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Everything posted by hogso

  1. No, it's rubbish Rubbish?! Hardly... It's a pretty decent film despite some flaws along the way. I thought there may have been a little more to it than just a mix of Quantum Leap and The Matrix, but there isn't. The two lead characters weren't endearing enough to make you care about the love story which became mind numbing, I didn't really care for the euthanasia angle in the story towards the end or the guy contacting his father, and the 'twist' (I use the term very lightly) was a terrible anti-climax. It was shot well though considering the majority is on the train (why don't we have double-decker trains here?), and the performances were ok save for maybe the military women and the professor bloke who was about as wooden as my dining table. A 4 pushing a 5/10 for me, average at best. Admittedly I probably set my expectations a little high though, thanks to Moon, so came away feeling incredibly underwhelmed.
  2. No, it's rubbish Horrible?? It's hilarious! ASS TO ASS, ASS TO ASS, ASS TO ASS
  3. BZZP you have been one half credits for a violation of the verbal morality statute. Whaaaaa? **** youuuuu BZZP
  4. :!: Want a Guatemala shirt so bad. Became enamored with them after FM08 when it was possible to sign 90% of the international side for next to nothing, and pay them peanuts, but they were 10x better than everyone else who was playing at that level - it was a Nuneaton save playing in BSN. They were mostly really old but quality...luckily the shirts I've seen of theirs are rather nice too!
  5. My hero <3 for srs tho in wwe they are all hot, for straight women and gay men it must practically be softcore porn. Thats the way I view womens matches anyway
  6. That was awesome and surely proof that wrestling is in no way fake! Hahaha CZW is quality., and although alot of wrestling fans hate it, I think it's awesome. I havent seen much of it for the last few years, but do watch the yearly Tournament of Death and Best of the Best. The ultra violent stuff isn't for the quezy/faint hearted though!
  7. v1.5 is out, aswell as weather it includes achievements and statistics
  8. PC fanboys are demonstrating their rage at day 1 DLC and a 'short' single player by giving the game low scores on metacritic :|
  9. Quality! My ticket came today, block 23 row 17, about half way up by the looks of it
  10. It's been unlocked worldwide on Steam, apparently
  11. I sit down by the tunnel and see these folks quite often, they have a bunch of people walk alongside the pitch while the players train, then as they're going back in they stand next to the tunnel and you er clap or boo or what have you
  12. Finding enough clay to build an entire brick house < * The next update is going to introduce wheather, including lightning which can spark forest fires - aswell as set pretty wooden houses on fire! On my current world - which is a cracker - my main house luckily has a glass roof so I should be OK. Did build a fireplace with some lava in it the other day, only to discover that I hadn't put enough non-flammable blocks around it :evil: Luckily I managed to put out the fire before irreversible damage was done. Needless to say - cracking game.
  13. You are now our version of Paul the Octopus. I look forward to these threads for every match day
  14. 9th... Quality result, was expecting a draw, well done the lads! I'm blatantly exaggerating, but we always win when I don't travel
  15. Goldberg, Nick Mondo, Doink the Clown, Perry Saturn, AmDrag, Eugene, Mohammed Hassan, Nova/Simon Dean, Mike Awesome. The Best of the Best. I saw the promo for Awesome Kong on Raw last night, looks like they're going to give her a 'deranged' angle...rubbish, they should team her up with Miz and make her what Chyna was for DX
  16. New Jack was so awesome. When his music hit and carried on playing for the whole match...fantastic. His matches in ECW were hilarious as he always brought crazy weapons to the match, I have the PPV on DVD when he teamed with Balls & Axl against the Baldies and used everything from a hoover to an NES and then jumped off a basketball board. No doubt he was a loose cannon though. I just read his wiki and it says he was at the Wrestlemania the other week signing autographs, and theres a call sign in COD named in his honour! Sexxxy Eddy squirting his own blood into his mouth from a very nasty cut on his arm at one of the early CZW Tournament of Death's is probably the most disturbing thing I've ever seen in a wrestling ring though. Oh and there was that time in an IWA-MS match when Necro Butcher nearly DIED after he tore half his arm off And on WWE is Jericho due back anytime soon? Would be nice to see him return as face a 'replacement' for Edge
  17. Best shoot was New Jack supposedly trying to kill Vic Grimes in a scaffold match - he threw him from 40ft up and he missed the tables in the ring, hitting the rope instead. He only broke his ankle in the end, I think...wasn't in WWE though. Have they ever worked a scaffold match? I remember Shane O'Mac jumping off the top of the titantron once. Matt Hardy interrupting in a match after it emerged Edge had been porking Lita a few years back was legit too, wasn't it? Then they re-hired him. I watched some vids on youtube recently called most painful moments and botches, some of the stuff was hilarious. Edge and Batista going for a spear at the same time and Batista gets busted open. And the time when Paul London accidentally landed on the turnbuckle wrong and got cut up horribly, was a great crimson mask! There was a Hardcore Holly video on that, maych I hadn't seen from when they resurrected ECW. He suplexed RVD from in the ring out onto a table and got a nasssssty cut on his back. It was CZW worthy
  18. Bought mine yesterday, looking forward to a first trip to the Emirates!
  19. Didn't they say this about Angle 5-ish years ago? That mightve even been part of the reason why WWE let him go, I can't exactly rememeber.
  20. First away game I went to was against Cov...in the Cov end. My cousin took me, think it was 99, so I wouldve been 13. A cold midweek evening it was. We were sat behind the goal and Dion scored in front of us in the first half, the Cov fans went berserk They ended up winning 2-1 though. I've had alot of hostility from Cov fans in recent years, but I can understand that really as we sent them down. They've got the legion though who will seek out trouble with anyone, on the FA Cup day we played Blackburn this season and they were playing SHA I bumped into a bunch of them on the train, and they were expecting a scrap with them. Talked that up like it was a derby aswell. Leicester is there derby now though, and they really do hate each other. Only other one they have is the annual friendly against Nuneaton which can get pretty tasty believe it or not!
  21. It was a great match in the late 90s in the PL when there were no derby's against Small Heath, Baggies or Wolves. Being from close by to Cov it's very significant to me as alot of my family are Cov fans, so that helps too. It's a cracking derby for me, but would totally understand alot of Villa fans not really being bothered with them anymore
  22. Was having some fun riding around on the 4 Horses of the Apocalypse in Undead Nightmare, only to find that the, uh, on fire one dies horribly easily. It slid (literally) down a tiny ledge and then just keeled over and died! His flames went out and everything, pretty shitty thing to do, here I was thinking it was undead. You're missing something here. There is a very significant mission in the epilogue after you read that newspaper. If memory serves, go to the (I think) train platform in Blackwater
  23. hogso


    I am sure Dana was very pleased with that result
  24. Hahaha! Where were you sitting? Atmosphere was cracking at times today, the place was rocking at the start of the game. The lower North Stand was best it's been all season aswell, hope the supporters in there can keep it up!
  25. Confirmation - no trains to/from Aston OR Witton at all on Sunday
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