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Everything posted by avfc1982am

  1. Ref handing out cards like it's f****** christmas
  2. A slower tempo just does not suit us, and I can't believe we haven't worked that out yet. We become complacent, sloppy and just invite needless pressure. If Unai doesn't switch this up I see Ajax nicking it in the 2nd half. Tim, Diaby, Konsa, Tielemans and Rogers have been the main culprits imo. Very poor first 45. Need to switch on tbh.
  3. F****** crazy I'd say. Obviously I say that with a pinch of salt because what are 7 Indian males doing there in the first instance. I doubt Russia the new party capital of Eastern Europe
  4. Mental if true. Ukraine war: Seven Indians on holiday issue plea after being forced into Russian army (msn.com) A distressing plea has emerged from a group of young men from India who claim to have been deceived into military service in Russia's war against Ukraine. In a video circulated on social media platform X, seven individuals in military-style winter gear plead for assistance from the government, highlighting their dire predicament.......
  5. Well read the original post I responded to then before getting into a back and forth, because the original post was about him being better when he was single. Hence why I took exception to to it. And there isn't one player in the PL that doesn't have off games, even the best players do so to expect him to stamp his authority on every game is a little mad imo. He's our best midfielder by far.
  6. Course I can argue with it. it's not just the numbers he's been instrumental in our form this season and everything good we've done. The idea that banging a bird is causing him to lose focus is ludicrous. Absolute nonsense. Every player in the squad is probably in a relationship ffs.
  7. I'm not sure I agree with the title bit... Also, if Mings had been fit, would Pau have been given the time to settle early doors and therefore turned into the player we now see? Had Buendia been fit would Diaby or Bailey have had the impact they've had throughout the season, especially Bailey? Would Dougie be playing further forward and been allowed to contribute so much to the attack, or would Tielemans have taken that slot more than Dougie? We just don't know. They've all been loses for sure but have all been equally replaced with players that have excelled on last year and taken their own games to another level. Everyone was flapping after Kamara got injured after Utd yet McGinn and Dougie have turned that on it's head with us picking up 3 wins on the bounce. We've just kept rolling on. I think sometimes it's easy to say we could've been so much better if a, b or c were in the mix but sometimes it allows others to reach new levels.
  8. Because some individuals/posters just live to moan and bitch about anything. Thankfully I think most of them don't actually attend matches. Same on Sat, the match thread was horrendous, bordering on embarrassing. We've been punching above our weight all season when only the most optimistic would've punted on us being in the top 4 at the start of the season. and that's because every player in the squad has in someway contributed to a pretty amazing team effort in someway or another, including Lenglet. Regardless of what happens now, the squad as a whole have been nothing short of fantastic, but for some it will never be enough.
  9. Seriously? Scored twice last week been fantastic all season bar the odd game. His numbers suggest he's not lost any focus.
  10. Was always going to be a really difficult game, regardless of how we started, especially with the changes in defence and players not being 100% or having limited minutes. Luton have bullied a few teams this season so no surprise it became a tough game. The match thread.... so many turncoats forgetting the players have been brilliant most of the season.
  11. Class player. 10 goals 7 assists this season... killing it.
  12. Here's a short 10 min vid on the British King of Muay Thai.
  13. World Bantamweight Muay Thai King Jonathan Haggerty. If anyone doesn't know him, you should. The lad is an absolute monster. Deserves much more recognition.
  14. Don't let that detach from the fact he had a seriously tough upbringing. Eubank has/had a seriously dark side which is why he was so f****** nails. Once Ronny Davies gave him a slap in the corner the switch would flick and he'd dig deep and then bury you in the hole. I was all about Benn as a youth because he was exciting to watch and then I thought Eubank was a weird fish. Funny really because I met Benn later on in passing and thought he was a bit of a c*** which really disappointed me. Steve Collins, was also a bit moody but I was little pissed when a pal introduced us in Bizzy Lizzies back in the day. Eubank I met at a show in Brentwood and what a gent, very similar to Bruno, another who never needed to act the tough guy.
  15. Funnily enough I was never really a fan of Froch when he fighting, yet appreciate him more now. I just felt he was slow asf and technically all over the shop, but I think he knew that anyway, ultimately he was a brawler by nature. The one thing that he can never be denied, was that he had a chin and a half and could also stand and bang. He also had some great wins against Taylor and Kessler especially. The biggest compliment I could give Froch was if you weren't on point you'd be some serious trouble. A very honest fighter if not the most gifted. Froch v Benn would've been a brutal fight.
  16. Now you know where my first club was. Under Dave Tully the old man rip .
  17. Jeff Lacey... granted a great amateur but look at his pro record, 27 and 6. Calzaghe was the first real deal fighter he came in against and came up very short. Similar to Froch and the Bute fight. Bute also regarded as a killer but when when it came to it, he really wasn't which is why both him and Lacey were done after their first loses imo. Neither really recovered. The thing is we are talking about fighters from different era's so it's all very subjective. Benn, Eubank, Watson were all finished when Joe came into his prime although I think Eubank in his prime would've been the only one of those to cause him real problems and it's a shame he was done when they fought. I do agree though that Jones, Toney and Ward were a class above but to dismiss the others without considering the era and the fights they had already had is little unfair. Even McCallum had drawn in the first fight with Toney before getting a MD against in the rematch, and by that time McCallum's best days had long gone. But I do agree he was a better light middleweight. Calzaghe was undoubtedly class and yeah looking back it's hard to argue with his record that he isn't in the top 5 or thereabouts. I think he'd have schooled the shit out of Froch. My best pals older bro went in with both Benn and Eubank as a pro, Kid Milo. Good days.
  18. Not imo..... Eubank, took his loses after the Watson fight, when he was mentally finished. Benn very similar although he'd been bested by both Eubank and Watson, but after the McClellan fight was never the same. Calzaghe's best wins were against legends at the end of their careers or on the downside. Calzaghe was class but never let that diminish from what the others achieved because his major fights weren't against fighters in their absolute prime. He went the distance with Woodhall who'd been KO'd by Holmes who also had too much for Rob McCracken in their title fight. IMO Jones, Hopkins and Eubank would've never have lost to him in their prime. Watson and Benn would have been very debatable also because Calzaghe as good as he was didn't have the power to hold off these fighters in their heyday. You could also throw Steve Collins into the mix but same again, he caught Eubank and Benn when they were pretty much washed up. He did take McCallum the distance and was another tough cookie imo. Froch was very lucky he came after all these fighters imo.
  19. And yours. We wont always agree but respected none the less
  20. TRO, you mentioned that, he's passive for a big lad and he doesn't seem to have fire in his belly to make things work. Then you pointed McGinn as an example of this attribute, hence why I responded to your post, even if I went off at a slight tangent. I haven't suggested that you haven't been supportive of him however, not everyone has the attitude of McGinn. Other than Kamara our midfield are all pretty lightweight to a point, and there are also a lot of players in the side without what you might call "fire in their belly" or that nastiness to bully opponents. I think personally think it's harsh to label him as passive or question his inner spirit when he's had very little chance to impress since the away game in Europe and the Sheff Utd game. Which incidentally should have been the catalyst for him getting a run of games in his preferred position, but no, he got dropped back to the bench and reduced down to cameo appearances. It's enough to knock anyone's confidence when you might feel you're making headway, especially when we've been pretty poor as a team the last couple of months. Imo confidence and the lack of it is the main factor in what we are witnessing with Zaniolo. Whether or not that is the only factor as to why it's not working out for him, time will tell, but l don't see passiveness or his size and lack of strength as the reason at all.
  21. I think this is a really good point tbh. Whether or not anyone believes the letter is a true reflection of events that a collection of fans decided to put down on paper, one thing that is factual is the above. Considering that alone, it's enough to point the finger at Heck for not giving a toss about procedures or the wishes of the fans.
  22. We'll he's the Captain so of course he would be. He wasn't when Emery first arrived though. Is he the best player... he's not even the best midfielder. And I really like McGinn before this turns into a McGinn hating discussion.
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