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Everything posted by LockStockVilla

  1. Indeed. Yeah they were quite quick to pick up on what I was trying to do after hearing me bang on about the Carew goal and being forced to watch it over and over again on Youtube. Suffice to say any balls played into me were at my feet and I was told never told to play with my back to goal...which is fair enough seeing as I'm only 5'10''
  2. Haha speaking of amazing goals, after Carew's wonder goal against Stoke a couple of years back I tried so hard for months to replicate it for my club team. I would always have my back to goal and beg my midfielders to play me the ball about waist high so I could volley it into the net. Hence to say it never happened and I really never came close bar one time when the ball landed on top of the goal as opposed to 10 metres above it.
  3. With Hooked on Phonics, Demitri_C has learned how to read and write.
  4. There's only one deluded person here. Think that is a bit of an understatement :?
  5. I agree with most people's opinion on Andi...simply at the moment it is a case of him being quite an intelligent player who works hard and gets into good positions to score, at the moment just lacks the confidence to be shooting/scoring in positions where you would expect him to...I expect him to score 1 or 2 on Tuesday
  6. During the walkout most of Villa Park were booing him. After that really though, there was not too much there from what I heard in the Trinity. He was also quite quiet today, not his normal animated self. Probably knew that would be best for him, but fair play I suppose.
  7. Working tonight until about 4am, then heading down to Brum at 7 or so for the Villa match, so no sleep for me. Will be all drunk and delirious for the football, which hopefully will make it more entertaining. Then a nice Sunday in completing three assignments before my 23rd birthday festivities kill me next week.
  8. I actually quite fancy Blackpool in the playoffs...as much as I dislike Holloway, he is the sort of manager to get his players up for those sort of matches.
  9. I am playing in the Supporter's Clubs Chairman Match after the Tottenham game. If Tottenham won on Sunday and our match with them was rescheduled, this match would not have been played. But Chelsea thumped Spuds, so now I can play at VP
  10. I had taken a few American mates over to Dublin in September and at some point near the end of the night they ended up getting into one of those situations outside of a club into which I stormed over and brought out the aforementioned rough Dublin accent. Worked a charm and situation defused.
  11. Love the chart Levi...as a Pirates fan, it is spot on...Do you care if your team ever wins a game, 'No.'
  12. To be honest, I think the role of captain these days is looked into a bit too much. I think its mostly just symbolic if anything, for many teams the captain does absolutely nothing different than the other 10 players on his side.
  13. I have been to his house before, he wasn't doing that though
  14. Yeah as a Pens fan, its a bit daunting having had the second best points total in the East yet getting paired with Philly in the first round, but you have to beat the best if you want to win the Cup I suppose. And last time we won it, we took care of the Flyers in the first round, so if we get through that I am very confident we can get to the finals. It will definitely be a great series though and I reckon Crosby will begin scoring more goals and the Pens will get through.
  15. Election year, innit? So will America back it after the Election and have they supported it in the past..? Well, I am not 100 percent on the past, but presently the US is very neutral on the matter... a lot of this has to do with the US wanting stronger relations in South America. The US has actually called for negotiations between Argentina and the UK over the sovereignty of the Falklands, which I feel has been a bit to the disgust of Britain's ruling powers.
  16. While the idea is brilliant, marketing would be so hard...it would only be marketable to VT members. Then say we decide to vend the product and it ends up in leemond's office. If anything goes wrong, such has been the case with his galaxy bars, I could see him going and torching the whole WordRemovedJuice factory down in a fit of rage...too risky
  17. Unfortunately I got into some seedy business dealings resulting in all my liquid assets being converted into Zimbabwean Dollars, so that is all I can pay you in...reckon Monopoly money would be more useful at this time.
  18. But money wont buy you happiness lapal, you need the sense of achievement I am full of shit
  19. You can win respect, pride and self fulfillment...maybe an old Marlon Harewood Match Attax card if your lucky
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