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And i do believe speccing Prot is idiotic when you have your holy tree.

Id disagree. One of our biggest problems in getting full Villa lads 5 man runs is down to lack of tanks, not healers.

If Dan can get some good tanking gear we can go pretty much self contained in 5 man terms, which could be a good laugh.

Well,that was kinda the idea with lvling Sculli tbh...so we had a 'traditional' tank...

or should i not bother?

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Yeah we should do definitely do some VT boys five man runs.

Actually had a decent pug for a heroic BF last night, I need eight tokens for my shield now.

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re: olde world bosses on Vent last night

- best fight on the game ever. You dont really "get" what is going on from this video but there is a little bit about him (here)

Vael had already shown up in UBRS and would help you fight Rend Blackhand (the first ?? boss in the game) so was a "good guy" until you meet him in BWL when Nefarian had mind controlled him.

The fight is just this massive DPS race, only you cant do it in DPS gear as its a full fire res or the raid dies in 20 seconds. Oh, and you cant overnuke or the raid dies in 20 seconds. And you cant just have one megatank with 50000 hitpoints because Vael will kill him no matter what (you needed four/five tanks?)

Throw in unlimited mana/rage/energy, a three minute kill limit and randomly exploding raid members and you have the best boss fight ever?

First endboss on the game. A bit like Nightbane in that you couldnt summon him until you had cleared the instance a couple of times. There was a ballache that you needed 8 people to be honoured with the water elementals in Azshara to get the stuff to summon him, and of course everyone remembers how far that run was from MC (at least it was fairly near Org, must have been a **** for Alliance to go there) and the fact that Raggy was just so impressive to look at was great. Got the whole summoning sequence on the vid, but the fight after that is quite dull. You gotta love those massive arrows from the old Hunters Arcane Shot graphics though.

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Nefarian was the top dawg IMO, **** brilliant. Though i remember the 1 % wipes on Vael :lol:

Anyway, ive gone tailoring and could use whatever cloth you can throw my way.

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Loved the Ragnaros fight, on my second night in the Dashers I was asked to help out, so I went straight from doing the odd 5 man with you lot to being pitched straight into a 40 man raid.

Did I ever mention that I felt sorry for Vael?

I mostly loved BWL, especially once we'd cracked Razorgore on a consistent basis, but some of the later trash was a ballache. Being in the group that dropped Nefarian for the first time though was my highlight of the game so far, (even if I did then blow all my DKP on a totally useless offhand .) Well, actually, Dan being one shotted by the gryphonmaster in Stonetalon is my favourite ever moment, but that kill was a close second!

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He outbid me by about 1dkp too if i recall!

For DPS casters the offhand was frighteningly good. Id have probably used it as an offhand until the l70 heroic rewards.

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Ye you won Nef's head? Why would a shammy want an offhand?

I didn't realise what I was bidding on! I'd had one of my many Neffy's room crashes, and logged back on just as the loot was being handed out. Didn't know what the rewards to be honest, but at least I got to be the first Dasher to hand the head in.

We pretty well stopped raiding soon after that, so the loss of DKP wasn't a big deal anyway.

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On paladin tanks- they do have a taunt to regain aggro, so I dont find any problems really with that. Worst thing about paladin tanks is that they have to drink between pulls, and any boss that silences (eg Maiden) totally screws them over.

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Sam not in Shadowform? Mr Guest inside an instance? Jay, Murmur and no Sonic Spear? Why, its the first biannual all VT instance run!

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i r tank lolol

Note to sion, I know in a BG you release staight after dying but DONT do it inside an instance (especially on a boss fight which you need a q or loot from).

I'd like this to becomeregular tbh, I need the practice and Jay needs that zpear

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Finally completed WC last night. Took 2 hrs and a group of 4 of us, led my a lvl 20 mage who has a couple of lvl 70 characters too, he was very helpful.


(At this point someone will ask me to roll Horde on tarren mill - I will do).

BTW - what is a MoD and what is a Ninja?

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1] reroll Horde on Tarren Mill

2] A MoD? Could be a couple of things i guess. Most likely its a modification to the games user interface. If you click screenshots that any of us lot have put up here you will probably notice that the game looks quite different than it does on your computer. Mods have a few purposes. They can make the game prettier to look at. They can make things that your class is expected to do easier or faster, they can offer and display information about the game faster or clearer than the standard user interface.

You can have a poke around a couple of well known mod sites if you want. Curse gaming and the very excellent wowinterface.com

Alternatively MoD could be short for the Rogue talent, Master of Deception, which basically improves their stealth abilities and makes them even better at killing squishy cloth wearing classes than they are by default.

2a] Which reminds me. Dan, this is smartbuff which will remind you to reapply your tanking buffs.

3] A "ninja" is a term for a thieving bastard. Someone taking loot that really they shouldnt be. Often (especially at low levels) its down to simple ignorance but its part of the game all the way up to high end raiding at level 70. Most commonly its a class taking an item they can use, but nowhere near as effectively as someone else who was in the group at the time. Hunters are generally ninja looting bastards ;)

Oh, and as i decided to update the guild stats on wowrush.com this morning, i thought id paste it here too. Boggle at my fire damage, gasp at Gone's chance to crit and make your own jokes about what a sonic spear would do to Jay's stats if he could be arsed to go to the Shadow Lab and farm it :mrgreen:

With The Armory, you can check on your guild members stats.

Now a few people have written Armory codes, so you can really get a good comparison of your guild. Check this:

class talent build and gear comparison

Reputations (keys and attunements)

Reputations (full)


**ALL STATS AS OF SUNDAY, 8th JULY 07 21:30**

The original link can be found here: http://wow.tachyonsix.com/armory/

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Thanks Nayson!

I see, that fits in with the undead rogue who ran straight for every chest and boss that had been slain. He got killed and I refused to res him, and the other party members were referring to him as a ninja and agreed.

I think you are right about the MoD, its quite helpful.

I will re-roll horde on TM.

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Titan Bar is pretty much obsolete these days in my opinion. The rival addon, Fubar, uses less memory and has more plugins than Titan.

You can download fubar (and assorted plugins) here

gatherer is a good call. Again, i use the alternative Cartographer which is a very nice map mod.

Scrolling Combat Text is great. If you install it, id recommend typing /sct menu going to the "split" profile which i find to be pretty fantastic.

Addons are installed in C:\Program Files\World of Warcraft\Interface\AddOns (if you dont have Interface and AddOns folders, create them.)

Or you could just do what i did, **** all that lot off and install the wonderful mazzle ui :mrgreen:

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