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I just wonder... what personality complex, or psychological issues, do you have when you need a guild rank for leading a raid? I know this was one of Visks, main problems with the Dashers, and he left. Its crazy, people are acting like its bloody reality!

To take a load of some of the officers, then we are thinking of introducing a raid leader rank for the leading of these 20 man raids.
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On a personal level I never really got on with Xai much, but think he'd calmed down a lot the last few months. Redemptus was just a jumped up dick, but strangely, I do miss his ZG runs. Xhonus just never seemed to have a good word to say about anybody, and was forever moaning.

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I think every class is excited about what the expansion will bring them, except rogues. Locks with their doomguards that can solo warriors, Shammies with duel wield dps, the stuff Tarj has been going on about, Druids flying, Hunters becoming unstoppable, Mages getting invisibility. What do rogues get, a 4 second magic resistance spell that has a cooldown and doesn't even work! Woot!

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Well, that will be my last raid with the dashers for the foreseeable future.

Only 4/5 alts, so not down to that directly, but no focus and apparently no interest.

Some muppet took the Tuesday night raid into ZG, even though there was a scheduled run in there last night (?). They downed three bosses. We managed to do a whole two bosses more. Absolute shite. I'm definitely with Risso about a certain 'tank' - more like a Reliant Robin last night.

Sakri (playing his mage) spent the evening repairing another PC while he played. He was dead good at marking his targets. Well, he was dead anyway.

Due to the fact that I can't be bothered to show up for alpha raids any more, I'll be playing my alt until TBC. If you guys need me for 5mans, etc, just ask - I do want to play the mage, just not in raids.

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Threat reduction would be nice. Yes.

I think even Protection Specced Warriors get more threat reduction than Locks!

TBH, if locks get quite decent threat reduction, id say a nerf in dmg output would be possible.

Anyway, sometimes i wonder how bad we really carrry other people around in instances.

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It's really noticeable in ZG and AQ just how rubbish certain Dashers are, and clearly don't know how to play their characters at all. You can tell the ones who haven't done umpteen hundred LBRS/UBRS/Scholo/Baron runs like we all did, and have just been carried through MC on the shirt tails of everybody else.

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Beats me why we do MC as often aswell. Why dont we focus on AQ40, and continue our progress? Oh no, lets do what we have done 1 million times before and get **** all out of it, except gearing up alts. This is a major **** up, as it will lead to PvE spec and raiding members, just swap trade and go PvP.

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The only way to really get around this is to have fixed requirements for each raid. ie. You need certain gear levels for certain raids. That way just dinged 60s don't beat Sam out of BWL. Minimum FR (or other resist) should be a minimum, not a guideline. I upped my FR from ~50 to ~170 in 8 days - it's not that hard.

Class leaders should dictate what consumables must be carried for a raid. DKP penalties must be applied for being late/unprepared. DKP bonuses for people on time/prepared even if you don't get into the raid.

DKP penalties must be used on slackers. If you aren't commited to the raid, don't join. You can walk your dogs afterwards.

None of this is hardcore stuff, it's largely just good manners. If I screw up, I'll admit it and if there's a penalty, so be it. As long as the same rules apply to everyone.

Of course, I'd rather restart the VT Villans ready for the TBC launch. We have enough mates that we can fill the new smaller instances with people who like each other and have a grasp of the game. (What about 'Dashed' as a guild name...) Enlightened self interest ftw - whoever is most in need gets the drop, with a bank to save up unwanted stuff for sale.

I'm guessing that with the focus on smaller group instances in TBC that BWL, MC and AQ40 will be nerfed down to max 20 man anyway, if they are even available to TBC players.

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Nice post Limpid, its a pity you've been royally screwed by certain raid leaders. Come the expansion we can start doing instances again in our mini little group, whether we're guilded with the Dashers or not.

I wouldnt ditch raids completely though, Sam came to BWL the other night and seemed to enjoy killing Nefarian, he even got a ring off Onyxia! At least use up all your dkp before ditching raids.

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