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Vass Hell?


Could We do without Vassell?  

67 members have voted

  1. 1. Could We do without Vassell?

    • Can Do Without Him
    • Can't Do Without Him

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Reading the Daily Mirror this morning, which has a larger section on Vassell than the last few days entitled 'City to end Vass-Hell'

Speculation is mounting about the relatively young speed machine.

Vassell is touted as a possible trump card for a smash and grab move for Sylvain Distin.

However .. given this is speculation so far, Can we do without Vassell?

Also What do you think of his pace? his finishing and technique? Do you think we as a team will lose pace? or do people see this as a chance for a new star in the form of Luke Moore?

Use those buttons and submit your views....

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I voted for option one - we can do without him - but only if we get a decent replacement in first.

I like Vassell (would really like him if his finishing improved) and would personally prefer it if he stays but if we're having to sell on a player I'd rather it be him than Olly, Barry or Nobby etc

As for the mooted swap deal for Distain - DOL has already quashed this rumour on the OS....

I don't think he's going anywhere - FFS he's on a plane to Sweden today!

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It would mean going into the season with 3 strikers - so no

It would mean we lost our paceman, the man who whatever some people say puts the sh*ts up opposition defences

Big NO

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The poll is a bit simplyfied however I'd rather keep him, BUT if getting Baros(or another decent striker) and Distin meant we would lose Vassell I would say go for it.

Saying that I would rather keep Vass AND get Baros(or another decent striker) and Distin, but if we dont get another striker and only get Distin then no we need Vass.

Those people slating Baros must be mad! I think he was Liverpools top scorer last season and was top scorer in Euro 2004. He seemed to have a lot of probs last season but who in our team do you honestly think would have a chance of winning top scorer in the Euros?

If we get him I think our first choice partnership will be Baros and Phillips.

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If we get him I think our first choice partnership will be Baros and Phillips.

you owe me a keyboard, I've just spat coffee all over this one........

Cant keep your mouth shut :)

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Daz has to stay ! He has proven himself at Villa Park.

Last season was an anomaly and with a broken ankle against Fulham and disappointment in Portugual who wouldn't be depressed.

What I don't get though is how the media are talking a valuation as low as 3M for Daz!! Come on, get real! If Crouchie is worth 7M to Benitez and Lyon wanted to pay 10M for Baros, then 3M for Daz is a joke,, even worse an insult.

If Manchester City want Daz why shouldnt we ask for Distin and while we are at it why not be cheeky and ask them to add a bit of cash on top.

Personally I would rather see Daz stay. He is bound to find that blazing form again and with our support he will terrify a lot of defences this season!

As for the media, all I can do is shake my head and remind myself it must be a slow news day for even the likes of the Mirror to write such drivel about Daz at 3M!

Daz me old mate.. make your future at Villa Park look very BRIGHT! I hope you sign a new 2 year contract very soon and return to scoring 13 + goals this season .

Who amongst us remembers Daz's games like the ones with Stromsgodset ? That's the Daz that I believe in!

On top of all this he is a Brummie and everyone knows that every good brummie is born with claret and blue blood. He was born to play for the Villa. If you think he was depressed last season imagine how depressed he will be if he signs for a club that is only Number 2 in their city and plays in Blue ? Give me a break!

Let's get behind Daz this season and help him get more England caps!

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It depends how much we can get for him. Vass is one of a kind, and by that I mean he is a striker who can't score. They're useless in my book, I don't care how much "opening up defences" he does.

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It depends how much we can get for him. Vass is one of a kind, and by that I mean he is a striker who can't score. They're useless in my book, I don't care how much "opening up defences" he does.

Ah Dan, you know so much about football you wrote a book, look here's the cover



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Not a chance O'leary will sell Vass even if we try and get Baros imo.

No way he will keep Luke over Vass as one of our 4 first team strikers (if i'm making sense)

However, Vass is a striker who doesnt score goals!

In my opinon we should be trying to get Baros(even though is shite) and having Vass,Phillips,Angel as our other strikers. Hmm doesnt sound that good when only one of them can finish anyway other might think its good. If we sign Baros i will support him as a villa player, at the momment he aint hense overrated and rubbish! :D

I really hope this Vass stuff is rubbish because we have NO pace in our team and if we get rid of him i think my nan could sprint through our team!

O'leary i know your flying to Sweeden but deny this please?

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It depends how much we can get for him. Vass is one of a kind, and by that I mean he is a striker who can't score. They're useless in my book, I don't care how much "opening up defences" he does.

so that's one of kind with the same scoring ratio as a player people on here thought was the second coming until he signed for Blackburn

as for the "opening up defences" - like it or not he helped so much with getting JPA to 20+ goals that you do have to consider it.

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In my opinon we should be trying to get Baros(even though is shite)

Yep, top scorer at Euro 2004 and then top scorer for the European Champions in 2004-5. And he's still young. Sounds crap to me. Why don't we ever get linked with anybody good, like that new fella Liverpool have just bought :roll:

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Well I'd trust DOL ..I mean he's only given away 4 strikers since he's been at the club ..though before you all start , YES I do agree with him on the 4 he got rid off , however he has only brought 1 striker in to replace the 4 ..and that was a season too late

Not good enough for Villa , but good enough for Liverpool it seems ..and with 5m profit in one season ... coupled with offloading Balaban for free , no wonder we are a club that's skint ...

Personally I feel Crouch will cost Benitez his job long term , but no more on the subject of the lanky shit one ..

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I thought it was generally considered that we missed Vass a lot when he was out last year...I also think its a given that him and Angel do work well together and also that if O'Leary wants Angel and Phillips to be our first choice pairing Vass will be extremely effective at coming off the bench for the last 20-odd minutes.

In my opinion he is invaluable to our cause and 3m is a disgrace - I would rather keep him and never play him then sell him for 3million pounds to a team that are trying their hardest to become a higher placed more succesful team than us...Maybe it's selfish but I would rather see Vass not quite realise his full potential for us than see him become a world class striker at another club...Its not like the 3m will be invested back into the team anyway is it?

Plus, haven't City just bought Andrew Cole? How many strikers do they have now?

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Personally I feel Crouch will cost Benitez his job long term , but no more on the subject of the lanky shit one ..

Quite right too especially "no more on the subject of the lanky shit one" or this thread will be closed very quickly

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vassell is useless. a goal every 4.5 games for villa on average and last season it was a goal ever 7 games!!!! people - do not be disillusioned by his 'pace' or him scaring the shit out of defenders - he doesn't! he has very little control and gets scared as soon as he has to make a choice. supersize me with a big mac and fries and you can have him or if you are steve stride take 3mn. and be very happy

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but for a while vassell had the best strike rate out of all the England Strikers , so he can score at the top level , all be it in a team filled with some quality ....sadly Villa's tactics are for Ollie to hoof the ball 80 yards down the pitch 90 miles in the air ... maybe DOL will try and play a bit of football thsi season and we might see threaded through balls for Vassell to run onto , and a lot more goals from him

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vassell is useless. a goal every 4.5 games for villa on average and last season it was a goal ever 7 games!!!! people - do not be disillusioned by his 'pace' or him scaring the shit out of defenders - he doesn't! he has very little control and gets scared as soon as he has to make a choice. supersize me with a big mac and fries and you can have him or if you are steve stride take 3mn. and be very happy

In domestic football he has scored 45 goals in 121 starts for Villa, the goals to game ratio looks worse because he's played 67 games coming on as sub

His goal ratio is much better than people give him credit for

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