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Released 27/08/19

Control (video game)

Control is an action-adventure video game developed by Remedy Entertainment and published by 505 Games. The game revolves around the Federal Bureau of Control (FBC), a secret U.S. government agency tasked with containing and studying phenomena which violate the laws of reality. As Jesse Faden, the Bureau's new Director, players explore the Oldest House – the FBC's paranormal New York headquarters – and utilize powerful abilities in order to defeat a deadly enemy known only as the Hiss, which has invaded and corrupted reality. Control was released on 27 August 2019 for Microsoft Windows (via the Epic Games Store), PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.[1]


Edited by MaVilla
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Just a heads up if you have the old school Xbox One and PlayStation 4 then approach with caution. Control was made with PC in mind and PC at the forefront so no expense was spared on effects that the ageing consoles cannot run well at all. There are prolonged drops in combat to as low at 10FPS on the old systems (which is unplayable), so keep that in mind. PS4 Pro and Xbox One X fare a lot better, but if you have an OG Xbox One/PlayStation 4 then expect to be in for a rough time. 

Performance Breakdown


How well does Remedy's latest blockbuster, Control, stack up on consoles? Let's make no bones about it - the game is brilliant and a stunning technological showcase. It works on the Sony and Microsoft boxes, but the game reaches another level on PC, with Control featuring one of the most impressive DXR ray tracing implementations we've seen. In marketing the game, Remedy and publisher 505 have pushed PC to the forefront, to the extent where not much was seen of the console versions prior to launch. Our verdict so far? The game is worth checking out but there are performance issues and some of them can be show-stopping, depending on the hardware you're gaming on...


Both PlayStation 4 and Xbox One can see prolonged frame-rate drops in sustained combat, dropping all the way down to 10 frames per second at its absolute worst. Perhaps surprisingly, it's the PS4 that drops hardest and longest, making it noticeably the least performant version of the game. It ran so poorly that we ran through a range of checks, from rebooting the console completely to running Control on other PS4 units (the fan kicking in hard on a launch model). Nothing helped - this is how the game actually plays and it's not pretty. Xbox One S is better, there's no doubt about it, but it's still a highly unsatisfactory experience overall - a notch above PS4 in troublesome combat but still a game it's hard to recommend. The bottom line? Xbox One X delivers by far and away the best console experience on all counts, but the PS4 Pro is a decent enough runner-up...

It's a shame that the game has incredibly bad performance issues on the ageing systems, but this game is likely our first showcase that the next-gen consoles can't come soon enough. 

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  • 2 months later...

Finished this over the weekend. Aside from being bastard-hard with some very cruel checkpointing at times, this is hands down my GOTY. Incredibly satisfying combat that evolves/unlocks at the right pace, one of the most thrilling, unique and immersive game worlds and best single player I've experienced in a long time, plays out like a kickass/bonkers TV show (part Twin Peaks, part Matrix maybe).

Only gripe is when the unforgiving combat combines with the checkpointing system negatively it can be infuriating i.e. having to spend 5 minutes fighting your way back to the boss fight that just kicked your ass, rinse and repeat until you finally beat said boss.

Revisiting old areas never gets old as it's such a well-realised setting and there's plenty to bring you back to previously inaccessible levels without the feel of repetition.


It's Alan Wake 2! Kind of. But all the tie-in stuff is great.

Didn't have any technical issues on my base PS4 other then a few seconds of frame-rate drops when unpausing, but that was it.

But yeah, holy shit this game is terrific. Loved, loved, loved it.

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6 hours ago, Ingram85 said:

All I’ve ever seen of this is stuff running around inside some offices block/facility. Do the locations vary or is it all set in the same place? 

The less you know, honestly the better it'll be.  For example, to answer your questions; yes and yes.

Edited by GarethRDR
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There's so much to like about this game, but it just never quite hit the spot for me.

It looks brilliant, technically and stylistically. The soundtrack is great. There's some really interesting concepts, an intriguing story, with tonnes of detail to pore over.

However despite all the various weapons and abilities I just found the combat somewhat unsatisfying and repetitive, the enemies and bosses lacked character and difficulty, the menus are cluttered and cumbersome, and on a base PS4 the performance is pretty bad.

On the whole I'd say I enjoyed playing through it, but I find myself thinking maybe I'd have enjoyed watching the TV show more.

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On 08/03/2021 at 09:37, Delphouneso said:

bosses lacked character and difficulty

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Hehe, I was going to say one of the things I liked most about coming back to the game last month was the inclusion of the assist mode stuff, because I really didn't fancy going through the amount of grief it took me first time round to see off Mold-1, and round 2 of both the Tommasi and Former battles!  Especially Tommasi, those bloody Hiss Distorted spawns got me every damn time, first playthrough I basically had to hide at then end of on one of the topmost gangways, out of the firing line of everything and just pepper the room with Charge shots hoping to catch the feckers.  That bloody scream of theirs when they decloak on top of you, ah-no thank you.

Mind you, second playthrough I knew to ignore Melee and sink points into Launch ASAP, and holy heck is that new Multi-Launch skill OP.  Also knew not to wait on doing the weapon/personal mods mini-quests, though inventory management is still a ball-ache there and I wish they'd let you shop for specific mods rather than going through the rigmarole of finding and killing # specific baddies only to wind up with your 4th Absolute shield strength mod in a row.  The right mods on the right weapons (looking at you Charge/Surge with range+, damage+ and damage to armor+ mods) makes the gunplay so much more fun.  That unique mod in the Alan Wake DLC that gives Pierce the firing rate of a pistol is hilarious.

Edited by GarethRDR
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