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What's your tipple this evening then?


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messy tonight....

Jäger bombers



and more beer than i care to count

and got home just now as my neighbours teenager daughters party was ending so driveway was full of teenagers scantily dressed in Halloween custom .. youporn will be getting one less visitor tonight

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Had a whisky tasting session this afternoon, Lagavulin 16, Oban 14, Johnny Walker Gold and Blue. Beautiful stuff, tasted the Lagavulin after blue cheese and it was **** delicious. The smokey aroma and blue cheese worked so well.

Trip to beers of the world after that and I bought some Dogfish Head ales. 120 min IPA, standard, Hoppy as ****, 1 pint and you can feel it, the Sah'Tea, spicy beer with late Chai flavorings. Got the Aprihop as well. Tastes okay but im not sure the strong hops and fruit go too well together.

Moving to the US has turned me into a right beer snob...........and i love it.

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Moving to the US has turned me into a right beer snob...........and i love it.

That's perhaps because the US doesn't have a CAMRA and thus has a craft brewing industry that's willing to try new stuff... ;)

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Moving to the US has turned me into a right beer snob...........and i love it.

That's perhaps because the US doesn't have a CAMRA and thus has a craft brewing industry that's willing to try new stuff... ;)

eh? CAMRA came about to support small breweries from being overrun by the large corporates - fail to see the connection here...

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Moving to the US has turned me into a right beer snob...........and i love it.

That's perhaps because the US doesn't have a CAMRA and thus has a craft brewing industry that's willing to try new stuff... ;)

eh? CAMRA came about to support small breweries from being overrun by the large corporates - fail to see the connection here...

CAMRA's definition of real ale is fundamentally conservative and retrograde with the result that (I've been told by numerous British expats in the craft sections at the local beer emporia) there isn't much difference between one real IPA and another. The US craft brewing industry has evolved to where the various craft IPAs on tap at a pub that has multiple choices in that area or at a off-license will have noticeably different flavor profiles, abv's, etc., thus making it more likely that one of them is just right for one's tastes (and also making more to be snobbish about... e.g. you can say "Dogfish Head overhops all their beers and I never drink them").

Saving the British craft brewing industry is laudable. The US missed its chance with Prohibition (only the megabreweries survived, and then with the consolidation after WWII only a few survived into the 80s), but the blessing of that episode was that when craft brewing re-emerged in the 80s (and then grew like crazy in the 90s before shaking itself out in the early 00s) it was largely unshackled from the past.

A strong case can be made that the USA (at least in the states that don't outlaw beer with more than 5% abv) is the best place in the world to be a beer lover, despite the prevalence of Bud, Miller, and Coors.

The site of a local beer emporium (and their current flyer)

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