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Change one letter of a movie title - write a synopsis


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Kill Jill - Jack is out of his face on meth and been awake for 2 weeks straight, he decides to murder Jill.





51 Shades of Grey - A documentary about the wonderful evolution of the colour Grey. 



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Aaddin - A severely dyslectic kid keeps banging on peoples doors, Method actor Kevin Kline is surprisingly supple and shows good range by playing a 7 year old child.  Eddie Murphy plays the doors in which are banged on and keeps things remarkably fresh.


9.5/10 Gloria pusshole - Trout weekly.

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Bab! pig in the city - White Dee from Benefit Street fame launches he soon-to-be failed movie career by dissappointing in this biopic about her trip to the job centre.  Eddie Murphy reprises his role as the job centre, but it really feels like he's phoning in his performance, as there's too few seats in which the jobless people can sit down on.


9.5/10 Monroe dumpleskin - Trip advisor.

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