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Everything posted by mykeyb

  1. My wife was looking to upgrade to the iphone 4 or 4s over the weekend but the cost of the phone and then the monthly cost was ridiculous. She mainly uses the phone on bluetooth in her car and I spotted a good deal for the Note so we popped into CPW for her to see how big it was. I was suprised that it wasnt anywhere near as big as I thought it would be. It will be no problem for her to put in her bag but it doesnt look overly big for a trouser pocket either. If the SGS3 turns out to be a bit of a damp squib I would seriously consider one as an upgrade to the SGS2
  2. I think its something like £800,000 per place
  3. Radio WM said this morning that relegation has cost Wolves tens of millions. How much further could we cut wages if we end up in the same boat.
  4. McLeish will be here next season as he is the only person who will try to manage our club with no money to spend. If he had anything about him he would say the job is impossible under the conditions and point out where we will be in 12 months time if the owners persists in this plan.
  5. I thought before manyoo we wouldnt score in the next 3 games, 2 gone and none scored. I fear for Tuesday night, however I can see us beating Albion. Lets hope thats enough.
  6. If Lerner sticks £500,000 on now he will have enough to cover the compensation for sacking the useless clown
  7. I just heard a little snippet concerning Nigel Reo Coker. He didnt expect a pay increase. What he did want was a 2 year deal or 1 year rolling deal as he was settled - but was offered neither. Now I know he had his detractors but surely his experience this season would have been invaluable and he may have been one player who may actually have worked under McLeish. Lets hope letting him go for nothing doesnt prove to costly.
  8. I guess at 4.50 tomorrow we could have a much better idea of how our premiership survival looks. If we dont beat Sunderland I think we will bottle the Bolton game and be right in it.........
  9. Every place we drop in the league costs us £800,000 and since Paul Faulkner has stated we were aiming for europe ie 6th that means if we finish where we are currently we are £7.2 million down on revenue. If we use last season as a benchmark (9th) we are £4.8 million down on revenue. Now perhaps Randolp Lerner would like to tell us why with falling attendances, poor season ticket sales and lost prize money, he thinks McLeish is the man for the job!!
  10. I think almost everyone can see that for the good of Aston Villa Football Club he needs to remove McLeish at the end of the season, everyone except Lerner. If he again ignores the fans and keeps the manager in situ for next season I fully expect Lerner himself to become the target of our vitriol and in all honesty I will have no sympathy for him. Change now or lose your customers............
  11. The thing is you can honestly see Lerner & Faulkner thinking that we need stability so we need to keep McLeish to build something. You wonder much season ticket sales would have to drop before the penny finally dropped with these pair in charge. I dont dislike or hate Lerner but if you look at the success (or lack of it) he has had with the Cleveland Browns, you can see exactly where he is taking OUR club. Its time for him, Faulkner and McLeish to get out of our club before they do it irreversible damage.
  12. Sadly unless we fans let the club know our feelings (and not just by boycotting games - season tickets because they can dismiss that as being a sign of the economic climate the world is in) then Mr McLeish will be here next season pure and simple. Lerner will gamble that the lost revenue from attendances etc will be less than the cost of compensation for not only sacking McLeish but for the former club of the new man coming in. He has lost interest and wants out and his lack of actions at the end of the season will be a big bold **** Off to the fans from our current steward (not owner) Oh and anybody waiting until after the Spurs game to vent their spleen at McLeish when they do their lap of dishonour round VP might like to see when the club announce that they have been advised by the Police for security reasons not to do one......
  13. So Morpheous do you really think Lerner is going to give the manager money to spend but would sack him after 6 games if its not going well........really. I cannot see Lerner sacking him after 36 let alone 6. I am sure people within the game can see what the situation is at Villa Park and many would probably understand the fans frustrations. I am not sure it would be enough to put anyone off the job if they thought they were good enough and fancied the challenge, not to mention the very nice salary which goes with it.
  14. IMO thats exactly what we need. We couldn't clear out most of the shite in a cost-effective manner without triggering a few "relegation release clauses" No one is going to be daft enough to buy Dunne or Collins off us are they? Collins is pretty near the final year of his contract, and I think Dunne is as well. So both will probably be shipped out cheaply. Sooner the better. How many players since Lerner bought the club have run their contract down and left on a Bosman rather than us selling them?
  15. Is there anyone that would take relegation this season to get rid of McLeish rather tahn wait another 12 months with him in charge before surely relegating us next season.?
  16. I am a big fan but he didnt seem interested today
  17. I think if we as fans want to get McLeish out then we need to get some pressure on Lerner and only then might the owner sack the clueless clearing in the woods. LERNER OUT!!!
  18. Someone I know who works at VP on matchday was told by two different sources before Mondays game that we were offered Nikica Jelavic in January before he moved to Everton but couldnt afford the fee (around £6 million)
  19. One thing you can without hesitation is that if he was in charge McLeishe would be out of work come the end of the season - at least he did care about the football side of our great club.
  20. Whats worse is if Lerner is making plans with McLeish for next season then he still isnt listening. How low do attendances have to go before Lerner will admit he royally **** up?
  21. There seems to be some fantasy idea from some that if McLeish is here next season and doing badly he will a. Be sacked by Lerner and b. We will somehow appoint a good manager who will drag us away from the relegation battle we will no doubt be in thanks to McLeish. If he doesnt get the sack after this quite awful season I cannot se him being sacked part way through next season either. We all know that there are players who need to go, but what if some of our better players want out because they cannot stand the thought of another season playing for our current manager.
  22. This really isn't an Android question, but what do you need Kies for? All software updates for the S2 are OTA (Over The Air). Pretty sure you cannot upgrade to ICS OTA
  23. Get well Stan, Not just Villa fans will have you in their thought and prayers today.
  24. Protest called off because of news about Petrov. Absolutely the right decision.
  25. Some will moan that it makes us look small time, some wont bother and the few will make their feelings known about the manager by protesting. Those that moan about the protests and those that wont bother will in all likelyhood be stuck watching Aston Villa next season with McLeish in charge. You sometimes get what you deserve and if you think AVFC deserve better I think its time we made our voices heard.
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