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No mate, I'll keep an eye out for that.

He's not grumpy or crying, just wakes up happy as you like and wants to bite (and dribble) over everything. Calpol seems to work well but only seems to get him through half of the night.

still there as well. my lad is 13 months now, probably got about half his teeth. We generally go with, get him out of bed, give him some calpol, sit in a darkened room with some late night cartoons on. He'll pretty much stop crying straight away, give him half an hour for the calpol to kick in. Dont really want him to get used to the cartoon thing but he'll scream for 4-5 hours if not. When hes not teething he sleeps really well, slept til about half 7 this morning.

Cheltenham, did/does your lad go through phases with his teething? My little lad is the same age as Tamuffs (8 days difference if i remember right), 6 months old. Now last week he was terrible with his teeth for 3/4 days, up 2/3 times a night, clingy to me and the missus, cried when you put him down, he was only happy when you were holding him. But since he has been right as rain, sleeping through the night. Did your lad's teething happen in fits and starts?

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