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Everything posted by MCU

  1. Same with me. I really struggle to concentrate when I’m in the office and actually get any work done now. I was noticing my colleagues doing exactly the same. Looking forward to catching up tomorrow, just me and the quiet sound of the radio.
  2. MCU


    They were too busy worrying about Friday... it's been way worse today!
  3. Was Gerrard supposed to be an upgrade?
  4. How are we not scoring with the firepower we’ve got on the pitch at the moment?
  5. He'll be tearing up Europa league with Roma next season. Get out of here while you can mon ami.
  6. Absolutley. Today has marked my first questioning of Gerrard. Don't give it the big 'un in your post-match interview saying there's going to be changes and only take out Watkins. Talk about hitting a man while he's down.
  7. McGinn and Luiz both very lucky boys today. Expect nothing but a quality performance from both of them. But I guess it counts for nothing after last week anyway?
  8. Sanson will be playing Europa league again next season when we'll be crying out for a player like him.
  9. Yeh, after what Gerrard said last week I'd be slightly dissapointed if Watkins and McGinn aren't dropped. There's quality on the bench ready to go.
  10. Couldn't this be said about the flu pre covid (and even now)?
  11. Not gonna lie, this virus has totally rewired my brain. Sat down after dinner last night about 7ish and felt really, really tired. Ended up falling asleep on the sofa which isn't like me that early. Woke up feeling fine but as the mornings gone on I've felt really tired again. Found out I was sat next to someone in the office the other day who's tested positive. Straight away I'm putting down a bit of tiredness to contracting covid. Just done a test and it's come back negative anyway. I've also convientenly now perked up.
  12. Still trying to learn this sport. What am I looking at here? Did they go early?
  13. MCU


    Wordle 240 3/6 Turned that one around
  14. Judging from his post match comments I expect to see Watkins and McGinn to be dropped next game. Possibly even Douglas.
  15. Don't think you can get more insulting than comparing a player to Tonev. Kudos.
  16. I'm wondering whether he'd play well down the middle. Sure he had stints at Leverkusen playing as a number 9 (I actually think he was their number 9).
  17. His head is well and truly gone. Somebody made a good point the other week when Coutinho scored against United he didn't look arsed. Didn't look too arsed when he scored today tbh. Needs some time out.
  18. I'd be handing in a transfer request if I were the pair of them. We've treated Ings like shit since he's got here whereas Watkins just walks into the team no matter how bad he plays.
  19. I've never known a more inconsistent player in my life. He plays like the best in the world one day and the next he's totally oblivious and sloppy. Getting sick of saying it.
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