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Everything posted by Skruff

  1. How can we be this terrible at defending set pieces
  2. High speed studs up. Could have been very ugly if Aguero wasn't in the air when he hit him. We'd be fuming if the same tackle was made on Grealish. Important tackle yes, but could've been a red. Other then that, thought he had a great game.
  3. Great performance. Keep this fight and spirit the coming games.
  4. Grealish should have been taken off. Carrying a knock, not in the game.
  5. Mistake not bringing Davis on, they're struggling with Sama as it is.
  6. AEG defends to centrally. AEG was covering the same space as Grealish and Nakamba for their first goal. Foden gets way too much time and space on the ball. He's a good player, but we're allowing him to look like Messi.
  7. 4-4-2. Davis and Sama up top. Would cause them problems, and give us an out ball.
  8. Someone needs to take responsibility for Foden. Neither Targett nor AEG does.
  9. He's doing a good job there. But I have a suspicion that he's riding the wave of the foundation laid by and coaching done by Rafa Benitez. And a huge amount of luck.
  10. Skruff

    Keinan Davis

    I'll be disappointed if he doesnt line up with Samatta from start next match
  11. He has the ability but not the execution.
  12. He's passing is so good, the defenderes and midfielders seems surprised they get the ball at times.
  13. Two matches where he stated poorly and improved as the game went on. If he can make those seconds half's to a full match he'll be great. Some of the passes he makes are really good at times. While other times he just seem to lack any sort of concentration and pass it straight to an opposition player, unpressed. He makes me damned nervous, still feels like a liability. But he can only get better.
  14. Skruff

    Ezri Konsa

    He's so good at many parts off the game. Passing, moving with the ball, crossing and apparently shooting as well. Good in duels as well. Comes a bit short on concentration and reading the game though. I can only imagine it will improve.
  15. Skruff

    Ezri Konsa

    Think he'd make a great midfielder.
  16. Agreed. All ready better. A lot more solid defensively. Hes quick to lay off the ball and move it on when we're under pressure. Makes plenty of smart passes without needing time to think. Didn't put a foot wrong, except for a poor touch here and there. Seems like people are looking for any excuse to slag him off. Once he's up to speed he'll be a great addition.
  17. Ref. Is shit. Constant fouls from Watford, not showing any cards.
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