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What's your tipple this evening then?


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Tell us we can't do something and we'll kill ourselves doing it, just to prove you wrong


You can't have Northern Ireland.


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Almost a gallon of Guinness watching the Barca match yesterday was very tasty. Tomorrow is one of 2 'dry' days each year in Ireland and, true to form, it is ironically one of the biggest drinking days on the calendar. Tell us we can't do something and we'll kill ourselves doing it, just to prove you wrong :) So I think my tipple over the weekend will be whatever I can lay my hands on, which will be quite a lot !

This is not an issue for us Limerick people this year. :lol:

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Tell us we can't do something and we'll kill ourselves doing it, just to prove you wrong


You can't have Northern Ireland.

Didn't they try that already?

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  • 2 weeks later...
Stella Artois easily have the gayest glasses of any beer. I would be ashamed to drink from that in a pub.

A lot of Belgian beers have that kind of shaped glass. And Belgian beers are far from 'gay'. Anyhoo, I'm drinking from the bottle.

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