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Why don't you join Trim and take up running too?

Yes maybe one day, I could do with it. I'm not sure if running is 'for me' though.

i'd be careful running with your ab's too, Laura.

it is quite a high impact activity ...

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I've always wanted to pull up next to a jogger and saying 'you look like you're in a rush mate, need a lift?'

Never had the guts :(

That would be mildly amusing compared to some of the shite we get from motorists who think they are oh-so-witty.
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I can't jog flat out for a mile, even going at a silly slow pace.
That's from Dec 16, 2008.

I think you've improved a bit, eh? :thumb:

Haha cheers man :D Just a touch!

As Si mentioned before, Tuesday I was shit, but I ran Saturday, played 75minutes football (6aside) on Monday, and ran 1.5miles uphill after that, so I put it down to tiredness and nothing else.

Looking forward to Sunday though :)

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Did five miles yesterday in about 45 minutes. Twenty years ago I could do it under 32 minutes, thats what getting older and injured does for you...
That's still not bad.

I'm not sure that getting older is an excuse - I have a mate who's 65 and can knock out 36 minute 10Ks (I hate him!) The injury might be though - what was/is it?

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im walking 27km a day now, which would be so much less time consuming if i could run

Do you mean 27km a week?

no, a day


only 27km 5 days a week, the 6th day is just 9km and saturday is my day off

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as i say though id much prefer to be able to run, but i had a couple of pretty bad foot injuries so it most likely would stand up to the extra impact of running

im losing too much weight though, thats the downside of the longer walks

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nah i physically cant

i broke 2 metatarsals years back, the hospital told me i was fine, and i proceeded to walk around for 18 months on the foot. the bones fused a bit, healed wrong, and started growing up out of my instep, so i had to have the foot broken, the bones seperated, the excess bone chissled off, and the whole thing reset - so basically my whole right foot is brittle as ****

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