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Cheers lads ...time to dust of the aul CV ....again ..I cant say where but its a hotel lombardo

Fair enough lad... All the best with the job hunt anyway... From what I can remember, you work in the kitchen... There's plenty of work there for chefs in the Meath area.. Hope you find something quick.

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I've never watched a whole House of Commons debate before until tonight - on the future of independent financial advice.

It was so one sided...all the MPs who attended & there were quite a few from all sides, especially the Conservative side roundly condemnded some of the things that the FSA are doing - yet Mark Hoban from the treasury sat their all the way through regardless & basically said the FSA would listen but that parliament should let them get on with it!

Unbeleivable the power this quango has over everyone.

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The FSA need more power not less, this whole shit we're in happened because they were toothless

I'm afraid the FSA has pointed it's arrows in the wrong direction!

Despite the fact that Hector Sants said that Bankers should be "very afraid of the regulator" in March 2009 it's not made one jot of difference.

Currently many of the High St Banks are in open defiance of the FSA regarding how mis-sold payment protection plan complaints regarding the public are handled. If an IFA practice or a small building society did this they'd have their permissions withdrawn immediately, because it's the Banks they think they can get away with it because they are too big to regulate. If you'd watched the debate you'd see even MPs are fed up with double standards being applied!

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After months of treadmill running and rehab on my knee ,I went out for a road run yesterday

First time in 3 years and I really enjoyed it , was way way off my old pace and distance (did 1.5 miles , hardly earth shattering but the last time i tried a run i managed about 200 yards before it became unbearable)

it just feels great to be alive again , even if it was freezing that's what I missed about running

Knee feels Ok today so the plan is to gradually increase the distance ... maybe i'll stop being so grumpy now ....

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After months of treadmill running and rehab on my knee ,I went out for a road run yesterday

First time in 3 years and I really enjoyed it , was way way off my old pace and distance (did 1.5 miles , hardly earth shattering but the last time i tried a run i managed about 200 yards before it became unbearable)

it just feels great to be alive again , even if it was freezing that's what I missed about running

Knee feels Ok today so the plan is to gradually increase the distance ... maybe i'll stop being so grumpy now ....

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