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How much do you like your job?


How much do you like your current job (out of 10)?  

81 members have voted

  1. 1. How much do you like your current job (out of 10)?

    • Love it! Miss it when I am not working (9-10)
    • I enjoy work, but it does get to me sometimes (7-8)
    • It pays the bills, but I want to do something else (5-6)
    • I dislike my job, but put up with it (3-4)
    • I hate my job and think about quitting every day (1-2)

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Options are as above. I gave myself a 5-6. I work with some right f*****g muppets a lot of the time. And if anyone saw Panoroma tonight, you will see the filthy conditions I have to put up with!

So how much do you lot like dislike your job?

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The hours do my nut in sometimes, but i enjoy the nature of the work, and the money and security are as good as i can hope for.

And it might be a good idea to say what you actually do for a living in this thread.

Me? Im a train driver.

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The hours do my nut in sometimes, but i enjoy the nature of the work, and the money and security are as good as i can hope for.

And it might be a good idea to say what you actually do for a living in this thread.

Me? Im a train driver.

My hours do my nut in too. 56 a week average. Workj shifts so end up swapping for Villa games.

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Sometimes I get a huge buzz out of my job. Getting to prove I am brighter than my opponents, and engaging in sarcasm, one upmanship, brinkmanship and a little cockyness do keep me entertained. Now that I've moved into a quazi fraud role, I enjoy investigating and exposing wrong doers.

However, the mononony of the work, the bleating of "its not my fault" brigade, and the need to make frequent decisions potentiall costing thousands of pounds each time can take their toll I swing from highs to lows hourly.

I work in insurance.

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I was somewhere inbetween the top 2, I love my job but wouldn't say I miss it when I'm not working. I'm on holiday now so not missing my job, but it's the best job I'l ever have no doubt about that but my contract only has 4 weeks to run :(

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I'm currently inbetween jobs...

... which means I'm contracting to 2 different companies and split the week inbetween the 2. Fun is going to start when both want me for more than 2.5 days a week..... which will be soon, methinks.

But, then, that's the nature of contracting.

I'm a programmer (which explains the amount of time I spend on here :wink:)

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toughie for me this.

went for option 3 in the end, but was hovering between 2 and 3 for a while and could have chosen either. The job can be quite interesting, and at other times quite dull. However, as Juju said, even with the more interesting jobs out there, they nearly always still involve a fair degree of repetition and monotony. :yawn:

But i feel i could do much more, it's essentially not the area i did my degree or masters in (politics :oops: ) but most of the people are OK and the hours aren't too bad. I just feel i have more to offer, i suppose. It's just a question of getting off my arse and pushing myself.

My job is data programming with a little bit of anaysis thrown in occassionaly.

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I'm a teacher.

Anyone see Dispatches last Thursday on Channel 4? My school was on that, its a mess. This is my first year teaching and I'm moving schools this summer so I hoping to enjoy it more, otherwise I'll do something else. Problem is I don't know what that something else might be.

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I'm a teacher.

Anyone see Dispatches last Thursday on Channel 4? My school was on that, its a mess. This is my first year teaching and I'm moving schools this summer so I hoping to enjoy it more, otherwise I'll do something else. Problem is I don't know what that something else might be.

i think teaching depends a hell of a lot upon which school your at. Not wanting to sound snobbish, but if you're at a school where the kids want to learn, your job satisfaction will increase immensely.

My sister has just got a job teaching (starts in sept) but it's at a decent-ish school i think (wilmslow high up here in leafy cheshire). But she has had to do some stints in some god awful school s too where the kids simply don't want to be there (many of them anyway) and can make the teacher's job hell.

good luck in your new school mate. :)

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Having two jobs suits me

1) The office job - I enjoy it, every shift is a different challenge, you come in, sit down and react to whats thrown at you, complaints, incompetant telephonists, stupid drivers, sorting out problem jobs, making sure long distance jobs go out on time, disciplining drivers. There's a lot of judgement calls and you never know what each shift has in store for you, its not one of those jons where you can have a fixed idea in your head of what you're going to do that day, that would be impossible. It keeps you fresh and provides a different challenge every time

2) The taxi driving - I do enjoy this most of the time but the incentive is purely money but thats what I enjoy about it, I want money I get in my car and earn it, I don't need money, I don't bother. But because I'm good at it, I can earn good money in a relatively short space of time.

But having said all that, If I came into significant money, I'd still give it up like a shot so I went for 7-8

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its not one of those jons where you can have a fixed idea in your head of what you're going to do that day, that would be impossible.

I dunno, i do seem to manage OK knowing exactly what lies ahead :winkold:

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7-8, Like the work I do but I don't like my job sometimes. I work in a design agency where the emphasis is sometimes placed away from design and more towards banging out shit work, conning the client and getting payed for doing as little as possible.

I would like to work for another company with opportunities to climb some kind of career ladder, where work was more diverse and suited to a wider variety of design disciplines..... Anybody know of any jobs going???? :(

BTW I'm trained as a Product Designer, done a stint teaching Design & Technology and now I'm do design for print and web with a bit of back end coding thrown in.

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I'll give it a 7. I like my job. Unfortunately there are 2 parts to it. I like the development side - as I was hired as a programmer. The part I hate is dealing with the customer.

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I'm a programmer as well, web stuff mainly but done a lot of VB.Net lately.

I went for the bottom option.

I'm leaving next friday. :D

6 weeks off then to Warwick Uni to do a Secondary PGCE. At least I won't be sat behind a desk 8 hours a day...

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