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If you want those coins for the Chinese New Year thing, here is a list i found on Thottbot.

Some Alliance fella made it.

Eastern Kingdom:

Blackrock Deepths - Ring of Law *Elder Morndeep*

Blackrock Spire - (LBRS) (follow the way as if you were doing omokk first, when the elder is at the first of the rope bridges, easy to spot)

Blasted Lands - Dark Portal (58,51) *Elder Bellowrage*got!

Burning Steppes - Dreadmaul Rock (82,46) *Elder Rumblerock*got!

Burning Steppes - Flame Crest (64,24) *Elder Dawnstrider*got!

Dun Morogh - Kharanos (46,55) *Elder Dun Morogh*

Eastern Plaguelands - Cown Guard Tower (39,75) *Elder Windrun*got!

Eastern Plaguelands - Light's Hope Chapel (81,60 ) *Elder Snowcrown*got!

Elwynn Forest - Goldshire (40,63) *Elder Stormbrow*got!

Hinterlands - Creeping Ruin (49,48 ) *Elder Highpeak*color=red]got!

Ironforge - Mystic Ward (29,16) *Elder Brozebeard*

Loch Modan - Thelsamar (33,46) *Elder Silvervein*

Scholomance - (???) (Near the entrance of the instance. Go to the right and 2nd flore. He's on the roof)*Elder Moonstrike*

Searing Gorge - Blackchar Cove (21,78 ) *Elder Ironband*

Silberpine Forest - The Sepulcher *Elder Obsidian*got!

Stormwind City- The Park (22,52) *Elder Hammershout*

Stranglethorn Vale - Zul'Gurub (53,18 ) *Elder Starglade*

Stranglethorn Vale - Booty Bay (27,74) *Elder Winterhoof*got!

Stratholme - (???) (The fastest way to the elder in strat is reached by going in the Baron entrance. Take the first to your left, through the gates, then take a right and then a left again and you should reach him in less than 10 pulls)

Swamp of Sorrows - Sunken Temple (instance, leftmost staircase) *Elder Starsong*

Tirisfall Glades - Brill *Elder Graveborn*got!

Tirisfall Glades - Undercity *Elder Darkcore*got!

Western Plaguelands - Caer Darrow (enter the tower, upstairs (52,26)got!

Western Plaguelands - Weeping Cave (66,47) *Elder Meadowrun*got!

Westfall - Sentinel Hill (56,47) *Elder Skychaser*


Ashenvale - Astranaar (35,48 ) *Elder Riversong*

Azshara - Ravencrest Monument (72,85 ) *Elder Skygleam*

Barrens - Crossroads *Elder Moonwarder*got!

Barrens - Ratchet (63,37) *Elder Windtotem*got!

Barrens - Taurajo (45,58 ) *Elder High Mountain*got!

Darkshore - Auberdine (36,46) *Elder Starweave*

Darnassus - Cenarion Enclave (33,14) *Elder Bladeswift*

Desolace - Maraudon (???) (You have to get all the way to the water section that you have to jump down into after killing the princess, and follow the ramp upwards and stick to the right I believe and it'll get you there. ) *Elder Splitrock*

Durotar - Razor Hill *Elder Runetotem*got!

Durator - Orgrimarr (42,34) (Valley of Wisdom) *Elder Darkhorn*got!

Felwood - Jaedenar (37,52) (south of the river, left side when coming from north) *Elder Nightwind*

Feralas - Dire Maul (Arena) *Elder Mistwalker*

Feralas - Larris Pavillion (76,37) *Elder Grimtotem*

Mulgore - Bloodhoof *Elder Bloodhoof*got!

Mulgore - Thunder Bluff (72,23) (Elder Rise) *Elder Proudhorn*got!

Silithus - Cenarion Hold *Elder Bladesing*got!

Silithus - Crystal Vale (23,12) *Elder Primestone*got!

Tanaris - Gadgetzan *Elder Dreamseer*got!

Tanaris - Valley of Watchers (Uldum) (36,80) *Elder Ragetotem*got!

Tanaris - Zul'Farak (inside, near the gahzrilla gong) *Elder Wildmane*

Teldrassil - Dolanaar (57,60 ) *Elder Bladeleaf*

Thousand Needles - Freewind Post *Elder Skyseer*got!

Thousand Needles - Racing Way *Elder Morningdew*got!

Un'Goro - Slithering Scar *Elder Thunderhorn*

Winterspring - Everlook (61,37) *Elder Stonespire*got!

Winterspring - The Ruins of Kel'Theril (55,43) *Elder Blightspear*got!

Total so far = 28/50. 1400 rep with all Horde factions.

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The coins?


After XP grinding, Cash grinding, gear grinding, what to do? PvP and Rep. I dont need cash, im happy with my gear, and i dont need XP. Ill take rep like this though. Easy as pie. Maybe ill buy another factions mount. I can see myself on a Raptor..

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Mods time:

For Dan, as we talked about when i was kicking your ass in the duels :)


Low Values Alert

Does what the screenie above shows. When your Health/Mana bar drops below a certain level, you get a little warning in the middle of you screen for a second.

Pops up at 50%, 25%, 10%. Just a nice guide when you would be best trying to get that self heal/bandage/potion on. Very handy for PvP. Can play a little sound too. I just turned my 50% sounds off, and have it make a noise at 25% and 10% for both health and mana.

Auto Shout Out

More of a PvE thing. But when you are low on health you will cry out for healing. When you are low on Mana, you will announce it (so the Warrior can still ignore you and go steaming on in)

You can set the levels. Has some class specific things too. For Warlocks it also does shouts for pets (which ive toned down from default setting cos its annoying) and for Soulstones.

Im guessing other classes get their own stuff too.

Oh, and the new build is looking good. Certainly vs Rogues, i now actually have a chance against them. The exchance of massive crits for instant cast dots and Soul Link mean im tougher to take out than i ever was. Ok, the burst damage has gone, but i was relying on crits for that burst and casters have a much lower crit chance than melee as it is (mine was about 10% before resepec, probaly 7% or so now) and as 1.9 saw a huge fall in how hard we could potentially crit, i thought perhaps its time to try a build where i can survive long enough for the DoTs to last their full duration (a common dilemma for Warlocks, lots of builds DoTs never get chance do to their full damage, also in instances, targets die before the DoTs can really hurt them. Which is why we are great at fighting bosses and soloing elites, where DoTs are very potent.)

Took a Rogue from Mist with epic Armour and Purple Main and Offhand swords (Krol Blade and Maladath) to within an inch of his life. I think i could have done him too. He Vanished out of Curse of Agony, which shouldnt happen but does, which may have been the fight decider. Should have dropped in a Shadowburn, or maybe been a bit quicker in the Summon of my second Demon in the fight. Still, if he had have been a Ally rogue, i would have decked him cos he wouldnt have been able to Will of the Forsaken out of a fear, and id have had my soulstone up. Nice to get a whisper off him after saying he wasnt expecting anywhere near as tough a fight. I might still be susceptible to the Stunlock, but ill take my chances...

Its the first time ive respecced, and been instantly happy with the changes.

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Meet Gordon Banks. Level 2 Shaman, who wont be moving very far from the Orgrimmar AH.

I wanted him to be level 1, but in doing the Chinese New Year quests to get my very nice Teal suit i dinged level 2. Running all the way from Mulgore to Orgrimmar took an absolute age too! Might take him to level 5 so green items can be disenchanted..

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You got kicked from the guild?

And you get rep from the coins but its general Horde rep (always wondered what that menat) as opposed to Ogri, TB, UC, Darkspear individually, so what does Horde rep do for you and where can you actually see how you're doing in horde rep?

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I think the coins give you +50 rep in all four main factions Bicks.

Tried ZG with Perfect Dark yesterday, what an utter, utter waste of time. We got to the first boss OK, but then the game bugged and the bodd stayed in the middle of the screen, unable to be hit or do any damage. So then we carried on and got to the tigers, but our intrepid leader decided that we wouldn't attack the Tiger boss. Then we went out to reset the instance so we could try the first boss again. We did this, but the tank was a bit crap, and we couldn't kill him. 5 hours inside, for absolutely diddly squat except a big repair bill.

But I did install Teamspeak, although I don't have a mic, so I can only hear. Still, at least I'll be able to hear Nayson's dulcet tones! Ooolroight skip?!

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Just to clairfy for you Nayson if you're not sure why that rogue vanished out your CoA.

DoTs do not prevent rogues from vanishing, the damage tick associated with a DoT simply brings us back out of stealth so we can't stay invisible when they are on us. A well played rogue can often vanish and reopen with a CS (or if he can position fast enough, an ambush) between ticks (2 second window). Only things like Faerie Fire physically prevent us from even entering stealth.

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I think the coins give you +50 rep in all four main factions Bicks.

Tried ZG with Perfect Dark yesterday, what an utter, utter waste of time. We got to the first boss OK, but then the game bugged and the bodd stayed in the middle of the screen, unable to be hit or do any damage. So then we carried on and got to the tigers, but our intrepid leader decided that we wouldn't attack the Tiger boss. Then we went out to reset the instance so we could try the first boss again. We did this, but the tank was a bit crap, and we couldn't kill him. 5 hours inside, for absolutely diddly squat except a big repair bill.

But I did install Teamspeak, although I don't have a mic, so I can only hear. Still, at least I'll be able to hear Nayson's dulcet tones! Ooolroight skip?!

Zul Gurub with Perfect Dark X is a painful experience.

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Just to clairfy for you Nayson if you're not sure why that rogue vanished out your CoA.

DoTs do not prevent rogues from vanishing, the damage tick associated with a DoT simply brings us back out of stealth so we can't stay invisible when they are on us. A well played rogue can often vanish and reopen with a CS (or if he can position fast enough, an ambush) between ticks (2 second window). Only things like Faerie Fire physically prevent us from even entering stealth.

Yeah, you can vanish while a DoT is on you, but you cant vanish "out" of one, in that the vanish will remove the DoT from you. And it does with CoA at the moment. Its a known bug, and its to do with the way CoA is programmed (it doenst give a constant tick of damage like every other DoT on the game, but each tick is more powerful than the last. Great in PvE because you can get the curse on a target early without pulling aggro from the tank) Its set to be fixed in the future:


Spells, Talents, & Abilities

# Master Demonologist doesn't reapply the buff in the battlegrounds if you die while your pet is banished.

# Summon Felsteed causes the character model to sporadically go invisible and the minimap switches to the exterior (outdoors) view when the character is going up certain stairs or ramps in terrain.

# Curse of Agony causes spell casting interruption to both regular and channeled spells each time it ticks.

# Creating Health Stones with all of your normal bags full will result in a Soul Stone being consumed and no Health Stone created.

# If you or your party members are in the area of effect for the Inferno spell, you and/or your party will take damage.

# Patches of the Dreadsteed's hooves are transparent.

# The Dreadsteed of Xoroth summoning encounter will sometimes spawn imps that do not move.

# Players can keep the Demonic Sacrifice buff along with a pet if the pet was resurrected.

# Curse of Agony does not deal damage if the caster dies.

# Infernals can be stuck when summoned.

# When dying for the first time in a battleground, you may come back with a different pet type.

# The tooltip for Life Tap (Rank 6) is incorrect after putting talents in Improved Life Tap.

# Rank 2 of Improved Firebolt is not consistent with its tooltip.

# Inferno does not stun or damage enemies within the drop radius.

# Curse of Agony is not dealing damage when players stealth while under its effect.

# The self inflicted damage taken from Hellfire is not breaking First Aid effects.

# When casting Ritual of Doom, players can break the channeling during the summon and cause the spell cooldown to activate.


# Warlock pets are not centered on pet stat screen.

# The Succubus can despawn before it can be resurrected.

# An Infernal's Immolation does not draw aggro.


# The 5-piece set bonus for Felheart Raiment is preventing players from crafting multiple items.

# The 5-piece Felheart Raiment set bonus does not always grant the Demonic Ally buff.

Blue text from Blizzard bug forums. CoA is broken. It will be fixed eventually. Rogues wont be able to Vanish out of it then.

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One thing about ZG, at least I got to use my new tranquil air totem (the agro reducing one). The set up of the groups was terrible at first, but got a bit better when I suggested that the three shammies were put in groups with priests, and no warriors. That way we could drop Tranquil Air, and the healers could benefit from the reduction in agro, without affecting the tanks.

Worked quite well at first, too.

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Well played Bickster! Just the youngsters to go now. It's ace that we're all 60 now, just a shame Si didn't stick around. We should do a 5 man tonight to celebrate. Villa boys take on Scholo (or anywhere else!).

Did LBRS again last night, with a feral druid as main tank. He was phenomenal, the best display of tanking I've ever seen. We did Wyrmy first, then the lock with us had to go, but the four of us cleared the rest of the bosses without too many problems.

It's ace being 60 isn't it? No XP to worry about, and I'm getting to know loads of players, and getting known in return.

Getting so pissed off with drops though. In umpteen Baron/Scholo/LBRS runs, not one piece of Elements gear has dropped. In that time I could probably have equipped most of Dreadmist/Devout/Beaststalker etc etc several times over!

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I know your pain Riss. Me and the Baron still have a lot to talk about cos of his shiteness with Dreadmist. Still, im revered with Argent Dawn just on the back of my 15+ Baron runs.

Anyway, the reason for posting: Ganking. Love PvP server sometimes. When you **** an alliance over, and you know its pissed him off. Me and TRL were grinding in Winterfall Village in Winterspring, and just out the corner of my eye i saw a level 60 ally rogue working his way up the the elite boss there. While he was fighting one of the Shamen protecting the boss, me and Tarj **** him over royally, and ninjaed the boss (who was still untagged) off of him.

About 5 minutes later, we were at the bottom of the hill, outside the Village. There was a holy priest (horde) grinding there too. Just as me and Tarj went inside the Village the Rogue was back, hanging around for a revenge kill. He started stunlocking the Priest. Came ouside, feared the Rogue, giving the Holy priest time to fully heal. Then double teamed and kicked the shit out of the rogue again. ho ho!

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Lovely Nays!

I definitely think we need the "Villa boys all reach 60" instance run tonight. I've done runs with some of you all since hitting late 50's, but not altogether. Get some nice screenshots for the family album!

I reckon a Scholo run myself, but am open to offers!

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Limpid yu can look forward to being very popular indeed in end game instances when you get to 60.

You will get an AWFUL lot of whispers to join groups, almost as many as priests.

Here's my top of the head most popular classes for group runs:

1) Priests. Indespensable, and not enough to go round

2) Mages. Ranged DPS, water, decurse, int buff, sheep, AOE. Never leave home without one!

3) Tanks. Indespensable like priests, but more of them about. Meat heads.

4) Rogues. Insane melee DPS, stealth and sap.

5)= Shammies, Locks, Druids. Shammies and locks for ressing. Druids for tanking or healing depending on spec, and great buffs. Locks have pet, and shammies totems.

6) Hunters. I've never done a 5 man with a hunter, they just don't seem to get asked. Pet is obvious advantage, but long range damage of hunter maybe not seen as being well suited to dungeons.

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