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Everything posted by chappy

  1. A tip I can give is be patient. I'm doing a German degree and just spent 9 months over there, I'm still not fluent. That isn't just me being slow btw! Slightly OT but our system is terrible for teaching foreign languages.
  2. Guardian saying the games could be re-arranged for next thursday if cancelled so we wouldn't have two easy home games to kick off the season. click
  3. They started together at Derby and for me were the only plus points of a totally inept performance.
  4. I only saw the first half, thought Makoun looked very good and N'Zog had a nice debut.
  5. chappy

    Match Thread

    Clark shouldve buried that
  6. chappy

    Match Thread

    got to say, great goal
  7. chappy

    Match Thread

    great ball makoun
  8. chappy

    Match Thread

    Can you get yours full screen?
  9. chappy

    Match Thread

    signed up to bet365 to watch it on there
  10. chappy

    Match Thread

    No James Collins?
  11. Are you describing a footballer or a politician? I can't tell what the **** the last two have to do with winning a game of **** football. Maybe all clubs should vote for nicest opposing captain so we can rejoice in Petrov winning an award to make up for the lack of results on the pitch. Ahhh the classic 'cut down the quote so I can lay into what wasn't the intended meaning and I know it' internet technique.
  12. Just picked up a return from the ticket office, she said it was the last one left though.
  13. Petrov is the best man for the job on the face of things, seems to love the club and seems to be very well respected in the dressing room. However personally I don't think he should be starting most games so maybe he isn't the best choice. I would love Delph to start every week and I see him as a future captain. Off this list I have to say it is between Dunne and Collins for me, and I think Collins has a better attitude (slightly) and is more likely to bollock others than Dunne, and he is very passionate. So I voted for Collins.
  14. ****, does anyone know how many will be available on the gate? I'll ask the ticket office later actually cos I need to ring up and sort my ST.
  15. I wonder how Bell feels now about racking up the runs.
  16. Good decision by Dhoni there. Bizarre scenes
  17. Charlotte Jackson had my vote anyway and then I scrolled through the thread and saw this Can I vote for her again please?
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