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People are trying to get a party like its 1874 thing going to counter the walk out

Lots of videos doing the rounds of the party atmosphere of Stoke, and the Lerner out song, let's get that going instead of a walkout...

I've done a fair few away games where we've had a similar party atmosphere, you're kidding yourself if you think that'll transfer to VP, it never does, that's the magic of away games

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10 minutes ago, dont_do_it_doug. said:

Each to their own. For those that don't want to protest it's a viable option. But they shouldn't kid themselves that it is a protest. 

Exactly. Fans at football game having a sing and f**king about does not get publicity and get questions asked of the club and turn up the heat.

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How about this instead

Imagine how the board will react to thousands of fans chanting about them for 30 minutes after the game  If you leave the game or boycott the game the club don't have to deal with you,  If you stay at home or walk out you are not the clubs problem your voice will not be heard

If we stay the club will have to act.


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17 minutes ago, lmarsha_926 said:

How about this instead

Imagine how the board will react to thousands of fans chanting about them for 30 minutes after the game  If you leave the game or boycott the game the club don't have to deal with you,  If you stay at home or walk out you are not the clubs problem your voice will not be heard

If we stay the club will have to act.


Even longer than half an hour, I've suggested this to people involved in OTDO74 as well...may be another step...

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3 minutes ago, Artetasgirl said:

This is true.

That sort of reaction just wouldn't have the same impact of thousands of fans getting up and leaving though. 

I know that this protest on Tuesday will only be the start but for one, I seriously hope people see through the apathy and actually believe they can make a difference, and walk out. 

If people believe it is pointless, are you giving up on your club? You should fight.

I know people will say it's easy for me to say as I'm not a Villa fan but we've had our own issues with our board, we've had a lot of infighting, a divided fanbase...

You need to be united, fight for the common cause and that is the best for your club. Believe you can make a difference, make a stand. I really hope this is a success and the start of change and hope for you all. Genuinely. 

I've already accepted that we will stand divided. It is what it is. But I say this to VT now and for public record, I myself will not rest until this club has been restored to glory. She will rise again, even if I have to drag her up on my own. I know that won't happen, there are some amazing human beings behind this and I am merely a cog in the wheel and I know the groundswell has only just begun, but believe me when I say I am as dedicated to this as is humanly possible. I love this club but I'm done with the bullshit, they can count me out of it. 

If people want to turn up, sing along, give it all the happy clappy party bullshit and wander off again content with the world then great, have at it. You won't be getting that from me. I point blank refuse to rubber stamp their insolence. Randy Lerner is a **** mongrel, I hate him with a passion that I never felt towards Ellis. Out the door on 74 in not the end, we've barely began...

Disclaimer - these are my words and mine alone!   

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On this, and I think it's relevant in this thread, I said a week or so ago we are missing a trick just walking out. 

I'm not suggesting any alteration or amendment to all the stuff that's gone out, just putting it out there as a suggestion.

It adds no extra strain to the whole concept to walk out but then walk around to the Statue/CarPark and Sing your hearts out. I wasn't overly keen that it had/ has been suggested people will just go ( miss the traffic !).....why on earth not get chanting, AND carry on after the whistle. What an impact it would have if those inside the ground could hear those outside, whether fans during the game, or the Press and Board after.

Anyway, I will. At least if anyone asks you where you are going when you walk out you could say " some are going to the Statue" which would maybe be better than " home" ? 

Edited by terrytini
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3 minutes ago, terrytini said:

On this, and I think it's relevant in this thread, I said a week or so ago we are missing a trick just walking out. 

I'm not suggesting any alteration or amendment to all the stuff that's gone out, just putting it out there as a suggestion.

It adds no extra strain to the whole concept to walk out but then walk around to the Statue/CarPark and Sing your hearts out. I wasn't overly keen that it had/ has been suggested people will just go ( miss the traffic !).....any on earth not get chanting, AND carry on after the whistle. What an impact it would have if those inside the ground could hear those outside, whether fans during the game, or the Press and Board after.

Anyway, I will. At least if anyone asks you where you are going when you walk out you could say " some are going to the Statue" which would maybe be better than " home" ? 

It's not a bad idea to be fair. I'm sorry that it was missed a week ago! I'm not sure what we can do with it now, but it could be "soft floated" perhaps via social media etc. Things like flyers etc, that kind of thing has to be sorted well in advance and to change all the literature now would be simply impossible. I'm not wanting to sound negative, just stating a fact. 

Truth is Terry, just organising this alone has taken a monumental amount of effort from many, many people. Adding in a further level of complication right now might be too much. However, I like it myself. 

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1 hour ago, lmarsha_926 said:

How about this instead

Imagine how the board will react to thousands of fans chanting about them for 30 minutes after the game  If you leave the game or boycott the game the club don't have to deal with you,  If you stay at home or walk out you are not the clubs problem your voice will not be heard

If we stay the club will have to act.


Good idea. You going to organise it?

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I appreciate all that DDID....that's why I'm saying don't add it officially, don't derail plans, just throw it in if the chance comes up especially with fans. I'd have thought even those staying might come round to at least see if anyone's there.

NB....it was a late night/ early morning mini debate between myself and Mike in this thread. I think it's fair to say he had the same reservations as you and more, - understandably so as he was utterly swamped and there were criticisms and suggestions flying all over the place. I totally get how making it a ' thing' as a proper part of this thing doesn't quite fit, and you have to stay on target or else get watered down and amended to death. I just think this does have a sense of fitting in as a natural ending to what you have organised, people can choose whether to or not, it doesn't add effort but could add impact, and may be welcome for, say, a guy walking out the Doug Ellis into an empty Street (hopefully not too empty !) who has seen people leave all over the place but isn't ' joined up'. I'm just suggesting maybe it gets mentioned when/ if appropriate.


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Out The Door on 74
Published by Mike McKenna · 10 mins · 

In the year of our greatest ever triumph, winning the European Cup, in1982, The Clash released their single 'Should I Stay or Should I go Now'. As we approach the  ‪#‎OutTheDooron74‬ protest v Everton, this very notion is a dilemma that many Villa fans are struggling with. 


Some have given up completely and refuse to attend Villa Park till the current regime have gone. Others hang on to the slim hope that a miracle can happen and our Premier League status will be maintained. Many see it as a pointless protest and feel that leaving VP on the 74th minute would be a betrayal. 


However an ever growing number believe that doing nothing can only lead to ' nothing' and the continuing decline of the club we all love so much. Whereas as doing something' may be the start of 'something' that will unite the fans In the face of a 'Custodian' who no longer cares.We totally respect every Villa fans personal choice and know that some will not walk #OutTheDooron74

However to those that are still undecided we would simply say; Randy Lerner no longer loves our club. He considers it a failed investment that he can afford to forget for many years in the hope that eventually he will sell.

Starting Tuesday v Everton we need send him a very clear message that Aston Villa fans will NOT allow him to forget Aston Villa. We must demand and keep demanding that he honour his promise to 'PUT THE CLUB FIRST'

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bloody if I wasnt going thailand i would have been at everton game just to walk out and when i walk i want to rip up my ticket and throw it on the pitch. good luck to all those going and well done to all those who have put their time and effort into sorting this MM, DDID, DK etc

putting the pride back in the club :thumb:

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would say evertons news at the weekend should have an impact on us and actually be used

despite what our rivals fans and detractors will say about us there arent many (if any) villa fans who think we should be winning the league every year or even CL, or that we are deluded in to thinking we have a god given right to be sat at the top table, there are however many many of us (myself included) who would happily draw comparisons between ourselves and everton, history, things we've won, standing in english football etc you can then go further and say we have better infrastructure in VP and BMH but everton get better results from the infrastructure, if you even look at the results, most played game in english league history and yet there is something like 2 wins in it (and not that many goals either i think)

we cant sell our club for £150m, they are selling half of theirs for £200m

How the **** has that happened?

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