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Everything posted by NIVillan

  1. Wasnt to keen on Sherwood when he arrived, associated him with Harry Redknap too much and thought he would take us down. But He proved me wrong by getting the team playing good football and winning. As others I am not sure he can build long term but prepared to see what he can do this summer and hopefully prove me wrong again. Sometimes you just have to take a gamble instead of going with the safe option.
  2. Albion could have done us a favour and booted some of their players!
  3. Now I am not a Sherwood fan and not that happy with the appointment but please after one game we are writing him off. Stoke are a tough side to play for many of the top teams but especially for a timid team like ours. I reckon he has picked todays team on what he saw in training and after today he is going to be watching that bit more carefully. We will see if he is the person he thinks he is over the next few weeks. But he is going to need backing from us the fans to get through this difficult period.
  4. Mail hasnt been the same since Leon Hickman left!
  5. Better to have someone who can organise a defense than one who doesnt and you hope is good enough to stop all the shots coming through.
  6. Fully Agree - Im not a fan but I want to be proved so Wrong!
  7. Backroom Staff is the most important thing here. I am not a fan of our new manager but if he can get the right backroom staff in it can make all the difference. That was Lamberts biggest failing, he didnt have anyone who could help shoulder the blame and offer a different view on things.
  8. When I heard the news earlier today I just felt all hope drain out of me. I feel this is a disaster Billy McNeil style. It isn't the prospect of Relegation, which isn't something new in my lifetime of supporting Villa, I just can't see Sherwood building any longterm plan. I am probably biased as I didn't like him as a player either.
  9. No to Lennon and Big No to Sherwood.
  10. Last night was the first time I felt he really had to go. I unlike others think he is that bad a manager as he has built a decent enough squad for little outlay, but for whatever reason it just isnt working out. Sometimes you are the right person but at the wrong time. ​There is a malaise at the club which started near the end of Gregory's time here. Gregory saw he couldnt fight it and decided to leave. Oneill papered over the cracks. Yes looked good on surface top 6 but the core of the club is in a dark place and still is.
  11. MON is a busted flush as the premier league is concerned. It reminds me of How Big Ron just to seem to suddenly lose it after we won the League Cup in 94. He never really had a successfuly stint at a Football Club again after that.
  12. So with those stats in mind Lambert wasn't a bad call as he is an unselfish player. I wish we could have at least got a loan for him.
  13. Last night on MNF they were discussing Villa and some Stats which Nevile reviewing showed us something like 6th for number of crosses I think. What we were low on was of course goals and shots on Target. Passing and possession we were right up there in the top 6! Carra and Nevile then gave Benteke a slagging saying he isn't doing enough and compared him to Adeboyar. They said Lambert has built the team around Benteke but he hasn't turned up and he needs to make more sacrificing runs for the team.
  14. This could be a myth as some Stats on MNF which Nevile was reviewing has us something like 6th for number of crosses I think. What we were low on was of course goals and shots on Target. Passing and possession we were right up there in the top 6. Carra and Nevile then gave Benteke a slagging saying he isn't doing enough and compared him to Adeboyar. They said Lambert has built the team around Benteke but he hasn't turned up
  15. PLus Stoke are backed financially to bring these players in
  16. Where did you hear that? It is on the BBC Transfer Deadline page
  17. Just read Stoke are trying to get Rickie Lambert in on loan. Should we not be trying to get him? If Benteke isnt interested we need a new Striker fast and Lambert before he joined Liverpool had a knack of getting important goals for the Saints.
  18. I agree which is why I think this is a good sign that club is trying and succeeding in keeping its best players. He could develop into something special and seems to like being at Villa which is a start.
  19. He is playing like he did in the first half of his first season!
  20. I seem to remember he stated at the beginning of the season he wanted to stay, but by all accounts had a bad relationship with Roy Keane, and when things were blowing up about Keane it was around then doubts came up about Delph. I do not (still even though he has re-signed) think he is as good as people make out, he needs an end product but he can hopefully develop into something special. This is a good sign for the club though, trying to keep one of our best players, and from the quote above Im sure they have shared some of the plans for the future with him.
  21. Bollocks! Bent had a decent ratio before he got injured in McDuff season in charge. He has never been the same since. He wasn't good enough for us and didn't offer enough to the team. Glad he has gone
  22. ONeil had his chance to sign Bent but preferred the likes of Marlon Harwood instead
  23. I do not rate Weimann. He is meant to be the best finisher in the club, if true we are doomed. I always remember when Dean Saunders wasnt scoring but fans claimed he worked hard a guy said he would run around trying hard till his balls were blue and cost a fraction that Saunders cost but what we needed was goals. I think this applies to Weimann as well. As for Gabby he hasnt moved on or developed his game since ONeil left. It is like he is pining for the old days and ways.
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