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Everything posted by NIVillan

  1. Look Barcelona are worried they could be caught up again and they will remember the last time we met in competitive action we thumped them 3-0!
  2. Is Celery good for jizz production then? https://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=3&cad=rja&uact=8&sqi=2&ved=0CDUQFjACahUKEwiXwrXYoajHAhXvjtsKHeMzDA4&url=http%3A%2F%2Fjezebel.com%2F5538032%2Fyay-celery-increases-jizz-and-pheromone-production&ei=QrXNVZeZHO-d7gbj57Bw&usg=AFQjCNHt_Xs02OSXDuvBm5eXZ9yrW-IxhA&bvm=bv.99804247,d.bGg Timmy must have bought a field of the stuff for all theses facials succeeding. Perhaps at the match someone should give him a bag of celery like someone used to give Peter Withe sweets.
  3. We are going All Robocop and replacing our old dodgy calcium based spine with a Titanium One
  4. Is Celery good for jizz production then? According to someone who wrote on Football 365 years ago - John Something yes.
  5. Hope it is Tuesday as on visit to motherland and we return on the Wednesday.
  6. Really do not give a flying shite about net spend. I am more concerned in the quality of players we get in rather than net spend. Stones for 35 million or Amavi for 7-9 million? Arsenal under for Wenger for years sold of one of their best players say Anelka to Real Madrid and then unearthed players that cost a lot less but still produce good teams. How about judging this Transfer Window on the quality of the players being brought in (Impressive Timmy - eat more celery to keep those facials going) instead of whinging about net spend.
  7. Sometimes you have to take what you need instead of what you want. Like or not it maybe that Lambert is what we needed at the time to turn the club back from financial disaster. He will always take the brunt for the garbage of the past few seasons and rightly so but He managed somehow to keep us up and clear down the majority of the high earners low producers we had. Lerner biggest fault is that he is too trusting and not ruthless enough. He trusted people to do jobs. People mention the Browns but the quality of people being brought in were considered top notch but they failed to deliver. Perhaps he has hired top people but never built a team.
  8. Well hopefully help push the likes of Grealish to pick his game up on a consistent basis otherwise he isn't getting into the team!
  9. Collymore grew up amongst the Dog Heads and I think he went to a lot of their games with his friends but he has said he was always a Villa Fan.
  10. Reports in Spain, from a fairly reliable source. Link or stfu? Some of us are Older and remember signing Little, Platt, McNally, McMahon, beating Arsenal for Earl Barret, Angel etc
  11. Birmingham Mail Sports has been a dead duck ever since Leon Hickman retired.
  12. Guzan reminds me of Spink. Technically a great Keeper but does not command or organise his defence well enough. Given was as guilty in my eyes. He might have been more vocal but every team he has played at the defence has been considered dodgy. With Hellboy Brad we had a top quality goalie and someone who organised his defence.
  13. Lambert was not friendly towards the press. And some like BBC's Pat Murphy got annoyed cause he doesn't get any scoops out of Lerner.
  14. I could only think of 4 Trophies won under Saunders 1975 League Cup 1977 League Cup 1981 Championship 1982 Share Charity Shield with Spurs. What have I missed?
  15. Youngster! I was in a car coming back from Butlins when that games was on. Drove my Grandad, who was driving mad, as he was an Albion fan. First Game 1-1 vs Preston in 1972
  16. The thing that the predictions are focusing on is losing Benteke's goals but if we can spread those goals across a better team we will be okay. I mean we would have only lost 13 goals last season. Benteke was also the focal point for the team so more chances would have fell to him. Note I think Benteke is a loss and wish he was part of this team but not the end of world the pre-season reviews would think
  17. I am so old I can remember signing Gary Shaw, Kevin Keegan, Terry Butcher and Paul Mariner on Football Manger for the Spectrum in the early 80s!
  18. Okore was carrying an injury at the end of last season. We didn't have anyone to replace him
  19. I know different games but in the 70s the English Cricket Team bought in Mike Something as Captain, simply to be captain as he wasn't unto the standard to be a Test Cricketer. Being a Leader etc is just another skill set that most of our players haven't got
  20. Like! I felt the bid for Worf's brother at the Baggies was a response to them putting in a low bid for Clark and designed to piss them off
  21. Made our left side a bit more solid at the start of last season which is what we needed. Unfortunately that back four fell apart with injuries. Tim never seem to trust him or give him a chance. Hope he does well at Porto as I don't think he let us down.
  22. Vlaar was made captain 2 or 3 games into being at Villa. Kevin Richardson I think was also made captain by Big Ron straight away and was bought with his leadership qualities in mind. It can work. The Best player on the pitch does not have to be captain.
  23. Suarez is such an exceptional player he made it work. Lambert was a strange buy as well and not given a chance. Sturbridge looked good next to Suarez but been injured too much to see if he can maintain that form. Mario has also shown playing for Italy he can be brilliant but he mentally is a big kid who plays up to get attention but at Liverpool he looks totally demoralised.
  24. Berbatov is 34, his time has gone. As for a huge run of bad form he only played 10 league games for them, Rogers is not the great manager he thinks he is and couldn't work him into the team. The season before he scored 19 goals for AC Milan. Season before that 20 goals.
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