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Spurs - Arry's gone but we still dislike them...


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I was hoping there'd be something mildly more hilarious, but that is a pretty funny defence itself...

Even if you were pretty 'for' 'arry in this whole thing, I'd think that the moment you hear 'he named it after his dog' you'd have to start questioning just how 'innocent' you thought this whole thing really was.

Sad really that, for as guilty as he is, because he's 'arry Redknapp, he'll get some pisstake punishment.

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Same thing to be honest, you would be asked to pay what you owe, fined and given a criminal record. Only if you failed to pay the money back would jail be on the cards in these circumstances I'd have thought.

Jail or not if found guilty his reputation will be ruined.

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Even if I was intentionally hiding the fact that I owed it and had no intention of paying it back, I just have to because i've been caught?

(not contradicting you, by the way, genuinely curious)

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I don't know for certain but I'm guessing that jail is unlikely for anyone in these circumstances.

A custodial sentence is technically possible - but lets face it - won't happen.

He has the means to clear the tax owed and a large fine...(100% of the tax owed) plus costs.

My guess.... this is going to cost Mr Redknapp about £750k all in.

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I don't know for certain but I'm guessing that jail is unlikely for anyone in these circumstances.

A custodial sentence is technically possible - but lets face it - won't happen.

He has the means to clear the tax owed and a large fine...(100% of the tax owed) plus costs.

My guess.... this is going to cost Mr Redknapp about £750k all in.

I'm not so sure he is going to escape prison after the MPs expenses scandal.

HMRC are trying to regulate football wages at the moment, as most players wages are paid to a two-tiered company to avoid income tax - then they pay themselves a much lower salary from that company. HMRC want the players to pay their share of tax on the wagers they get paid by the club.

Unfortunately all this will achieve is the same as the bankers. The players will take their business abroad where they can pay less tax and earn more.

Unless of course in the current climate where people hiding money and not paying tax, the bankers, the rich etc are all over the papers, They may want to set a precedent

See above. The bankers wages is a quandary. Bankers do not need to be based in the UK to do their jobs,so they can live anywhere they like where they can maximise their earning potential. A lot live in Hong Kong and Singapore for this reason.

The government really are pissing in the wind if they think they are going to generate billions in lost revenue from chasing bankers. And if they try it on with Premier League players/managers, they are eventually going to devalue the league.

I can see them making an example of Redknapp. A couple of months in a low security Cat D prison...

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