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Also acquired for Kindle William Poundstone's Fortune's Formula, which covers the development of the Kelly formula/criterion and the extent to which it's still controversial in the world of finance, largely because it opposes the efficient market hypothesis.
Well I enjoyed the Gutenberg book, but I think I'll be giving this one a miss. :yawn:
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Just started Shantaram yesterday. I see it mentioned in here a few times and a friend of mine has been urging me to read it for a while now so I've taken the plunge. It's on audio though and it is 41 hours of solid listening so that's a lot of walking to be done !! By my reckoning I'll have walked ~140 miles by the time I've read it.

In my top five books of all time, absolutely brilliant stuff.

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I liked Shantaram, although the quasi-religous reflections towards the end of each chapter do get a tad annoying after a while.

Anyway, I've taken a break from my Fitzgerald/Woolf period and settled on One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn.

Then it's on to some Sartre.

Fun times.

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I don't mind quasi-religious stuff in a book to be honest as it's usually more a philosophical discussion on humanity and life rather than being preachy on how many arms your preferred imaginary friend has. Life of Pi had a fair bit of it too, but I found it quite enjoyable. Hopefully this one follows a similarly unpreachy path.

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Reading Jared Diamond's Collapse. A thought provoking book.

Didn't finish it, just didn't captivate me the way his other major bestseller (Guns, Germs and Steel) did.

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I love this thread. I find it really hard to shop for books because even though I might like the premise of the story, if I don't like the writer's style then I find it very hard to keep reading so I'm glad this thread is always updated because I hear about books I would have missed out on otherwise. I'm always looking for something good to read, especially since the next installment of 'A Song of Ice and Fire' is a long way away.

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In rare departure from my well-documented usual practice, this is holding down both the bedtime AND lunchtime slots:


This is the living room book:


This the toilet:


And this for bathtime:


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Beat Reader?


The Beat Generation was a group of American post-World War II writers who came to prominence in the 1950s, as well as the cultural phenomena that they both documented and inspired. Central elements of "Beat" culture included experimentation with drugs, alternative forms of sexuality, an interest in Eastern religion, a rejection of materialism, and the idealizing of exuberant, unexpurgated means of expression and being.

Allen Ginsberg's Howl (1956), William S. Burroughs's Naked Lunch (1959) and Jack Kerouac's On the Road (1957) are among the best known examples of Beat literature. Both Howl and Naked Lunch were the focus of obscenity trials that ultimately helped to liberalize publishing in the United States. The members of the Beat Generation developed a reputation as new bohemian hedonists, who celebrated non-conformity and spontaneous creativity.

The original "Beat Generation" writers met in New York. Later, in the mid-1950s, the central figures (with the exception of Burroughs) ended up together in San Francisco where they met and became friends with figures associated with the San Francisco Renaissance.

In the 1960s, elements of the expanding Beat movement were incorporated into the Hippie counterculture.

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Beat 821 up, 365 down

(1)v. To steal or rob something from someone.

(2)v. To have sex.

(3)v. To Masturbate.

(4)v. To win.

(5)v. To fight someone roughly.

1."You got beat for 20 bucks."

2."She finally let me beat the other night."

3."No ass so I had to beat my meat."

4.Philly beat Atlanta and are going to the Super Bowl.

5."I beat that kid about the head and face.

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