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The Film Thread


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Films like Transformers and Avengers entertain me. They're braindead actions that I can just lay back and enjoy. But they don't do more than that. They're not really great films and can never be, I think. Films like American history X, Dead poet's society, LOTR, now that's something completely different. They have good stories, good actings, well, brilliant acting in the first two, and those are the two main things that make an excellent film for me.

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A bit late to the party on this but I watched The Hunger Games last week, the best film I've seen in a long time. Really enjoyed it. Had no idea it was part 1 of a trilogy so eagily awaiting parts 2 and 3.

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A bit late to the party on this but I watched The Hunger Games last week, the best film I've seen in a long time. Really enjoyed it. Had no idea it was part 1 of a trilogy so eagily awaiting parts 2 and 3.

I think Part 2 is out this year.


I'm really looking forward to it. But whilst reading the books (after seeing the first film) I couldn't help thinking that there was a danger the film version of the second book could be really REALLY cheesy. Which would be a shame as I hate that in a film.


But anyway, trailer looks decent, I'm looking forward to seeing if they can pull it off.

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Avengers entertained me. Transformers didn't.


The Avengers is an example of that kind of film done well.

Transformers isn't.


I can see why. :) Avengers were definitely better. Megan Fox is the only thing that's not bettered in Avengers. And I'm not talking about her acting skills. :) She's really, really hot in the first one.

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Scarlett is hot, but not hotter than Megan in Transformers. And it's not about opinions, these are facts... :P When Megan opens up the engine hatch, or whatever it's called in english, I think, well, I think it's better not to say what I was going to say. But still. :)

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Scarlett is hot, but not hotter than Megan in Transformers. And it's not about opinions, these are facts... :P When Megan opens up the engine hatch, or whatever it's called in english, I think, well, I think it's better not to say what I was going to say. But still. :)





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I can't think of the last big budget blockbuster kinda film that was genuinely good. Like proper good. 


Somebody help me out? Since Inception. Excluding the Dark Knight as I didn't see it in the cinema due to many mixed reviews and opinions on the film. all were wrong though, I loved the film. 


Also don't bother with other super hero films. None of them rise above decent.


So excluding all comic book films what's been great? Gimme lists.


Well, at the moment the trend is for comic book films so that makes it more difficult.

Plus there are probably only 5-10 genuinely good films a year, and only 5-10 blockbusters a year so the choice is limited anyway to find where the 2 overlap.

I'll have ago anyway...


- The Hobbit

- Harry Potter 7

- Tangled

- Skyfall (i hated it, but a lot of people loved it)

- Rise of the Planet of the Apes

- Avatar

- Life of Pi

- Star Trek

- Up




Seriously you put The Hobbit, Avatar and Harry f'n Potter on a list. I disliked Star Trek a lot too.


Skyfall, Life of Pi & Planet of the Apes were good, but didn't leave much impression after viewing them. I didn't go out and actively say to my mates "oh you have to see"


Up isn't a blockbuster film, but it is superb. 



Also just reading after Terminator 5 starring Arnie there will be a total reboot trilogy. Cinema needs to fcking die already. 

Edited by CVByrne
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Define Blockbuster



Big budget non pixar/disney which will have big marketing push and likely plenty of CGI. But doesn't strictly have to, key is big budget which is around 100mil these days.

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Define Blockbuster



Big budget non pixar/disney which will have big marketing push and likely plenty of CGI. But doesn't strictly have to, key is big budget which is around 100mil these days.


Why non pixar/Disney?


I'm not being facetious, genuine question.

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Scarlett Johansson > Megan Fox


ergo Transformers is needless.

I often find myself nodding when I read your posts but have you taken leave of your senses?


I'm not saying Megan Fox is minging or anything. She's ridiculous. And easily the best thing about that film.


But Scarlett is hotter.

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