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Everything posted by mykeyb

  1. Got the ICS update last night for the SGII (on O2) Still seems to have a couple of bugs in it.....
  2. Massa looks like a man who knows his fate
  3. I am in the camp that thinks we arent safe so I did the BBC Predictor last night. We avoided the drop on goal difference, Wigan taking the last spot. However you cannot predict the outcome of the Bolton game as its not on there so that was based on us playing 37 games. It is entirely possible though that we could go into the last game of the season needing to get something at Norwich to ensure safety and Im not sure I could trust McLeish to manage that IMHO
  4. I really don get the wage thing. Take a look at our first team squad and count how many young kis are in it. I really cannot see how the rest of the squads wages can be as high as they would need to be to account for such huge loses.....
  5. Surely any criticism is one sided? For the fans who want us to get behind him can I ask what exactly do you think the guy do. Build a exciting team, play attractive football, win a game maybe every month rather than every four months, win a trophy or maybe more impresively win the fans over? What kind of team will he build given the summer (This one scares the crap out of me I will be honest) It will never work. A couple of bad results and we will be on his back. Unfortunately it looks like Lerner has lost all interest and the manager will be here next season and we will be playing to crowds of sub 30K. Randy we did tell you..............
  6. Galaxy S2 might be getting ICS before the end of March....... So upgrade to ICS and lose Skygo or stay on Android 3.2..................its a tough one.
  7. Too early for a football press conference Since when has McCleish had anything to do with football
  8. So whats the rumour on twitter that he is about to resign which Tim Abraham has just mentioned (as twitter mischief) Too good to be true
  9. So if we sacked him and appointed Chris Houghton do you think he would be hated because he managed them too. In my opinion he has done a brilliant job there and would take him in a second over McLeish because his teams play football and win games, we currentlt do neither
  10. Anybody seen the list of compatible Android devices for Skygo, basically top end HTC & Samsung handsets, no tablets and thats only as long as you dont update to ICS which will break it. 7 months after the IOS release and this is the best Sky can do.......pathetic. On a related note I am planning to ditch my Asus Transformer for a Samsung 10.1 or maybe 8.9 but I just cannot decide if I will find the 8.9 a tad small. I did have the original tab for about a fortnight and the 7 inch was definitely too small and 10.1 seems OK just the transformer is a bit on the bulky side.
  11. Most people who seem to have voted yes to keep him seem to base their decision on him getting the sack now. I wonder how many of the 47 would vote yes to get rid of him come the season end.
  12. The thought of that man still being in charge come August 2012 is just to horrible to contemplate. Has to go at the end of the season without a doubt.
  13. Well if Dunne is out for any length of time who is going to partner Collins? Cuellar which would mean Warnock back in the team. I wouldnt right of relegation as I think we could be right down there come the last game of the season.
  14. In the summer our fans protested and got some real stick on here. They were protesting because they didnt want this tripe we have now. So some are trying again and again getting sltick on here. If we avoid relegation and that is a big if I am 100 percent certain that the idiot we have as a manager will still be here so I cant blame any fan for trying to make their feelings known
  15. So Lerner cannot afford to cover the excess in wages (which was quoted as £10,000 / week per first team squad member which is equal to 13 million a year but will find money for new transfers....... I will be suprised if our spending over the next couple of windows isnt covered by player sales.
  16. mykeyb

    Diane Abbott

    Is this thread supposed to be funny.....?
  17. Is anyone else waiting for the Skygo app for Android. The one that Sky says is still in development. The one that Sky Ita;ia have had out for a while now....... I have started posting questions on their facebook page about this as the rumours are they have a 6 month exclusivity deal with Apple so we have basically been screwed over......
  18. The simple fact is that the only change from now and when everyone was happy is that he spent money and had O'Neill. Thanks for proving my point!!
  19. Oh so he has done some good things as well as bad things, you mean like all other owners not perfect? Right so if we just moan in general about Lerner we are all pissed off he isnt spending money, if people give you specifics you just dodge them with some half arsed comment. No point then is there................
  20. Yeah its not great never said it is, but finding a perfect manager is not easy for any club or any manager, a solid one is like gold dust. . How about someone half decent, maybe someone who hasnt managed to releagte the team he is manager of twice in 3 years.
  21. Why do we have such trouble shifting players out. They are good enough (mostly). Is it wages, or is it that the board / manager arent good enough to shift them out
  22. Why do people think if Bent is sold that the manager will have the money to spend. In my opinion if Bent is sold it will be for the money to be used elsewhere propably to repay another loan or balance the books. The only positive would be that it would surely signal that Lerner is in the process of selling the club........I canot see any other reason for it.
  23. You missed Melberg, Barry, Laursen, Cahill, Bouma all of whom would walkninto our starting eleven.
  24. Anyone remember the bad old days with Doug when we had the ridiculous plan to sell players before their contract ended so as to recoup some of the investment.... So we are basically letting a whole load of players run their contract down so they get to leave on a bosman but hey we get them off the wage bill. I keep reading the company line that once they are gone then further investment will be made presumably on players with smaller wage demands which as has been pointed out will almost certainly mean lesser quality. For this to work properly you need a top quality scouting system and a decent manager, we currently have neither.
  25. Team not performing on the pitch. Attendances not at the level they were 2 years ago. Unpopular Manager with fans. Sustained Losses during Lerners time as owner. Yep that sound pretty fecking rosey doesnt it. If we keep McLeish this will only end up one way, you might be happy with that but a good many of us a far from happy.
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