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What is it with us and arsehole tanks?! It's not just that they're shit (that bloke yesterday couldn't hold agro to save his life) but they all have really bad attitudes as well.

Attacking yesterday when Nays was on about 20% mana.

"Everybody else was ready!"

Yes but you complete clearing in the woods, you've just made my life as a healer that much harder, as we're effectively now attacking with 3 people instead of 4!

And I had a go at the shammy epic Q, and it's as hard as people say. The first waves of ghosts are pretty easy, but then you get 9 elite green bastards at once. I'd read up about it before, but you can't really imagine what it's going to be like till you're doing it. I reckon the ideal group for it would be a tank, two priests and two shammies, as then you can shackle 2 of them, and have got 2 chances to res, and 2 chances to do the q again if you die.

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Enjoyed the duelling last night. That warrior ran off quick when a clothie beat him twice in a row. I was just beginning to get used to the new slot/keys setup. Didn't even use my stoneshield potions (he'd have no chance then).

If I get time before we do ZF tonight, I'm going ganking :-)

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^^^Thumbnail with no link! Riss I see you've decided to hide your helm. You're grey hair doesn't look to flattering though I must say.

I'm getting my LBRS gems tonight if it kills me (which it probably will)

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Ok, i can now make 14 slot bags.

They do need quite a lot of stuff to be made with, but if anyone needs one:

25x Runecloth (drops from humanoids over level 50)

2x Rugged Leather (Skinner, or AH)

2 x Rune Thread (Buy from the Tailoring supplies in the Drag in Orgrimmar)

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I've had all 16 slotters for a while now. One is full with totems, trinkets and HS, that sort of thing. Another has a complete change of armor in it. Then I have one for water/potions etc, and another for quest items and keys etc. The other is for the loot from dungeons and grinding etc.

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That screenshot is class. I've got one of Sion at lvl 60 in a clipframe, sad i know but its a nice reminder of a tremendous game and some fun nights.

Wish you were still about Si. We've had some right tossers for tanks lately. Making a mistake is one thing, we all do it, but the shite these blokes talk after a wipe is hilarious!

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Wish you were still about Si. We've had some right tossers for tanks lately. Making a mistake is one thing, we all do it, but the shite these blokes talk after a wipe is hilarious!

Tanking is a **** difficult thing to master, I found that out pretty quickly. To be honest I loved the game up to lvl 60 but then I wanted to be a Mage again, I hated the pressure of tanking basically because I don't like letting people down which i felt like i was doing if i didnt get things spot on. I can't be like one of these blokes that just blames everyone else and shouts 'Nooob!' I take the shit personally.

Also (and Dan will back me on this one) I took dogs abuse that night in Strat and the only thing I said in response was that the Mage shouldn't have been pulling. Instead of what I really wanted to shout which was '**** off you nobs, its a **** game and I'm still learning'.

Anyway, Sion has gone now and at least i know what the missus and kids look like again.

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Yeah have to admit I wouldn't like the pressure of being a tank. I liken it to being a goalie. You can do 99% of things right, but one mistake and it can cause a total loss, and that's all people remember. I wish I hadn't crashed in the middle of that BAron Run, as I'd have backed you up. Even now people don't realise that a tank needs the aggro, and positively WANTS to be hit! As soon as the warrior charges you see mages and warlocks letting off the nukes. In a ten man you can get away with this, as the mob is usually dead before it becomes a problem.

Now that I've started to heal more, you can see the problems it causes when people dont let a tank build agro. The squishies take hits, which means I'm wasting mana healing them, when I could be keeping the tank alive. I don't mind a tank dying at the end of a long fight, but if clothies start taking damage too early in 5 man raids, you know it's not that good a group (edit: assuming the tank is doing his job right)

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Mind you having said all that, I'm playing through Fable on the PC at the moment (great game) and at the start I had the choice to specialise in casting/magic skills or being a bit more of a melee machine.

Guess which one i went for?

I'll give you a clue, I now have plate armour. :bang:

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Its ironic really, I said I'd stop at 60. Sion said the fun started at 60. We've ended up going the opposite way. I'm sat at work itching to get home and thinking of pulling a sicky on Friday just so I can play more. Whilst Si got sick of it at 60, like I thought I would.

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Go on Si, phone up Blizz and say that you've made a terrible mistake! Reinstate Siongest, it's really no fun doing stuff with some of the dolts we've found recently.

Just to say though, that I'm meeting more and more completely great people in the game.

Yesterday Bradd (tank), Voodooface (priest), Arcasis (mage) and Morth (rogue) all came to Scholo JUST to help me attempt my epic shammy q. Even though we wiped twice, everyone was a top bloke, and took mistakes in good humour. I offered them all something towards the repair bills as well, but they wouldn't take it.

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I thought I would too Dan, but it's brilliant. Even though we're not levelling as such, you still are really because better gear makes all the difference in the world. There's always something new to do it seems, and then there's the expansion due in the summer too.

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