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Everything posted by mykeyb

  1. So if I own a business that is going down the pan because of poor management are you seriously suggesting that I should let it carry on because it might cost me some money I didnt really want to spend...........
  2. Because if he spent shit loads of money next month, on players a new manager a new chief ex he would be a brilliant owner again! Without a doubt. As stanthemanisgod was saying everyone was quite happy for him to improve the training ground and other bits and bobs along with employ o'neill and buy players. Now this is not happening, all his actions good or bad are just shit! Because if he appointed a new manager a new chief ex it would at least show he understood where the problems lie and would be showing a desire to sort it out. If its just about spending money how come most fans would want any money availble in January (if any) would prefer it to be spent on getting a new manager who could get more out of the players we already have rather than give our current manager it to buy a player or two.....
  3. Why do some fans think the criticism that Lerner is getting now is solely because he has turned the financial tap off..... From the first team squads point of view I think we arent any better off than Ellis' last season. There are certainly a damn sight more young kids making up our first team squad than ever before.
  4. If ever there is a case of putting words in peoples mouths....... Labour werent fit to govern, Tories arent fit to govern nd Libdems arent fit to govern. So I agree with you Drat...the country is **** with these people in the HOC
  5. Funniest film The Inbetweeners. Not everyones cup of tea but made me laugh till it hurt.
  6. I must admit to only dipping in and out of this thread when I need a little light relief. Some of the blinkered & biased posts are absolutely comedy gold which is sad because these politicians are paid to run our country in a fit and proper manner. Labour under Brown proved totally useless and Blair knew where Labour was taking us and jumped ship to avoid the blame. The Tories while left with a sinking ship appear to be taking the stance of whatever Labour would do we will do the opposite. All of which means that while there is a path that will see us out of these financial woes I dont think that any of the current parties would be able to set us on the right course, maybe the last 20 years has shown us that there should be a much better alternative than the one we currently have.
  7. mykeyb


    5 kids who were in the same year as my brother did it. They were all dead within the year. The last one was a paperboy at the same shop as me and I had to take over his round, so this isnt the friend of a friend type thing. My Dad used to work for the MEB and they had a problem at Dudley Zoo so that had to work through the night to solve it. One of the joiners said to my dad he didnt know that the castle was still used by monks. When my dad asked him what he was on about he said he had seen a group of monks walking around earlier. Apparently the castle is "haunted".
  8. Watched Contagion last night, quite scarry how quickly something like this could happen and how fast society breaks down. Having said all that not the best film 8 out of 10 probably.
  9. ICS Beta for Samsung S2 out this week.
  10. Just checked back for the 1986-87 season when we got relegated. By the first week in december we had played 18 games, Won 5, Drew 3, 10 Losses. Scored 22 conceded 38. This year we are obviously not losing as many but we are drawing far to many.
  11. In Jan Lerner finds six million quid, would you prefer he gave it the manager for a couple of players or use it to sack the manager and find a replacement.
  12. The Sun have denied having any kind of story or investigation about Gary so we can put that one to bed. Terrible news, thoughts and prayers for his family and friends.
  13. Cueellar is ou of contract this summe isnt he
  14. While I agree with your sentiment there are 5 first team regulars in there which will need replacing, and with no fees coming in for them I cant see how that will happen
  15. Watched the remake of The Thing last night, only it isnt a remake its more of a prequel which I didnt know until the very end. It was ok but not as good as the JC original
  16. I am certainly no fan of McLeish, didnt want him before he was appointed and from whats been seen so far want rid asap, however have a look at the current squad. Take out Bent, Gabby, Petrov and Given (maybe Dunne and NZog on form) and what you are left with is possibly one of the Worst I have seen down Villa Park since I first saw them in the old 3rd Division as a lad. Collins, Hutton, Ireland, Heskey and Beye just are not good enough. Cuellar would be a better option at right back or in the centre but will be off in the summer so shouldnt we be giving the kids a chance so we know if they are likely to be good enough. The rest of the squad are youngsters with little to no experience of premiership football - If he knew what he was coming into then he either just wanted a nice payrise or is going slightly mad...... With Lerner looking to make a further reduction in wages we better hope that some of our youth are going to be the real deal or we are only going in one direction.
  17. I admit it's all getting a bit cheesy now. What do I want now? basically them to come across an arsenal of weapons and a couple of episodes of just utter carnage. want the dodgy guy who creampied that woman to go down as well as the annoying blonde who always wants a gun. The hillbilly to Rambo it up with the sherriff and take down, oh I dunno about 200 zombies. we've had the hardship, heartbreak etc etc, now they need to find a nice base to setup from and go on the attack. why do no zombie films/tv shows I have seen ever do that? you have the harsh reality of a bleak future, you get past that, and you have the awesome mopping up of the zombies after. motorbikes with chainsaws on, awesome slow mo headshots, the idiot panicing people getting owned by the zombies, whilst the brave survive. ARRRRRRRRRGH Simple really, filming on a farm will be far cheaper and easier than in a city so will help massively with the budget now this series is much bigger than the first. That said if the girl isnt found this week or something actually happens I might well be reverting to the UK screenings
  18. Might I suggest this topic is closed and deleted before someone from the board sees how much they could get for Gabby after promising NOT to sell Bent......
  19. Used to love House but slowly went of it to the point where the last 8 episodes of the last season I had Skyplused got deleted without watching them. They were repeated just recently on one of the other channels so I managed to watch them all within the space of a week. New series has started well and will be interested to see if it can keep it up.
  20. Watched Apollo 18 over the weekend, awful just awful.
  21. Kids really enjoy this and I dont mind it as long as the cute girl from Mistresses stays in it.
  22. I caught the first act on Saturday before watching the last couple of episodes of House on my tab. The boy band were shocking but not quite as bad as the unbelievable over the top comments from the judges who must have been watching a different performance to me. So the fugly guy from the group who was ill last week got kicked out, I mean packed it in so that someone from another band who had already been kicked out could be asked to join them and it was all the band members decision because they showed us....... Manipulation pure and simple
  23. Sums up pretty well what most sensible fans would expect from Lerner and the board. Last season was disappointing as we were pretty awful for most over it we managed to finished 9th. A good manager would surely have seen some improvement on this. The board told us they werent happy with how the season had gone and would act. Unfortunately in their world sacking Houlier and replacing with McLeish was the action seen to improve........... Poor appointment from a poor board. Poor communication since has pretty much left McLeish to carry the can while Lerner appears to have lost his satnav directions to VP.
  24. Anybody with a Galaxy SII, want ICS......... Anybody happy that we might have to wait 5 months........... at least as they reckon a Q2 2012 release. Now I dont know about anyone else but I will be looking quite closely to see which manufacturers get their updates out the quickest before I decide where my money goes to next time round.
  25. Purely on the hardware side it appears that there are things which could have been better, almost to the point where you would expect the next Galaxy S to be as per the Nexus but better. I am surprised that Google let the spec go as it was.
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