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Everything posted by Skruff

  1. What worries me is our pressing. We're pressing one by one, and at half distance. We don't cover the passing lanes nor pressing the ball carriers. At times we look organised while sitting back. But that's where it stops.
  2. Looked good for about 10 minutes. Then it all went to shit. Poor man management by Smit.
  3. It's easy to say in hindsight. But I was sceptical to starting Drinkwater right off the bat. Dropping the pace we have a in Trezeguet and Guillbert as well.
  4. Half a season loan, if not. No thanks
  5. Luiz was the only one brave enough to show for the ball. Unlucky he had a poor touch, and less time that he thought. He'll learn from it.
  6. Could we have a left wingback for January please
  7. Plenty of quality and talent there. Can't wait to see when he's he'd time to adjust to the league as well.
  8. Hopefully he'll surprise us all. I have a feeling he's improved.
  9. Showed some very promising signs today, I think. Fumbled the ball once or twice, but a decent performance. Works hard. Needs time to adjust to the level.
  10. How the hell that isn't a red card is beyond me.
  11. Now we all know why he hasn't been given a chance. God riddance
  12. It's more about Burnley making changes and starting the half with intense pressure. It will taper off.
  13. Theyll come out hard next half. Up to the players mentality now.
  14. If anything I'd say its a weakness he's been slow changing it up. It's been quite clear that 4-3-3 wasn't working. , plenty of people who's been crying out for a back 3/5 for a while now.
  15. Worries me how poor we're at clreaing the ball.
  16. Brilliant pass from Wes to Nakamba opening the whole Burnley defence.
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