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Everything posted by chappy

  1. It wasn't Whelan or the approach that was the problem though it was that Martinez turned us down. Good point. I didn't mean with regards to getting Martinez in, I meant that Whelan is showing us how to behave if you want to get the best you can
  2. just rang up and there's only restriced view left apparantly. think i'm going to look into the neutral seats cos i'm going to be in london that weekend anyway visiting a mate and foolishly left it too late sorting out my ticket for this.
  3. We shouldn't have acted so "gentlemanly" in our approach for their manager, Whelan is being a prick.
  4. 5-4-1 with Dazza in net, you mental?
  5. Well you will do cos the poll is done every month
  6. Not happy with his appointment but I voted yes because I think he has handled himself very well since accepting the job. Next month is more important though.
  7. been looking at it more closely, don't think it's shopped any more. brilliant.
  8. if it's a real photo... what a stupid thing to do. not convinced though personally, the scarf looks photoshopped in to me. edit:love the word filter for c***ish!
  9. a baffling turnaround from the Mclaren business. I will still be getting my first ST next year but I am so unhappy with Mcliesh (not least as its a nightmare to spell!) its untrue.
  10. Im on holiday in Latvia and Estonia, been keeping an eye on VT on hostel computers over the past week or so. This Mcleish talk is worrying (not because of the blues, but because hes a shit manager). Dont think it will happen though, just want him ruled out so I can keep enjoying my holiday!
  11. haha, should have read the post above before posting myself!
  12. Those comments are such a massive kick in the teeth, horrible reading.
  13. Hughes would be a disaster for me
  14. Great play from Bent in the build up for the goal and a lovely square ball for Gabby's chance. And people say he doesn't help the team?!
  15. **** yes, what a day! 9th is an awesome way to end a bollocks season. Who'd have thought we would beat Arse and Liverpool after the Wolves game?! **** yes! Keep NRC please and it's quite obvious Ash is off. Looking forward to next season. Albrighton was good when he came on I thought too.
  16. This is a silly argument, why can't we just be happy that we have a player who bangs the goals in like nobodies business and stop trying to compare him to someone who is widely recognised as one of the best players in the world (Rooney)?
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