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Iraq - was it worth it?


Was Iraq worth it?  

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  1. 1. Was Iraq worth it?

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    • No
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With the formal hand over of military command in Southern Iraq from the UK to the US today, and full withdrawal by the end of May I wanted to ask a simple question.

Was it worth all of the lives and treasure expended by the UK, yes or no?

FWIW I'm in the no camp for the reason that we should not go to war unless it is in our national interest, which Iraq clearly was not.


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I think the next generation of Iraqis will grow up in a country where there is equal representation in parliament of people standing up for their own rights instead of living under a dictatorship representing a minority group but staying in power through force. When Saddam died he was meant to have his son take over who was even more brutal than he was by all accounts.

For that reason I think the war was worth it.

I think we should look at taking a more active part in Zimbabwe and Burma against their brutal governments. The idea that the people dieing there are not British so they are not our problem doesn't wash with me.

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I'm a yes but we should have planted the Union Flag on the soil and claimed the land as we used to in the olden days

however my proper answer is a NO ... though I do think we should have killed him the first time around as we had grounds to do so then ... Gulf War II though was on the premise of a lie and we had no justification or UN backing for going in ... and arguebly Bush and Blair should stand trial for their role in it

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Deleted. Ian you are better than this mate, what was deleted added nothing to any debate and was totally post on poster. A while back we mentioned a crack down on these type of topics, this post didn't just contravene those "extra" rules, it contravened the actual site guidelines as well. Please Ian if you can't be bothered to actually debate a topic without chucking around generalisations about other posters, please just don't bother - Bicks

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I am against colonial wars so have to say this was not worth it. I am not sure that the Iraqis will benefit from our "paternal and civilising" intervention in the long run. Our colonial wars in Africa and elsewhere brought nothing but long term and absolute ruin to the people who lived there, so I cant see this being any different. I wish that eventually we may learn that we cannot impose our way of life, our moral standards onto other civilisations and cultures. Feels like a long shot to me

The aim of this war was to seek out and destroy weapons of mass destruction. Had that aim been met, it would have just about been worthwhile. As the weapons were not found (because they didnt exist) there cannot be any justification for the truly horrific loss of life on all sides

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As someone who took part in Operation Telic

as someone that was actually there , I for one would be interested to hear your view .. were you in both or just the second one ?

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No. There are atrocities occurring the world over- we simply do not have the resources to 'straighten' them all out. The justification for the war was thinly veiled and there are thousands of conspiracy stories as to why we truly invaded. I think only time will be able to tell this story.

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As someone who took part in Operation Telic

as someone that was actually there , I for one would be interested to hear your view .. were you in both or just the second one ?

For the initial bombing on Baghdad I was working with the RAF at Akrotiri CSSU, refuelling British and American Jets and Bombers (Well Accounting for the fuel anyway :lol: ) I was a Lance jack supply controller in the RLC . 2 years later I actually went to Iraq and Afghanistan in the space of 18 months with 13 Air Assault Regt RLC ( The old 5 airborne )

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No. The reasons didnt add up and the humanitarian angle was tacked on. There may be positives born of it ( a hopefully friendly hopefully democratic nation that we can scrounge oil off to stop us being so reliant on the Saudis, for example), but that doesn't mean we should have gone in and it doesn't mean it was worth it either.

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Should we have gone in and ousted Saddam - YES

Should we have stayed - NO

Should we have finished the job in 1991 - YES

Someone once said "Armies are for killing people and breaking stuff".... I agree. Armies should be given clear military objectives. Soldiers are not policemen, builders, security staff or teachers.

We should have got them out of Iraq and Afghanistan immediately the war was won. Since then we've lost lives, prestige, money and for what? Believing the Afghans will become democrats is like believing lions will become vegetarians.

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Believing the Afghans will become democrats is like believing lions will become vegetarians.

And, at the end of the day, why should we expect them to? Or the Iraqis? Or any of the "non democratic nations"?

Maybe there is more to politics than liberalism. Sure, it works for us more or less, but we have a long liberal tradition, going back 200 years or more. Even so, for most of those 200 years we excluded one group or another from our "democracy". Maybe expecting cultures where they dont have that liberal tradition to suddenly just accept that philosophy overnight and understand how to implement it effectively is being just a tad condescending?

Who gave us the right to decide what's right and wrong?

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