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The strangest accent is Waterford because; geographically; it sits between the very strong Cork accent and the fairly weird Wexford one.

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Speaking of Cork (LOL at the durty Duuuuublin types having a go our sweet, lilt of the gods accent) there was a guy who lived around the corner from me who had a White Hart Lane name plate on his hovel. Kinda cringy tbh when you saw it.


there is a section of dublin that have american accents ...wtf is that abooooot aye



You get that in the south as well, think it's a middle class yoof thing. I blame MTV

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Galway's accent is by far the worst, which is a shame, because they have the prettiest ladies.


Although I was in the middle of some backwater outside Dublin a few years back, getting a filthy fish supper, and I'm utterly convinced that the population was 95% attractive females between the ages of 20-35.

95% attractive females in Ireland was probably Eastern Europeans which means any one of several commuter belt towns just outside Dublin County - excluding Navan because I can say with some degree of certainty that they must put butter in the water up here or something.
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The strangest accent is Waterford because; geographically; it sits between the very strong Cork accent and the fairly weird Wexford one.


Ah Waherfurd, Unlike the friendly banter we'd have with the rest of our Munster neighbours, they take hating the PROC rather seriously there!



95% attractive females in Ireland was probably Eastern Europeans which means any one of several commuter belt towns just outside Dublin County - excluding Navan because I can say with some degree of certainty that they must put butter in the water up here or something.




Oof controversial BOF

Edited by Corcaigh
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95% attractive females in Ireland was probably Eastern Europeans which means any one of several commuter belt towns just outside Dublin County - excluding Navan because I can say with some degree of certainty that they must put butter in the water up here or something.



Oof controversial BOF

It's the '95%' that was a little too high. With all the will in the world, we can't claim our lot have anything like that strike rate :)
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So your ignoring the points which you can't answer...

I'm ignoring the 'points' that we have gone around in circles over.

The reason I ignored them is that it's quite obviously pointless to try and discuss it with you.

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Its not pointless at all. We just have a difference of opinion and its why you debate.


However, as i have stated in my previous post if you look at the detail within the NIHE document you posted they have outlined their position quite clearly if their tenants misbehave and one of the very basic points within that document states that their tenants must not annoy neighbours.


My case is not unique to them in that they have evicted previous tenants for persistently breaching their tenancy agreement. Indeed an eviction took place not so far away from me when one of their tenants, a real head case, persistently annoyed neighbours with drunken threats. So there is a precedent there which may help my case?


However, they are reluctant to evict in my case not through lack of evidence, or that i haven't exhausted all avenues, but basically through fear of having a mini Dale Farm on their hands if they do serve an eviction notice and thats not my problem. 

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Going to the cinema later, will Cineworld stop me taking my own popcorn in, or will I have to sneak it in? Are any of you as cheap/sensible as I am?

should be fine as long as you don't advertise the fact. Put it in your pocket if you have big enough ones, or take a small man bag. Don't walk in visibly with it. I take stuff into the cinema all the time, usually in the missus' handbag.

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Going to the cinema later, will Cineworld stop me taking my own popcorn in, or will I have to sneak it in? Are any of you as cheap/sensible as I am?

should be fine as long as you don't advertise the fact. Put it in your pocket if you have big enough ones, or take a small man bag. Don't walk in visibly with it. I take stuff into the cinema all the time, usually in the missus' handbag.




They won't check your pockets or bag or anything.


But it you openly walk in with it on show they're likely to stop you.

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What I like to do is keep the little cardboard container from an initial cinema trip, give it a clean, buy reasonably priced supermarket popcorn, pour it into said container and walk in like a boss.


Now, I admit this seems a wholly unnecessary expenditure of time and effort compared to just sticking it in a bag, but I enjoy the feeling of sticking one finger up at the establishment as I walk in with my corn-based contraband hidden in plain sight, right under the ushers' noses.

Edited by GarethRDR
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