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Everything posted by Delphouneso

  1. I hope we're 1-0 up after 42 minutes, because that's all that matters in football, they give you the result after that apparently.
  2. One that actually loads properly on PS4 would be nice.
  3. Disagree, maybe I'm a bit blinkered because we won but I actually thought the ref was decent yesterday. Tried to let the game flow, was fair to both sides, booked players for petulance/dissent, and yeah if Mike Dean reffed that game it would've ended 10v10 but I don't think it was a game that warranted ending 10v10. Or maybe it just felt like the ref was decent because VAR wasn't the centre of attention for a change.
  4. Agreed, I was reluctant to include him for that reason (see also: every Michael Shannon character), but he made it for having a great smarmy pr!ck face.
  5. Anyone played by Liam Neeson. Skylar in Breaking Bad. Franny in Homeland. Arlo Givens in Justified. Charles Logan in 24. Pete Campbell in Mad Men. Paige in The Americans. Probably loads more if I spent time on it.
  6. Picked up Control for free on PS+ having almost bought it a few times previously. Kinda struggling to get into it, I really wanna like it, and there's so much about it I should like, it's just not clicking so far. Also the performance on a base PS4 is straight up bad, frequently experiencing massive frame drops, the map just doesn't load 50% of the time, and some textures are basically just a blur unless you stand right next to them, I can literally make them pop in and out by walking back and forward. Can't really complain having got it for free, but I'd be a bit miffed if I'd paid decent money for it.
  7. Howe got relegated.. But I agree with your overall point, although Roy doing better is debatable, Palace have been awful for two or three years now but somehow fluke their way to 40pts every season.
  8. Interviewer: "Christian, have you scored any more dramatic goals than that in a Palace shirt?" Benteke: "Maybe in a Villa shirt" His heart's still in B6.
  9. It's all part of the plan, next game Targett puts Jack back in his FPL team so Bielsa plays two RBs instead of Raphina.
  10. Took us too long to believe we could play without Jack. Targett immense, again. Ginny better. Some of our fans are embarrassing.
  11. But the target is the goal. You don't get points for hitting the post more than the other team.
  12. Are you suggesting shots that hit the post should count as goals?
  13. Everton seemed determined to play through the middle despite Toon having four players in there. The only player offering any width was Iwobi and Ancelotti took him off for a CM. Good result for us though.
  14. My favourite quote from that interview: "I watch the team, it's good football. Pass, attack, goal. Top." Seems geneuinely pleased to be here. Love that he says the team he's looking forward to playing against most is the derby against Baggies.
  15. And this man doesn't have a right foot ladies and gents. He's belted that in with his stump. What a goal.
  16. Whenever I hear him shout 'KEEPER'S!' I'm already looking around to see where our players are for a counter attack, so reassured that I am that he's going to catch the ball.
  17. I'll never understand why after a game where we've put in a really good performance against the best team in the country despite having not trained for two weeks and being **** over by a referee, whilst also being on course for our best season in a decade, people's first thought after the game is to come here and slate our players.
  18. If we're forced to play this then the Newcastle game should be considered a forfeit and 3 points to us.
  19. When you beat Cursed and Defiled Amygdala only to discover that the boss of the root version of the dungeon is.. Amygdala. Again. Only in a smaller room with more obstacles. These dungeons really are a grind.
  20. Whichever one they want to sell skins for.
  21. Yeah I get that, but it kinda feels like the equivalent of a Rockstar easter egg hunt only hidden behind it is all of New Austin (probably a bad example seen as NA was criminally underused in RDR2). I like a good puzzle or riddle or mystery, I'm all for some exploration, some hidden parkour spots, but it just didn't feel very intuitive in Bloodborne. And for me the middle section of the game could've really done with a decent narrative to pull you through, but I'll admit style-wise the game's not really my thing anyway though and I'm mostly here for the challenge. Like I said after the Ebriatas breakthrough (cough) I decided to look up at least the boss locations to make sure I got them all as I wasn't sure I'd bother with a second playthrough. So I haven't missed anything, but I'd have preferred to find them on my own, and I can say for certain I'd have missed Ebriatas, Amygdala, Moon Presence, Logarius, and maybe Laurence - I knew he was there but had to look up how to fight him.
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