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Everything posted by chappy

  1. Kyle Walker was motm in the N London derby today apparently
  2. I've been twice and I really don't like it to be honest, think the away end is shite.
  3. His potential partnership with Bannan is pretty jizz-worthy
  4. Gabby was **** brilliant today, love his form this season. Nice for Bent to get a goal. Good atmosphere despite there only being 31k there. I thought Ireland played well, and Bannan and Warnock. Petrov was very good too. I don't see the point in Alan Hutton though, and would really like to see Clark come in for Collins. Roll on Citeh.
  5. Didn't work out against Newcastle. If we have to drop one of Bannan or Ireland in order for Nzog to keep his place I'd rather we didn't.
  6. I'm heading up for this one, hope it's a better day out than my trip to their neighbours last season.
  7. ----------------------Given -----Herd-----Dunne-----Clark-----Warnock ---------------Delph---------Petrov --------------------------Bannan ---------Ireland-----------Gabby --------------------Bent Maybe no width but get Herd and Warnock attacking (as he was on sunday, and effectively). This is if Bent is fit, if not bang Gabby up top and bring in Nzogbia, I think this is his last chance but I didn't want to drop Ireland or Bannan (our two best attacking players against QPR) to bring in Bent. We all know Hutton and Collins will keep their places too.
  8. Didn't think it was a pen and thought they should have had one. But I did think the ref gave them far too many decisions after our goal as if he was trying to make up for it. Bannan was my motm today he looked very composed but sometimes needs to play a simpe ball rather than trying to take on another man. Dunne was great og aside but he can't be blamed for that, just wrong place wrong time. Leading on to my next point, another standard Collins mistake... he always tries hard but he needs to be dropped as soon as Clark is fit, We would be better going forward with CC in the team but also more shored up defensively. Warnock was good today I though, surprised at the amount of neagtive ratings. Hutton seemed better but still not good enough. I though Delph and Petrov were solid enough. Nzogbia I would say has two more games to rpove himself or just drop him, mayhbe that wil fire a rocket up his arse because it looks like he has forgotten how to do what should be simple stuff for a player of his quality. Thpught Ireland looked good, keep him in the team please. Gabby did well with the service he had but we really cannot afford to keep leaving our strikers so isolated. Given standard good performance. Albrighton did okay except when he shouldve squared the ball to Weimann, who incidentally looked good for the short amount of time he was on, much hungrier than Fonz it seems and I'm glad he's back. Good HT teamtalk from AM because as has been said we were woeful first half. We didnt deserve to win overall but it felt like a loss. Need to beat Wigan. Also well done to everyone who went, outsang QPR for ninety three and a half minutes. Would have took a draw beforehand but it's sickening that we can't close out games like this where we need to get points on the board because Aguero and co are no doubt going to rip us a new one in a couple of weeks time.
  9. Pleased with that team, hope Ireland can push up.
  10. Come on Villa. Given Herd Dunne Clark Warnock Delph Petrov Bannan Nzog Ireland Gabby
  11. Given Herd Dunne Clark Warnock Delph Petrov Nzog Ireland Gabby Bent Is what I would like to see if Dazza is up at 100% fitness, if not bring in Bannan and line up something like this in front of the same back five: Delph Petrov Bannan Nzog Gabby Ireland with Ireland free to roam a bit like when he played with Robinho at Citeh. *I know Hutton and Collins will play but I'd like to see Herd and Clark in there. Going to be watching this in the pub, hope we don't embarass me but I can't see us winning this one. We need Delph or Petrov to stick on Barton the whole game and not give him any space at all.
  12. Managed to catch most of the game on avtv, even jack cpuldnt be too enthusiastic about it, we sounded dire.
  13. Just got back. Missed my coach down cos I overslept and had to fork out £35 for a train, seems like a waste of money now... we were turgid today. Nzogbia needs to find form really **** soon because I thought he was really bad today. Positives: Gabby, Warnock and of course Given, he is proving quite the bargain. I would like to see Ireland start because he looked very good when he came on.
  14. I thought he looked very bright when he came on against Everton, would like to see him given a start on saturday and perform for 90 mins.
  15. As well as he has played this season I am actually glad he is injured because I would like to see Ireland and Bannan given game time and think we will play better with either of those two players.
  16. I would like to see Given Hutton Dunne Clark Warnock Delph Petrov Nzog Ireland Gabby Bent But Collins is surely a cert to start.
  17. Dunne motm. Given close second. Zog was poor, hope he turns it on against his two former teams next two matches. Great cross from Marc, good for his confidence. Robbed a point and I'm very happy considering the shite performance. Lots to do. Also it was a "don't shoot you idiot" moment when Stan pulled his foot back
  18. Good move this, look forward to seeing him come back with a few goals under his belt.
  19. I would like to see this too, but I think for the Wolves game Heskey should start. Get Ireland in against Everton.
  20. Anyone else find 'his' blog on the OS rather cringeworthy?
  21. If you watch the extended highlights on the OS he actually looks happy when we score, more of the celebrations are shown.
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