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Please tell me when to stop laughing at SHA


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Someone I know was told via what they called a "credible source" at the club that they only have enough money to keep going to January. Not sure if true but was what I was told

I heard similar and its supposed to be doing the rounds on Twitter.

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On SHA, they're slating our crowd of 21,000 last night. Coincidentally, this is 2,000 more than turned up to their FIRST home league game of the season, which was also a local derby.

We also closed large parts of the ground off aswell if i'm not mistaken .

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They will only be a few thousand higher than 21k for their first European game in 50 years on Thursday and that is with tickets at £10.

I will never understand how they attempt to claim they have better support than us its daft.

If they are honest I think deep down they actually know the truth though.

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I know it is old, but just because it is my all time favourite thing to laugh at them for and you never know some might not have seen it I will post it again. It doesn't matter how many times I read it I laugh every time.

WHOOPS! You'll never believe this one - the 2007 Official Club Diary produced for Birmingham City FC has been printed with an astonishing list of errors.

Emblazoned on the honours page at the front of the diary are claims that Blues won the European Cup in 1982, the European Super Cup, a total of seven FA Cup trophies and five League Cup victories!

The cup glories, of course, belong to arch-rivals Aston Villa, but somehow the information has been processed as Blues' own.

Today, staff at Birmingham City admitted there had been a "massive cock-up" and appeared to blame the printers for the mistake.

Meanwhile, although Kent-based Castelli Diaries admitted there had been a huge blunder, they claimed that they only printed information supplied by the club.

The club and printer are now understood to be in heated discussions as to why proofs were not checked and the errors avoided.

Although Blues said most diaries had successfully been recalled after the gaffe was spotted, they confirmed that a number of copies were still in circulation.

Fans who received the black A4 diaries, embossed with Blues' official crest, said that although the error was "embarrassing" they could see the funny side.

Blues fan Wayne Benton contacted the Birmingham Mail after his company was sent one of the complimentary desk diaries.

Wayne, a construction recruitment consultant at city centre-based Thorn-Baker, said: "I was flicking through the diary and came to a page headed Club records.

"I could not believe it - there was Blues having won the European Cup, the Super Cup, seven FA Cups and five League Cups. There was even mention of the three FA Youth Cup victories we never had!"

Wayne, aged 29, from Chelmsley Wood, added: "The diary was sent as a gift by Birmingham City along with an invitation to advertise next year.

"It was a shock to see the honours and a bit embarrassing because as long as I have been watching Blues they have never been that successful, although we all hope that will change.

"But I think every one can see the funny side, although I have had some stick off Villa fans in the office."

Blues fan Neil Woodward, a plasterer from Castle Bromwich, said: "I wish we could swap honours with Villa! But seriously, this is obviously a printing error."

A Blues club spokesman said: "Luckily we caught this early and were able to claw back the majority of the diaries before they went out, however some still got through.

"We have been dealing with the company who printed them for a number of years and on this occasion we were not sent any proofs before the diaries were printed.

"This is a massive cock-up and we are currently looking at cancelling the contract with the company in future."

A spokeswoman for Kent-based Castelli Diaries said the diaries were a standard issue with companies producing their own information to run on the pages towards the front of the book, together with advertisements from local firms.

She said: "We would have taken the information for these 'tipping pages' as we call them from information supplied to us by the company who is commissioning the diary - in this case Birmingham City."

It is thought all of the other information is correct, including fixture details, club information and the squad, as well as standard diary pages.

Evening Mail 2007

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I will never understand how they attempt to claim they have better support than us its daft.

it's because they are brain dead, inbred, kiddy fiddling fucktards.

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I know it is old, but just because it is my all time favourite thing to laugh at them for and you never know some might not have seen it I will post it again. It doesn't matter how many times I read it I laugh every time.

WHOOPS! You'll never believe this one - the 2007 Official Club Diary produced for Birmingham City FC has been printed with an astonishing list of errors.

Emblazoned on the honours page at the front of the diary are claims that Blues won the European Cup in 1982, the European Super Cup, a total of seven FA Cup trophies and five League Cup victories!

The cup glories, of course, belong to arch-rivals Aston Villa, but somehow the information has been processed as Blues' own.

Today, staff at Birmingham City admitted there had been a "massive cock-up" and appeared to blame the printers for the mistake.

Meanwhile, although Kent-based Castelli Diaries admitted there had been a huge blunder, they claimed that they only printed information supplied by the club.

The club and printer are now understood to be in heated discussions as to why proofs were not checked and the errors avoided.

Although Blues said most diaries had successfully been recalled after the gaffe was spotted, they confirmed that a number of copies were still in circulation.

Fans who received the black A4 diaries, embossed with Blues' official crest, said that although the error was "embarrassing" they could see the funny side.

Blues fan Wayne Benton contacted the Birmingham Mail after his company was sent one of the complimentary desk diaries.

Wayne, a construction recruitment consultant at city centre-based Thorn-Baker, said: "I was flicking through the diary and came to a page headed Club records.

"I could not believe it - there was Blues having won the European Cup, the Super Cup, seven FA Cups and five League Cups. There was even mention of the three FA Youth Cup victories we never had!"

Wayne, aged 29, from Chelmsley Wood, added: "The diary was sent as a gift by Birmingham City along with an invitation to advertise next year.

"It was a shock to see the honours and a bit embarrassing because as long as I have been watching Blues they have never been that successful, although we all hope that will change.

"But I think every one can see the funny side, although I have had some stick off Villa fans in the office."

Blues fan Neil Woodward, a plasterer from Castle Bromwich, said: "I wish we could swap honours with Villa! But seriously, this is obviously a printing error."

A Blues club spokesman said: "Luckily we caught this early and were able to claw back the majority of the diaries before they went out, however some still got through.

"We have been dealing with the company who printed them for a number of years and on this occasion we were not sent any proofs before the diaries were printed.

"This is a massive cock-up and we are currently looking at cancelling the contract with the company in future."

A spokeswoman for Kent-based Castelli Diaries said the diaries were a standard issue with companies producing their own information to run on the pages towards the front of the book, together with advertisements from local firms.

She said: "We would have taken the information for these 'tipping pages' as we call them from information supplied to us by the company who is commissioning the diary - in this case Birmingham City."

It is thought all of the other information is correct, including fixture details, club information and the squad, as well as standard diary pages.

Evening Mail 2007

May have seen it before but jogging my memory this time. And highlighting new gems such as those highlighted....

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