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What you want is an epic Kodo then. They are like normal kodos, with a drumkit strapped to them!


Who needs an in car stereo when you have drums?

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Well that Tribute run is a bit on the hard side! Sorry I had to go, but I just couldn't see us getting past that room without any further wipes with that absolute dickhead tank with us. To be fair it wasn't all his fault after the first wipe, but he just didn't seem to be able to hold any sort of agro. I was constantly being banished and not being able to cast, which meant I couldn't help Tarj heal. I made that my 7th wipe in there (used 2 ankhs) and my armor was knacked. Don't think it helped that we were all new to it either. I can lead Baron and LBRS runs now with my eyes shut due to doing it with experienced people the first few times.

Might have a couple of days' break now, as I've got a bit pissed off with it this weekend if the truth be known.

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We had another one in DM East.

And yet another instance run where the cloth wearer wins a big load of **** all. Whats the point in running them if **** all ever drops? I mean, there are proabably about three good staffs on the game worth getting if you are a warlock outside of Moltern Core. One has a 500/1 chance of dropping in Scholo. One will take about 20 years to grind Defilers Honour for, and the other one is in the Tribute run.

Sometimes i wish id picked a class that actually had gear to aim for in ever instance, and not one who was just a hired soulstone. Case in point. DM East.

Dans boss drops:

Healers wand but a Shite wand. Even for healers its shite.

Healers Staff

Endboss Drops:

Plate Gloves : Warrior Item.

Casters 1h mace : Priest Item

Plate Chest : Pussy Bubble item

Healing leather gloves : Druid Item

Fast Attack Speed 1h sword : Rogue item

Mana Regen cloth belt : Priest Item

Mail boots with Healing : Shamie item

Melee classes cloak

Health Regen Ring : id argue its a Warlock item. Everyone will roll on it though.

Mana Regen Ring : Priest/Healers/Mage item.

So, a big load of **** all. And ill whine about it.

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After that disastrous run, me and Nayson did DM East (which is what I wanted all along) and my cap (the whole reason I wanted to go DM anyway) dropped! Again our tank was a bit of a dickhead but we completed the instance without a Priest, Mage or Shaman......Hunter, Dr00d Lock FTW!!!

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And did every single thing that could possibly drop for the Druid (Wookie) drop? Of course it did! He even dinged 60, and had his class book drop in there. The lucky bastard.

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Id didnt matter Tarj.

I think the drops were.

1] Rogue item

2] Druid item

3] Druid item

4] Druid item

5] Druid item

6] Warrior item

7] Druid item

8] Druid item

9] Druid item

There may have been a couple more Druid Drops too, i was starting to lose count tbh. Oh, and the greed rolls for other stuff. I think the hunters lowest roll inside the whole instance was about 97!

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Sam rolled 100 on me for some random chest last night.

We killed a 47 elite giant though - not bad for a pair of clothies :-)

I had to take the aggro and sam had to heal. Probably the longest fight I've had yet. The git kept stamping on me.

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Stop moaning Nayson! the amount of squishie shit I see in instances, it was refreshing to do a run which had leather drops TBH.

Yes it was the hunter's lucky day, he rolled like a bastard, and as I said he won an epic in scholo earlier that day...

I can't believe I managed to find a competant group for such a shit instance at that time on a Sunday night! Then to get my Cap at the first attempt, I was quite pleased I must say.

I've started researching fire res too, currently I have 45, 65 with the Druid Buff, theres a girdle that drops in Strat that will take it to 85, and a tailor can make me up some shitty green leggings (in terms of stats) but with high armour and 20 fire res to take me up to 105, throw in the UBRS key, and some tasty Blue shoulders that drop in DM, I'll be up to 125 fire res, which should at least help me getting fried on certain bosses when I don't have aggro. Its all about balance though, you can have all the fire res in the world but without other stats you will still die.

Nayson needs Warlords and I need UBRS key, perhaps a run down in LBRS tonight?

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Sam rolled 100 on me for some random chest last night.

We killed a 47 elite giant though - not bad for a pair of clothies :-)

I had to take the aggro and sam had to heal. Probably the longest fight I've had yet. The git kept stamping on me.

Bet it was those blue **** in Tanaris

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Health Regen Ring : id argue its a Warlock item. Everyone will roll on it though.

I agree. When it dropped i did the run with people i know from precious, and i asked if i could roll too, as i thought it was mana regen and not health regen... :oops: :oops: But anyway its ok with a bit extra stamina in PvP.

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Maps of instances and drops. Nice!

Stop moaning Nayson! the amount of squishie shit I see in instances, it was refreshing to do a run which had leather drops TBH.

Thing is, the Warlock seems to be quite unique in how we play. We really arent all that squishy (ill bet i can take being beaten on better than any rogue, and probably a lot of mail wearers too) I mean, Warlocks can even tank Onixya! (video of Warlock tanking Onixya, and winning) so we clearly dont play like Mage/Priest in the mechanics of the game. We dont need spirit at all. In fact, i have spent talent points in things that reduce a Warlocks spirit.

For Warlocks, we need stat wise:

1] Stamina

2] Spell Damage

Intelligence is nice, but its just not as important as the other two. Lifetap = mana.

Spirit is completely pointless. We have Lifetap for mana regen, Demon Armour for health regen.

Agility is a melee stat.

Strength is the single most pointless stat of all for us.

Now most cloth gear is Int/Spi for the "squisihes"

I am not a squishy.

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You must be joking about cloth dropping Nays, I could have decked myself out several times over in Dreadmist and Devout stuff! Similarly beaststalker gear, I've got three bits of the BoP stuff which means I get a bonus to my crossbow skills or something! That means I could have FIVE bits of it by now, if I wanted the BoE stuff as well, mad! I've never even had an Elements bit of kit drop, never mind losing a roll on it.

Still I have been extraordinarily lucky on the UBRS key, getting all the bits for it on my last two LBRS runs.

I'll help you farm Voone and whoever for it Dan, the bit with Emberstrife is great fun! Once you have the seal and three gems, and have been back to Vaelan in LBRS, you have to go to Emberstrife in Dustwallow. You have to beat him to about 10% health, then you have to drop the seal near him, then MC him with an orb you get given. When you MC him you have to breathe fire on the dropped seal to forge the seal.

You can then fly about trying to toast the rest of your group! Excellent fun indeed. You get five of the MC charges too, so I expect you can go back at later dates and just beat the **** out of him and fly about as a dragon for a bit, should you want to!

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TBH. its quite funny because you claim you never get mail/elemental and dan with his leather, and every instance i enter its nothing but mail and leather. Just like i feel i never get cloth and you claim nothing else drops! Guess thats how it is.

I really wanna do Tribute run, for the fact that its hard. I like doing 5 man runs, were you have to be focused and play good. Makes it so much more fun.

And ive discovered that we should do the instance in Silithus. Its a chain Q and rewards for everyone after.


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Yeah despite the wipes, I enjoyed tribute last night. TBH I find 8/10 man runs fairly boring, and only do them now in the vain hope of egtting good drops. Like Tarj says, it teaches you to be a better player, rather than 10 players beating on one mob.

With a decent tank I reckon we'd have got there last night. Given that my first 2 wipes were completely unnecessary, as well, I think we'd have got through in one or two more goes. Because of Bellend (or whatever his name was) my armor was down to near scrap. I don't mind wiping because a place is hard, I do mind when it's down to sheer stupidity though. If he'd have said sorry it wouldn't have been so bad. I'm sure we've all **** up at one time or other, but to then try and blame everybody else and call them noobs really takes some nerve!

Another on my list of people never to instances with.

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