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I did that night, but usually I win nowt. Tarj is the man for winning greed rolls, never seen anyone as lucky!

Finished that Battle of Hillsbrad with Si last night Dan, as I thought it took him about 30 seconds! I'll give you a hand if you still need to do it, as it's good XP, plus you get some more XP by just reporting back to UC. I've still got a few to finish off in Hillsbrad, and a couple I've started in Arathi, so if anyone wants to jon me, let me know.

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A quick question on spring water made by Mages....does it disappear after a certain amount of time? A mage in Orgri made me 60 bottles, but now it doesn't seem to be in my inventory.

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Conjoured items disapear 15 minutes after logging off.

So Mages food and water, and Warlocks Healthstones and Soulstones need to be made every time a player logs in.

this is why i just go if im going to be off for a little while and im carrying conjoured items. If im off for the night, ill always give any Healthstone and Soulstone i have to someone in Orgrimmar.

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Learn something new everyday! I'll do the same with my water in future.

What are everybody's skills by the way, and what else are they on the look out for? I send any meat I get to Bicks for the dog, and give him any light leather I get for blacksmithing or whatever he does. If anyone gets any spider's silk I'll buy it off them.

Plus if anybody gets any decent L40 mail from drops, let me know and I'll buy it from you, as I can use it when I get to L40.

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Myself and D1 pick up Level 40 drops all the time.

I take it you can move from leather to mail armour at 40 though, so anything made from mail will be welcome?

As for my skills, click the "WoW" link in my sig...

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Citizen Smith is no more, he's an ex-pet, I'm currently training up Chairman Miow (name courtesy of Nayson) a much faster mountain Cat and after that its a Bear to use as a tank, but still send me all your meat as they are still both Carnivores

I've remembered the spider silk, just havent got any yet but as I'm mainly grinding in the name of pet training (and new weapon training for me - two axes at once, swords when I get a chance blah blah blah) at the moment, I should get some soon.

And because of this I dont expect my level to rise much in the near future but when its sorted the Hunter will be much stronger

Also with my blacksmithing and mining, occaisionally you get lumps of coal etc, you can send them my way too if you want

I'll get mail at level 40 too, but you'll get there well before me So if I get any in the near future I'll send it your way

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All this armour is making me jealous. Im stuck wearing cloth forever.

Still, the upside of it is that no matter what you are wearing, whether its cloth, leather, mail or plate, my spells hit you as hard. Armour has no effect on magical damage!

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I want to forego questing tonight in favour of an out and out Ally hunt. I got done twice last night by two groups, one of three and one of four when I was doing a q around Hammerfall. All notions I once had of fair play are right out the window! ANY Ally I see is prey now. If there's a level 10 gnome ****, his ass is grass, I'm passed trying to do the decent thing!

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This might be just what you need.

If you come accross a rocket polisher who you want to kill repeatedly, you can get this to remeber his name, and if he so much as walks in the same area as you again, a little bell rings, and the reason why you want to kill him pops up.

Im still looking for a Druid, called Fluid. Its 1/1 on kills, but i wont rest until im beating him.

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