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and another less tasteful comment from our new friend Tantrum although it says you almost made him quit, I wonder how many allies have done this btw?


Exactly what did you do to the poor bugger, Rev?

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and another less tasteful comment from our new friend Tantrum although it says you almost made him quit, I wonder how many allies have done this btw?


Exactly what did you do to the poor bugger, Rev?

I was mopping up old quests ive not finished, and i realised i had the one where you have to kill that big demon in Auchidoun and i thought id have a crack at soloing him, as ive been in groups that have killed him quite a few times and he didnt seem all that.

I could just dot and run, bnasaih!! one of his two adds, and when he casts his "cripple" spell on me (basically like a magic version of crippling poison) dispel that and keep on trucking.

Anyway, when i had him down to about 20% i just got "Tantrum invites you to join a group" so i declined it. I didnt know who Tantrum was, where he was, or what he wanted and i didnt really have time to ask as i was fighting a big fuckoff elite demon.

Queue the temper tantrum. I was called all the names under the sun. Apparently i was an arsehole and an idiot because he had been shouting for that quest for about an hour (i had just flew in from Nagarand, killed him, and flew back out. I was in the zone for five minutes) and because no one wanted to help him, the world was full of bastards.

You've gotta laugh.

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Great SH run. **** all crowd control, Noctus tanking everything while Tangsham and Cali was **** over everything in sight! The dps was quality at times, though a shaman topping dps meters are disturbing :lol:

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Great SH run. **** all crowd control, Noctus tanking everything while Tangsham and Cali was **** over everything in sight! The dps was quality at times, though a shaman topping dps meters are disturbing :lol:

That's the way it should be if you cant CC....

... unless, of course, if you are blizzard.

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I think ive figured out Ewiddan, and the answer is so disapointing i dont want to share it :(


Okay, beyond a select few words like bur, uden, agol (etc) there is just a list of random words that apply to the length of each word. Ewiddan just happens to be one of the random seven letter words. So any time an Alliance says a word that has seven letters in it, there is a chance that Ewiddan will appear.

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So any time an Alliance says a word that has seven letters in it, there is a chance that Ewiddan will appear.

Must be a bit annoying for Dan, getting transported all over the map like that!


Zap....here's Danny!

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I think ive figured out Ewiddan, and the answer is so disapointing i dont want to share it :(


Okay, beyond a select few words like bur, uden, agol (etc) there is just a list of random words that apply to the length of each word. Ewiddan just happens to be one of the random seven letter words. So any time an Alliance says a word that has seven letters in it, there is a chance that Ewiddan will appear.

Thats old news im afraid.Clicky

Its basically a common language translator which is completely random.

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