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unstoppable - good film, not sure on the inspired by true events stuff, denzel doesnt make bad films

I really enjoyed that movie, not my usual cuppa at all but I thought it was brilliantly done.

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unstoppable - good film, not sure on the inspired by true events stuff, denzel doesnt make bad films

I really enjoyed that movie, not my usual cuppa at all but I thought it was brilliantly done.

You going soft in your old age Si? A film with zero plot or character development just a loud train crashing into things.. ;)

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unstoppable - good film, not sure on the inspired by true events stuff, denzel doesnt make bad films

I really enjoyed that movie, not my usual cuppa at all but I thought it was brilliantly done.

You going soft in your old age Si? A film with zero plot or character development just a loud train crashing into things.. ;)

I've nothing against a good popcorn movie as long as it's done well, and this was done really well.

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Bought Scott Pilgrim today.

****' Brilliant.

Such a shame it flopped at the Box Office. I hope it makes lots of money on DVD and Blu-Ray because it really is a great film.

Flopped because it was a film marketed for teenagers and early twenties, and all its computer game references were for people in there thirties.

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I don't buy that, I watched it with my 9 year old brother and he loved it. References are grand, but the movie is entertaining enough. It's not like, say, Family Guy, where if you don't get a reference then there is nothing to enjoy.

It flopped because it came out with a 'less violent Kick Ass with Michael bloody Cera' aura around it.

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Slasher movies ok? If so 2 great frenchies - Haute Tension (Switchblade Romance) and l'Interieur (Inside). Otherwise, The Mist and Cube...and apart from that only the obvious Zombie movies come mind

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Slasher movies ok? If so 2 great frenchies - Haute Tension (Switchblade Romance) and l'Interieur (Inside). Otherwise, The Mist and Cube...and apart from that only the obvious Zombie movies come mind

Haven't seen any of them, will check them out. Just watched Dead Snow which was alright.

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Slasher movies ok? If so 2 great frenchies - Haute Tension (Switchblade Romance) and l'Interieur (Inside). Otherwise, The Mist and Cube...and apart from that only the obvious Zombie movies come mind

Haven't seen any of them, will check them out. Just watched Dead Snow which was alright.

I can second the recommendation for Switchblade Romance, and the rather beautiful Cécile De France. :thumb:

Calvaire is excellent and is (loosely) around the same sort of genre. And then there's Frontiers, which is basically Hostel but actually good.

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