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Couple of quick screenshots of Karazhan. Its a gorgeous looking place.


Just before the Shade of Aran's room. Must be the 5th or 6th floor? Looking back down on the tower. You can just about see the raid on the staircase.


And the shade himself. Truly a dynamic fight, the polar opposite of tank and spank. Great fun, but a little bit too much luck based imo. The madness of this screenshot though, so many things going on at once and that is one hell of a fat heal btw...

Oh, and Si, that site http://www.wow-loot.com/index.php

Worth it for outland. Just a shame he dumped all the Azeroth info that used to be in there.

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lol@ vt chat whilst al that carnage was going on. I wondered why you were just a touch slow to respond.....

We never did decide on a name for the bear......

By the way, is Hoffy still active? He is moving house at the moment.

and for Trl! :mrgreen:

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The fact that its healed on fel armour, has a 2.5 sec talented cast, 3 sec otherwise. Its critical aswell. And for efficiancys sake it costs 740 mana talented.

Big heals doesnt mean efficient or viable.

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The fact that its healed on fel armour, has a 2.5 sec talented cast, 3 sec otherwise. Its critical aswell. And for efficiancys sake it costs 740 mana talented.

Big heals doesnt mean efficient or viable.

That would make it exactly the same as the talented shaman one.

But that is our only "big heal".

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Yes except that the GH of priests is more mana expensive. And lesser healing wave is even more efficient then Flash Heal.

You are simply better off on pretty much all areas except AoE healing, and even there you got chain heal.

Better efficiancy, far better survivability along with ability to regen your own mana. You even benefit from having a big mana pool directly on your healing.

Priests only benefit from spirit which is the most broken attribute on the game. When do i, you or anyone EVER get 5 secs outside casting in TBC instances?

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If any of you 70's can accompany me through some of the Hillsbrad quests over the next few days that would be great. I always found until you hit mid 30 - 40 that area was a pain in the arse to quest in due to ganking alliance words removed.

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If any of you 70's can accompany me through some of the Hillsbrad quests over the next few days that would be great. I always found until you hit mid 30 - 40 that area was a pain in the arse to quest in due to ganking alliance words removed.

I'll help when i can Si.

not at all angling for help with my warrior of course...


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Well.I was just reading WoW forum (Naysons link from WoWrush) and thats died now as well.Anyway,it said it was cross server.

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The award for the most useless end game talent goes to?

Shaman Elemental totems.

- 20 min cooldown.

- 2 min duration

- Tied to a totem.

- Banishable by a warlock

- Cannot both be dropped at the same time.

- De-spawn upon shaman death

- AOE Fire Elemental goes OOM in under 20 secs, then melees for a massive 200 damage on a 3 sec swing.

- Tank Earth Elemental spawns with less than 100% health and is 2-shot.

- Neither elemental has a pet bar, so they will aggro whomever they please, including breaking CC

- If you are CC'd for any reason, they will stand there and do nothing until you break free.

- Cannot be used in arena


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