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Everything posted by hogso

  1. As is typical of when a new trailer comes out there's some new info via developer interview on the PS blog. In it, Nomura confirms that Rebirth ends at the Forgotten Capital/City, ie. when Aerith does or perhaps does not leave the party. However...they also say that although the majority of places from the original game will be here, and the player will visit them, the order may not be the same. So, it's possible then that the story will take you to the north crater and we'll see all of those events, plus more, with Aerith in the party. It's also unclear who exactly is playable in Rebirth. There's reference to some characters not being playable, so it's possible the likes or Vincent and Cid will be like Red XIII in Remake, or it could be a reference to Zack.
  2. Some good stuff in there. Nier, Civ 6, Unpacking, This War of Mine...Odin Sphere and 13 Sentinels are great if you're in to that sort of thing.
  3. hogso


    This is the crux of the issue as far as I'm concerned. Ban the Bully-XL breed? Yes. What happens once it is banned? Breeders fill the gap with a similar breed but one that is not identifiable as a Bully-XL which is probably as potentially dangerous - or worse, even more so.
  4. They've released some good trailers since the FF7R project was first announced, and this one is a doozy. Cait Sith, Vincent, new summons, Cosmo Canyon, Junon, Gold Saucer, some intriguing story related stuff...
  5. Big if, but IF he starts I guarantee it will be as the number 9.
  6. A version being on Netflix is interesting, and there's no mention of apple arcade there either.
  7. Muffin is the best Bluey character (unless you count Unicorse). It's a genuinely well written TV show. Pretty staggering accomplishment to produce a show aimed squarely at young kids, but also address issues like miscarriage and infertility. There's speculation it'll finish for good after the current season finishes as the kids are getting too old to do the voices.
  8. hogso


    Oh man, waiting may well be for the best then. Despite the decidedly mixed reception to this, the more I see of it, the more I actually thing I'd enjoy it.
  9. I'd love Zack to win this, but this is against the same guy who subbed freakin Okada on an AEW show, so...
  10. No surprises with Ever Crisis then. It's simply a mobile game with gatcha mechanics. Although in theory you could play through a rather nice representation of FF7 with some decent art and re-arranged soundtrack, in practice you'd have to play tiny little sections at a time, and also have to play through Crisis Core and First Soldier in the same manner in order to open up more chapters. SE know what they want from these games, they've made an obscene amount of money from this formula, so although it's certainly not 'cheap', it's very very hard to recommend if you're unfamiliar with how these games work.
  11. hogso


    Depends if you're AMD or not it seems. If you are, you're much more likely to get it running well.
  12. Did you play it on release? I played it via PS+ on PS5 and have to say it was absolutely perfect performance wise, but did hear it was pretty rough in the early days on PS4. The lines of dialogue that always got me were Deek's responses to Cope after you get his radio broadcasts. He's full on shouting and it's so unnecessary, but also kind of hilarious. A DG2 with 500+ hordes though...oh man, there'd be nothing like it. I loved the jeopardy of trying to take down a horde, having spent time to gather the resources to make a bunch of napalm, which you can't simply buy of course, and then just **** it up and getting swarmed
  13. Just one trophy to go for the Plat (I think) in Days Gone. Takes a few hours to get going before it really shows it's strengths, but once you put the time in...I've got to say it's been one of my best experiences with an open world game, well, ever. True enough though that I bought in to the zombie apocalypse and biker vibe very quickly, and that absolutely wouldn't be for everyone. Such a shame there's apparently going to be no sequel, especially given the stinger in that final cut scene of the last post game mission. Really, truly, did not see that coming! Put a massive stupid smile on my face...which was wiped off when I remembered no one will probably ever know what was supposed to happen next!
  14. FF7 Ever Crisis is available on your favourite app store now. Haven't given it a go yet, will return with thoughts when I have.
  15. Did not expect to see Hanatarash/i when browsing this thread. Legendary stuff. I guess Eye is done with noise now, which is a shame, as Gero have put out some great stuff since Juntaro, uh...resurfaced.
  16. Are there really any smarks who are actually surprised by the AEW product though? I don't think so. It was always going to be a big budget PWG / ROH mash up, and that's what it is.
  17. I can't imagine flights plus the actual holiday with my 2 year. My girlfriend and I made something of a pact and agreed to no foreign holidays for the next 5-10 years after we decided to try for a kid. Butlins / Haven / Centre Parcs, etc will do us until then.
  18. Haven't seen it, but All Out is rated higher at the moment than All In on Cagematch - which is kind of extraordinary given the circumstances. I really must try and keep up with AEW.
  19. hogso


    It doesn't look bad exactly, but there does appear to be a big difference between the pretty bits and the ugly bits, some of those tree textures I've seen in the city environs, yeesh. The good news though is that the delays to it's release seem to have allowed them to iron out any bugs, and there don't appear to be any major issues in that regard. I really hope it's a better game than say 6/10 as I love Bethesda's games. Well, I used to... Metacritic has it scoring at an 88 at the moment, which is way better than what I expected at day one, although certainly not the ground breaking must buy that would sway me to buy an Xbox console as suggested above
  20. I don't have (nor shall I) the relevant tier on PS Plus for it, but I don't mind waiting!
  21. I've found the build for the Dem v DCJ fued lacking a bit so far. Perhaps if they book a TLC match I'd be a bit more invested.
  22. Looks great doesn't it! I'll pick it up in a sale on PSN at some point I hope.
  23. hogso


    Doesn't appear to be anything to do with Microsoft, it's purely from Bethesda. Very odd, I don't suppose you can rule out the court case, but it doesn't appear to be the reason.
  24. hogso


    What a sad state of affairs that they have so little faith in their game that they feel the need to dodge certain reviewers and / or are frit of metacritic scores.
  25. hogso


    Bethesda are withholding review copies of this. Either they want to patch it before reviewers play it or....it's pure dog.
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