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James Milner - little known facts


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James Milner fought in WW2, he shot down 9 German planes, all by pointing at each of them and saying "Bang".

His pillow is a football (the old school leather type), his breakfast is kryptonite, and he sweats Claret and Blue [Coal]....

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Since being sworn in as US President, Barack Obama has spent an average of four hours a day on the phone seeking James Milner's advice on everything from the credit crisis to the name of the new White House kitten.

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James Milner's favourite TV show is Cagney & Lacey.

Indeed, such is James's devotion to the US cop series that when he was at Newcastle he would swim the Tyne daily in tribute to one of the stars of the show.


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You know that aeroplane that crashed into the Hudson River the other day. That was actually flown by James Milner.

He couldn't be doin with any of that soft hero nonsense though, so he donned his flat cap at a jaunty angle and jumped over the back of the wing before swimming all the way accross the atlantic underater surfacing magestically in front of the white cliffs of Dover, leaving the co pilot to take all the plaudits.

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James Milner has 45,897,934 friends on Facebook including Ray Davies of The Kinks, Robin Williams, Selina Scott, Christopher Biggins, Bill Oddie, Jemma Kidd, Robert Redford, Sid Owen, Dr David Owen, Owen Wilson, Daniel J. Travanti, Sir Alan Sugar, Paula Radcliffe, Andy Murray, Mr Kipling, Captain Birdseye, Mr Sheen, Beverley Callard, Alison Steadman, Sir Paul McCartney, plain old Richard Starkey from the Aviva ad, Father Shooey McGooey, Tommy Cannon, Bruce Kent, Clive Dunn, Paul Shane, Jim Bowen, Jeff Stelling and Michael Anthony Hall.

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James Milner created the Earth. It took him a day. He just doesn't like to bang on about it and even lets some imaginary bloke take the credit. Though even his followers claim it took him 7.

What a gent!

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Clint Eastwood based the character Dirty Harry on James Milner and originally wanted to play the role with a Yorkshire accent.

"This ere tis a fartyfar Magnum...probly t'most parfal andgun in t'world. It could blow thy ead clean off. Thy's got ask thysen do thee feel lucky. Well, do thy, Punk?"

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James Milner ate my Rottweiller with a nice bottle of Chianti

No way in the world would James Milner drink Chianti. Any other drink other than a bitter is for women and southerners, he insists, and indeed as the other players have Lucozade after a game our Jimmy has his private Tetley's tap in the dressing room.

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