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hot baths help with the tight muscles.
Whoaaaaaaa, hold on a minute. Hot baths FEEL great, I agree. But if you've got muscle damage (hairline tearing of the muscle fibres, basically), hot water will open up the tears and make things worse. Strictly speaking you should be putting your legs in very COLD baths - ice, basically.

Do I do it? Hell, no, but that's what serious athletes do!

Just don't be under the illusion that the hot bath is doing your muscles good - it isn't.

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hot baths help with the tight muscles.
Whoaaaaaaa, hold on a minute. Hot baths FEEL great, I agree. But if you've got muscle damage (hairline tearing of the muscle fibres, basically), hot water will open up the tears and make things worse. Strictly speaking you should be putting your legs in very COLD baths - ice, basically.

Do I do it? Hell, no, but that's what serious athletes do!

Just don't be under the illusion that the hot bath is doing your muscles good - it isn't.

This is true. But general muscle tightness from working out, heat will help to loosen the muscle and relax it. Ice is actually your best friend for almost any pain in the body. I have to ice my neck and left shoulder all the time from a bad car accident injury. But if my legs are stiff *or lower back in my case* after a run then i soak in a hot bath. Helps it every time.

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I've been running every day for the last 5 days, along with upping my pilates and other training. I AM FOOOOOOOKED. My thighs hurt.

I remember the last time I overdid it, a few years ago. Started hill training with a footy team and didn't find it too bad...till 2 days later when my thighs were absolutely on fire. They were rock solid, lactic acid build up the physio told me. Was about a week before I could run again.

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Take it easy silly!! Fill a paper cup up with water and freeze it. Then peel off the top layer of the cup and give yourself on ice massage. THEN *after about 10-15 minutes* soak in a hot bath. And start doing veeeeeeeeeeery slow stretches and overdosing on water.

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Take it easy silly!! Fill a paper cup up with water and freeze it. Then peel off the top layer of the cup and give yourself on ice massage. THEN *after about 10-15 minutes* soak in a hot bath. And start doing veeeeeeeeeeery slow stretches and overdosing on water.

:) Thanks for the tips. I think I'll try these tomorrow, my thighs are feeling hard and a bit warm :), think I'll give the exercise a miss for a couple of days.

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Where do you get so much time to run?!

Anyway this is worrying, I just bought new trainers but my stamina is still sinking like the Titanic (cheesy analogy :) ). Not quite sure what's happening, I am suffering from a bit of flu/cold (not sure which) but it's hardly anything serious.

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Where do you get so much time to run?!
A typical "three run week" for me would be:

1) Tuesday evening: (running club) 7.30 - 9.00 pm, typically 10 km to 15 km.

2) Thursday evening: (running club) 7.30 - 9.00 pm. Speedwork at the track


2) Friday morning: (run to work) 7.30 am - 8.30 am, 11 km

3) Sunday morning: 15 km

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hot baths help with the tight muscles.
Whoaaaaaaa, hold on a minute. Hot baths FEEL great, I agree. But if you've got muscle damage (hairline tearing of the muscle fibres, basically), hot water will open up the tears and make things worse. Strictly speaking you should be putting your legs in very COLD baths - ice, basically.

Do I do it? Hell, no, but that's what serious athletes do!

Just don't be under the illusion that the hot bath is doing your muscles good - it isn't.

I kid you not when I say... I take ice baths :-/ usually if I have done so much I ache and it helps so much, first time is **** hard though.

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hot baths help with the tight muscles.
Whoaaaaaaa, hold on a minute. Hot baths FEEL great, I agree. But if you've got muscle damage (hairline tearing of the muscle fibres, basically), hot water will open up the tears and make things worse. Strictly speaking you should be putting your legs in very COLD baths - ice, basically.

Do I do it? Hell, no, but that's what serious athletes do!

Just don't be under the illusion that the hot bath is doing your muscles good - it isn't.

I kid you not when I say... I take ice baths :-/ usually if I have done so much I ache and it helps so much, first time is **** hard though.

Can't you fit in two evenings and one weekend run? Even a lunchtime, if you're pressed?
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Did my first run of my bid to get back up to a 10k race today. Did 3 miles in just under half an hour. Not too bad.

My running shoes are awful though. They kill me. Really need to get some new ones.

Done 2 more 3 mile runs since. Nearly a minute faster now than my first run.

It's hard work though. Annoying that this time last year I did 10k comfortably.

But i'll get there. 3 runs a week for the next few weeks, slowly getting further in distance.

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Good job Stevo!

I'm doing the Galloway Method for my 15k that's coming up. I'm still nervous about it though. I suppose as long as I complete it I'll be happy. I've just never run more than 5 miles. It's intimidating. I work out at least 3 times a week and run the opposite days. But running has never been what I was good at. Still, I'm excited to finally do something like this. Three years ago it could have never happened!! Yay!

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Finished my first Half Marathon yesterday! Came in at 1h57, so under the 2 hour mark which is all I wanted.

Feeling a bit sore today, but not to bad considering. Now thinking about the next event....

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Finished my first Half Marathon yesterday! Came in at 1h57, so under the 2 hour mark which is all I wanted.

Feeling a bit sore today, but not to bad considering. Now thinking about the next event....

Excellent, well done mate. :thumb:
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^^^ Congrats!!!

I finished the Gate Rive Run. It was awesome. Never have I gone more than 5 miles. So a 15k was a bit of a challenge.....BUT I DID IT!!!!!


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Per usual....you wasted no time.

ROB! I am really happy about this so could the boob comment at least be second to a congratulations?!

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