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Everything posted by Rightdm00

  1. It's not the players. Never lost to Newcastle in 5 matches with Dean. Now we roll up, play 90 minutes and generate one whole shot on target. If Steven needs a clear out just so he can beat Newcastle then we have huge issues. I don't think that is the issue. For me, his setup stinks. Worked a treat in the SPL but it's beyond naive for the PL. Hopefully he improves on it soon or we will get rolled by some of the better sides playing like this.
  2. I'm trolling but you are the one still parsing his level of celebration. It's wild to me that you think posting a millisecond grab of Ollie is somehow groundbreaking body language analysis. It would be funny if it wasn't so sad. I'm not saying Ollie is immune from criticism, he is obviously going through a rough patch. What striker would be happy while not scoring. Still haven't seen it effect his off the ball work. His run for Ramsey's 3rd versus Leeds is a perfect example of the graft he is willing to put in for the team. The team as a whole is underperforming, pretty much every player has been below standard which, to me, says the setup is more to blame over the entire team failing to deliver.
  3. Not even being a smart a** but what is a Gerrard player?
  4. Then talk about his play on the pitch and not this bizzare fixation on how much he smiles when Villa score.
  5. Just a page ago you were calling him a bad teammate because he won't celebrate to the level YOU demand. Surprise a striker struggling to score at the moment isn't loving his football. Ollie must be the first striker to ever go through a rough patch. The perfect way to lift him up is accuse him of being a poor teammate and to celebrate the goals of his teammates more. Yep that'll do it. Job done.
  6. Couple of grown man want another man to smile and dance for them so they know he still loves the Villa.
  7. Don't believe your lying eyes. Just trust the heavily opinionated statements of a few posters who obviously have a bias against Ollie.
  8. In the Newcastle game almost every decent chance in the box fell to our FBs. That's a failure in tactics. As a defender I'm always going to let Cash be the unmarked option. Newcastle knew exactly how to funnel the ball away from our dangerous attackers. Worst part is I couldn't tell one thing we tried different all game. Even the subs were like for like. How can you watch that for a half and go, "Yeah things are great more of the same in the 2nd half."
  9. I have no idea. Leggy after chasing Leeds a couple days ago? I get buying a foul against an elite pressing team like City or Chelsea but Newcastle, give me a break. John if you can't beat your marker against a Newcastle midfield you may not be a PL midfielder. Really needs to up his game or let Sanson have another try.
  10. Thank you! In the Watkins thread Arsenal keeps popping up as a club willing to buy Watkins. If Ollie can't it at a mid-table PL club why in the world would Top 4 challenging Arsenal want him. Same for McGinn, Cash, or Douglas. If these superior clubs can see the promise in our players then why can't our highly paid managerial staff find that same promise.
  11. Steven thinks it's an effort thing. Honestly I don't see that. No amount of effort or try hard is going to turn Cash into a successful PL wide player. Or make McGinn pay close attention to his defensive duties. Or help Buendia or Coutinho win a hoofed clearance from Emi or Mings.
  12. That's easily £100+ if you are buying starting 11 quality. Cheaper to replace the manager at that point.
  13. Only way to beat his man is by falling over and hoping for a whistle. I want to say he is poor but the whole midfield looks like .
  14. Yep this team has wide players for days and Steven shows up and tells Cash, who became a fullback because he was a crap winger, to be our wide attacker. It's not working. I feel like I'm spamming the board with this complaint but it's been boiling in me for a couple weeks now. I even went and watched a couple Liverpool games, paying close attention to their attacking fullbacks. Klopp supports them with multiple players. For example, when TAA recieves the ball out wide he usually has a midfielder and Salah close by for support. He's not expected to beat his marker by himself. Maybe this setup worked in the SPL but it's a lost cause here. Something had to change and quick.
  15. When both fullbacks former and present look equally bad you need to start looking at the setup. Digne is slightly better due to his wingback like skills but this isn't working. Fullbacks can't be expected to run the entire length of the pitch beat 2 defenders and put in a pinpoint cross. That's a wide attackers job.
  16. When we came up from the championship Jack was in the midfield. Dean shifted him out wide maybe 7 games into the season and we immediately saw benefits. Steven has persisted with this awful flying fullbacks formation for over a third of the season now. It's not working and we look a poorer side for it. He needs to change it. A good manager, especially one with 5 assistant coaches should be able to scheme something up.
  17. Our front 3 cost almost £200 million and generated 1 shot on target. It's been like this since his appointment. Our creativity has shrunk to almost zero.
  18. When the entire 11 looks this poor. That's on the manager and his team. Newcastle weren't even good. They did nothing special. We just sat there and rolled over for a tummy rub. Steven's needs to stop trying to shoe horn his SPL dominating formation into a PL side. It's a joke. Fullbacks having to beat defenders 1v1 without overlapping runs or support. It got to a point Digne couldn't even put in a cross without it being cut out. Dean looks like Pep next to this guy. At least he was willing to change it up when he realized it was different world from the championship to the PL.
  19. So true. We tested them but with our FBs so it was child's play. My patience for this setup is running real thin. Absolutely comical Cash gets the ball out wide and Newcastle can double up thanks to him being completely isolated. Either play wingers at the FB positions who can beat a man or let our wife forwards actually operate out wide where they can find space to operate. Liverpool doesn't even put this level of responsibility on TAA. Salah and a midfielder usually go out wide to support. Leaving Cash out there alone is going to drive me .
  20. Midfield 3 getting run over again. Sanson for McGinn please. He looks lost in this role.
  21. Play bailey at RB. All these chances falling to Cash are completely pointless.
  22. This system is useless unless you have world class FB. I'm over it.
  23. Why would be against loaning him to a PL club that's going to be in a relegation battle. He can't play against us and a stronger PNE means they are more likely to steal points off clubs competing for top 7 like us. I'm failing to see the downside.
  24. I picked up on it as well. Part of that will be if we can meet his salary demands. I'm hoping Barcelona are willing to offer us a much better deal on the transfer fee. We can then slide some of that over to cover Coutinho's salary.
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