster processor than the iPhone 3g, but they are trivial matters.)

The app store is lovely. I guess its either a thing you will buy into or you wont. 59p-£2.99 games are something I enjoy filling my time with. I love a lot of 3rd party peripherals for the devices too. The docking stations and FM transmitters tend to be much more elegant than stuff for other .mp3 players.

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There are always prdoducts in any market that charge more than everyone else. It's how it works, and most of the time it isn't worth it. The same as someone might spend more on a mercedes than they would on a different car when they may be very similar, and not worth the extra money. It's good marketing and yes you pay for the brand.

Comes down to personal choice in the end. I fell for the apple brand with the iphone, and because its so good I'll be shwoing a bit of brand loyalty in the future.

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but alot of people do. Just seems strange such a basic function wasn't included. Was there any reason given?

Email is the way forward, at least Apple wanted it to be.. MMS uses alot of network resources.. They made the emailing client so good they were hoping no-one would miss MMS.

And it's all very well and good saying 'what if you want to send a picture to a friend who doesn't have email?', but the same works for MMS.. not every phone has MMS.

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Ok. iGinger sounds amazin! Ok it has bluetooth. Still, other than the Mac thing and a few 'fun' apps it seems nothing special.

Who said the apps were all "fun". I use a good deal of them all day in my work, checking train times, flight arrivals and statuses, the tube apps are fantastic for visiting london, I have an app for telling me local taxi firms wherever I am in the country, there are plenty of "serious" apps that are utterly fantastic

I don't have any games on my iPhone.

I mus admit, the thing I've found most useful recently has been the GPS on Google maps. I was walking through Coventry the other day trying to find this crappy side street from the train station and had a feeling I'd taken a wrong turn, I loaded up the GPS and saw I was going the wrong direction, so with the aid of the map and the blue dot I was able to find it easily.

I'm still not sold on the new iPhone though. I'm sure it's fast, I'm sure it's better and it sure as hell is bigger.. but I have a 30GB iPod I still haven't filled, so I don't have the need for a 36GB iPhone too.

If the price comes down I may be tempted to upgrade to the 16GB one 3G S though.

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No but my mom has a phone with MMS but she has no idea how to use email.

I'd guess that 95% of phones on the market nowadays have MMS so most people will have ability, I'd guess about 50% phones have email.

Email isn't just accessible by phone though.

Even if someone doesn't have a computer themselves there are so many internet cafe's and everything around you're much more likely to be able to reach someone by email than by MMS.

Also remember that the iPhone is more designed for business. Every business has an email address, and emails can them be forwarded around or whatever.. much harder to do that with MMS, especially as most workers don't like to give their mobile number out for business use.

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I'm really impressed with the 3.0 software upgrade as it gets rid of alot of little niggles. I've not heard anything impressive about the new iphone though, the only reason i would upgrade is that i only have 8GB and would be tempted by the storage capacity. But that really isnt worth that much extra money, so the price would have had to come down a fair bit before April '10.

I also used to love chaning phone every 12 months, now it's 18 and now they're looking at 2 years...i'm not sure about that as wear, tear and battery life will probably take their toll.

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Ok, I see the advantage of email, but if I wanna send a picture of my kids to their nan who lives 200miles away for instance, mms is the best, quickest, cheapest way.

Im just suprised that the iPhone which seems to have everything, doesnt have mms capability. It should have both MMS and Email.

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