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What Song Are You Listening To Right Now?


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I've been playing Marvin Gaye's What's Going On (the album, not just the song) quite a bit lately. Absolutely brilliant.

Just got TV On the Radio's Return to Cookie Mountain too, after I saw them at the Hove Festival this summer. Not bad at all.

Should mention Nortec Collective's Tijuana Bass and Tijuana Makes Me Happy too. A bit different, but cheerful and creative.

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Joe Walsh - Rocky Mountain Way

Some potential Villa songs/parodies there, given that "Aston Villa", "Randy Lerner", "Gen'ral Krulak", and "Rocky Mountain" all have basically the same metrical pattern...

EDIT to add: didn't realize that Walsh lived for a time in his youth in Columbus, Ohio...

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The Skids - Woman in Winter

another man of taste

currently listening to

Animation -The Skids

shame the recent gigs they did were a one off , from the clips I've seen on youtube , the gigs looked pretty good

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