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Everything posted by mykeyb

  1. I would hope that Lerner would be concerned by the reductions in season ticket sales after all it is his customer (and the most committed) voting with their feet. Its not just the money lost in tickets either, refreshments, programmes, replica kits, commercial sponsorship, advertising etc. will all dip dramatically. I have seen many a comment on here about attendances at our last few games and how the figures given would appear to be much higher than the numbers people think are in the ground. There would be a reason for this and I am sure most people would be able to work out why this would be done.......
  2. Just out of interest who would tick that box then. Sunderland - Just got MON West Brom - Will need a manager -not going to have money to spend Fulham - Might sack Jol - no money available Liverpool - kenny wont go this season Everton - Moyes will want another 12 months Chelsea - We want Pep Newcastle - Pardew will be there next season Spurs - Arry will be there next season Arsenal - no change Man City - May change the manager but wont be looking at Lambert Man Utd - No change If he stops at Norwich for another season they may just get found out. If he is smart he will want out this summer and despite the way we run our own club down it will probably be the biggest opportunity he would get in the next couple of years....
  3. There isnt a cat in hells chance we will sack him before the end of the season. Just think about it. He wont go until we have played Norwich, hopefully so he can hand his office keys over to Paul Lambert.
  4. Maybe tuesday night was a defining moment for McLeish and after a chat with his wife has decided its not worth the hassle of trying to battle on. I wont be at all suprised if he goes by mutual consent with another nice little pay-off. Fingers crossed.
  5. Getting hammered by Chelsea wont exactly have done their confidence any good.
  6. Well my source thought he was going to quit tuesday night. Spent ages in the dressing room and then asked for all the media to assemble as he wanted to do one interview. Apparently he was forced to do one for Sky on their own afterwards All this was after the Lerner & Faulkner meeting. Th does seem to have been a huge shift from the media since tuesday
  7. Simple question whether we stop up or go down can Lerner afford NOT to sack McLeish?
  8. I thought Fitzgerald left because he and Lerner had different ideas about how the club should be progressed, yes I suppose its a major assumption but then Fitzgerals at least does know the game where as Lerner hasnt a scooby doo.
  9. Wolves hot relegated on Sunday and Jez Moxey was on the local radio apologising to the fans and said mistakes had been made. Should the worst happen I wonder how long it will take Faulkner (because it sure as shit wont be Lerner) to come on the radio and apologise?
  10. If relegation could cost the club £50 million does anyone think that Lerner will through another £3 or £4 million on top to remove him and bring in someone else? McLeish has a track record of getting teams promoted............you can almost hear the words cant you!!
  11. QPR is the only team who can save us realistically. Blackburn have gone and hopefully QPR will lose to both Chelsea at the weekend and Man City who hopefully will need a win to take the title. They would need a win against stoke and for us not to get another point for us to go down. Clutching at straws?
  12. I didnt think we would get anything last night - we did score which is more than I thought we would do. I do have a feeling though that we might just get something on saturday. Local derby, end of season, ripe for an upset. Oh and FFS sack McLeish
  13. Anybody else hear John Deehan on Radio WM this morning? He reckons that Hughes & Martinez both turned down the job because they wanted to bring in their own staff but McLeish was happy to work with who was here already.
  14. How do we lose in game week 3 but gain a point?
  15. Well Denis I cannot see anything wrong with you asking the question.
  16. I sent him an email last week. Very polite. I simply asked as he himself had stated our target was europe wht he thought of the season now. Still waiting for a reply so I wouldnt bother.
  17. I do suspect that perhaps Gen K. got a bit shafted by Lerner & Faulkner last summer when he said he would be backed in the transfer market. Either he was just guessing that would happen or was told it would happen and then the plan was changed without telling him. If he is on the board still he should have toughed it out on here, just going silent on us probably made it a whole lot worse. At least if he was on here the club would be in no doubt about the fans views on the current baboon they have employed as manager.
  18. My wife was looking to upgrade to the iphone 4 or 4s over the weekend but the cost of the phone and then the monthly cost was ridiculous. She mainly uses the phone on bluetooth in her car and I spotted a good deal for the Note so we popped into CPW for her to see how big it was. I was suprised that it wasnt anywhere near as big as I thought it would be. It will be no problem for her to put in her bag but it doesnt look overly big for a trouser pocket either. If the SGS3 turns out to be a bit of a damp squib I would seriously consider one as an upgrade to the SGS2
  19. I think its something like £800,000 per place
  20. Radio WM said this morning that relegation has cost Wolves tens of millions. How much further could we cut wages if we end up in the same boat.
  21. McLeish will be here next season as he is the only person who will try to manage our club with no money to spend. If he had anything about him he would say the job is impossible under the conditions and point out where we will be in 12 months time if the owners persists in this plan.
  22. I thought before manyoo we wouldnt score in the next 3 games, 2 gone and none scored. I fear for Tuesday night, however I can see us beating Albion. Lets hope thats enough.
  23. If Lerner sticks £500,000 on now he will have enough to cover the compensation for sacking the useless clown
  24. I just heard a little snippet concerning Nigel Reo Coker. He didnt expect a pay increase. What he did want was a 2 year deal or 1 year rolling deal as he was settled - but was offered neither. Now I know he had his detractors but surely his experience this season would have been invaluable and he may have been one player who may actually have worked under McLeish. Lets hope letting him go for nothing doesnt prove to costly.
  25. I guess at 4.50 tomorrow we could have a much better idea of how our premiership survival looks. If we dont beat Sunderland I think we will bottle the Bolton game and be right in it.........
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