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Finally...Diving and Faking an injury will be punished


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Attention divers… two-match retrospective ban is coming

Date published: Thursday 18th May 2017 2:55

The Football Association has voted in favour of introducing retrospective bans for players who dive or feign injury from next season.

The new offence of ‘successful deception of a match official’ is based on a law already used in Scotland and was approved at the FA’s annual general meeting at Wembley on Thursday.

Incidents will be reviewed by a panel comprised of an ex-manager, ex-player and an ex-referee, and they watch the footage independently. If they are unanimous in believing a player deceived a match official, the sanction will be a two-match ban.

This process is similar to the one already used for red-card offences which were missed at the time but caught on camera, and the cases will be fast-tracked.

In a statement, the FA said: “Although attempts to deceive the referee by feigning injury or pretending to have been fouled is a cautionable offence for unsporting behaviour, the fact that the act of simulation has succeeded in deceiving a match official and, therefore, led to a penalty and/or dismissal, justifies a more severe penalty which would act as a deterrent.”

If a player admits to a charge of successfully deceiving an official, or is found to have done so, any yellow or red card given to an opposing player, as a result of the deceit, can be rescinded.

The new rule will apply across English football and has been supported by the English Football League, the League Managers Association, the Premier League and the Professional Footballers’ Association.

Simulation has been an issue in the game for years and there have been a number of notable cases this season, including Robert Snodgrass’ dive to earn a penalty for Hull against Crystal Palace and other alleged incidents involving the likes of Leroy Sane, Dele Alli and Marcus Rashford.

The Scottish Football Association introduced its ‘rule 201’ in 2011 and spent several years trying to convince FIFA that is was not going too far in taking decision-making away from officials on the day – something world football’s governing has traditionally been very reluctant to do.

However, recent moves to introduce goal-line technology and video assistant referees indicate that even FIFA realises match officials need more help and supporters want better decisions.

With England and Scotland having permanent seats on FIFA’s law-making body, the International Football Association Board, bans for divers could soon become a worldwide policy.


About bloody time

I have strong support for this 

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Long, long overdue. Just shows how incompotent the people running the game are that all the "simulation" has been allowed go on for so long. There should be a two game ban for speaking to an official too, that would end dissent overnight.

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Any punishment after the match has concluded is welcomed, but surely by that point the damage has already been done (i.e. diving for a penalty late in the game giving your team the 3 points)

I STILL don't see why it can't reviewed during the game. If the referee blows for a penalty, review it within 1 minute, if the penalty was gained via simulation then send the player off and the opposing team gets a free-kick instead.

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3 minutes ago, Dante_Lockhart said:

Any punishment after the match has concluded is welcomed, but surely by that point the damage has already been done (i.e. diving for a penalty late in the game giving your team the 3 points)

I STILL don't see why it can't reviewed during the game. If the referee blows for a penalty, review it within 1 minute, if the penalty was gained via simulation then send the player off and the opposing team gets a free-kick instead.

Yeah, I'm glad they're doing something to try and prevent diving, but I really don't think this is much of a deterrent.

It's like goalkeepers getting booked for time wasting, the opposition don't gain anything at all from it.

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Quite simply it isn't going to happen, they will hand out a few bans, Jose will throw his toys out of the pram, ban will be reduced to a game, and then eventually they will just save themselves the aggro and leave it be.

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If you watch the Blackpool, Luton game last night, one of the Luton players blatantly dived and won a penalty. They scored the pen but thankfully Blackpool got justice and went through. If Luton did get through he would have missed the final so I think it definitely will help things and cut it down.

I am sick to death of the diving and trying to get players sent off. I am glad something is being done about it. 

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2 minutes ago, rodders0223 said:

Quite simply it isn't going to happen, they will hand out a few bans, Jose will throw his toys out of the pram, ban will be reduced to a game, and then eventually they will just save themselves the aggro and leave it be.

Or it could happen to a team against Jose and he wont stop going on about it to get the ban for the opposing player! 

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Great on paper.  Absolute shit in practice.  They still get the advantage on the day.  Any retrospective punishment benefits a team that weren't involved (i.e. their next opponent) and it doesn't fix players being wrongly booked who were actually fouled. 

It's populist nonsense but it seems to have worked (that stuff usually does).

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54 minutes ago, BOF said:

Great on paper.  Absolute shit in practice.  They still get the advantage on the day.  Any retrospective punishment benefits a team that weren't involved (i.e. their next opponent) and it doesn't fix players being wrongly booked who were actually fouled. 

It's populist nonsense but it seems to have worked (that stuff usually does).

Surely its better than them getting away with it with no punishment?


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5 minutes ago, Demitri_C said:

Surely its better than them getting away with it with no punishment?

No I don't believe it is.  You either fix the problem or you don't.  This doesn't fix the problem.  It's a half-assed attempt which placates the masses while doing little for the wider 'justice' within the game around the initial dive.  They've made a rod for their back.  I'll be curious to see how often it's applied, whether it ever mission creeps and how blatant the dive needs to be.  It's insufficient subjective nonsense and I note plenty of professionals on twitter taking a similar stance on it.  But it'll be popular, and that's really all that matters.

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2 minutes ago, BOF said:

No I don't believe it is.  You either fix the problem or you don't.  This doesn't fix the problem.  It's a half-assed attempt which placates the masses while doing little for the wider 'justice' within the game around the initial dive.  They've made a rod for their back.  I'll be curious to see how often it's applied, whether it ever mission creeps and how blatant the dive needs to be.  It's insufficient subjective nonsense and I note plenty of professionals on twitter taking a similar stance on it.  But it'll be popular, and that's really all that matters.

I cant disagree more with this Bri. If it stops 5 footballers from cheating a season its at least done something. Think about it your in a cup semi final your thinking of diving but getting the dive means your going to miss the final if you get there. Are you likely to do it? It would put some serious doubts in minds of some players I feel.

It wont fix it completely but at least caught cheaters will get punished. Its certainly a better option than nothing like now. 

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6 minutes ago, Demitri_C said:

I cant disagree more with this Bri. If it stops 5 footballers from cheating a season its at least done something. Think about it your in a cup semi final your thinking of diving but getting the dive means your going to miss the final if you get there. Are you likely to do it? It would put some serious doubts in minds of some players I feel.

It wont fix it completely but at least caught cheaters will get punished. Its certainly a better option than nothing like now. 

But then what about the final? Dive all you want because you'll only miss the opening two games the following season.

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Yeah, the team victim of the dive still gets **** at the end of the day, but i hope this is more of a long term fix and prevention in the future so it stops the diving.

Still think that player would still risk it to win big games and with the size of the squads today, two games is nothing really.

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5 minutes ago, Paddywhack said:

But then what about the final? Dive all you want because you'll only miss the opening two games the following season.

Yep as opposed to getting away with it and being completely unpunished 

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For every cup semi there are a million matches that aren't.  The advantage is still with the cheat in the huge percentage of matches and the actual justice is infinitessimal or completely non-existent.  If the opportunity is there to gain a key advantage at the time, in order to win the game then the player will still do it.

You're level in the match and need a goal to go through.  If you're that kind of player do you dive and win the penalty?  Bloody sure you do.  Or rather bloody sure you still do.

It would be much fairer if the video evidence was looked at DURING that same game by the person upstairs who is already looking at video footage any way.  That way, you don't get the advantage, you do get the punishment and your opponent on the day gets their deserved advantage.  But no.  None of that.  As I said, it's insufficient, poorly applied, will solve **** all but it'll be popular.

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18 minutes ago, BOF said:

For every cup semi there are a million matches that aren't.  The advantage is still with the cheat in the huge percentage of matches and the actual justice is infinitessimal or completely non-existent.  If the opportunity is there to gain a key advantage at the time, in order to win the game then the player will still do it.

You're level in the match and need a goal to go through.  If you're that kind of player do you dive and win the penalty?  Bloody sure you do.  Or rather bloody sure you still do.

It would be much fairer if the video evidence was looked at DURING that same game by the person upstairs who is already looking at video footage any way.  That way, you don't get the advantage, you do get the punishment and your opponent on the day gets their deserved advantage.  But no.  None of that.  As I said, it's insufficient, poorly applied, will solve **** all but it'll be popular.

I actually agree with this, this is far better and I expect this may happen if this successful-ish

The only thing with this how do you get three people to every single game? You would probably have two people (ex refs maybe) you would need a awful lot of people to recruit to to this job for every ground 

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